Brrrrr, the temperature dropped again, it is so cold, but no snow!!! Where I used to live it is snowing, and the cold is OK, with little to no snow. I bought a little norfolk pine for Christmas and it is so cute, with some red glittery ornaments. No lights but so what, just the right size. I am getting in the holiday mood, decorations, mocktails, food....
Pap, Happy BIrthday and hope your interview went well. Anxious to hear from you. What a great weekend you enjoyed! How nice.
Dill, where do you listen to audio books, do you walk around with ear buds in or do you have a place you sit down and listen? I want to get my dad something since he really can't read as his eyesight is shot. Jane Addams story is really interesting, but kind of dry. No time to go to the library, but I still have some books at home so will dip into those soon. Aren't fires in the fire place so cozy? We have enjoyed having some at our place, too.
Lav, I do not know what to say to you about Thanksgiving. I guess, just make your own fun. My kids have been difficult in the past and will probably do so in the future. The best policy is what you are doing. However, you should be honored for all you do. My opinion. It may turn out OK though, you never know. The cold weather is coming your way...
Cyn, I always have eggs, bread, oatmeal, fruit, so if people spend the night they can make what they want. Usually my husband insists on making pancakes, he loves to cook for his kids and friends. I just don't worry about it. Have food available, they can make what they want. However, some people are big babies.
Have a terrific Tuesday and start thinking about December names. Dynamic, determined, dynamite (too violent) direct, .....