Mick - you are busy as usual and now poking through walls. Hang on in there! You need a place for winter – but it all sounds good.
Lots of talk here about our children – so hope that doesn’t bore those who don’t have kids. My girl had a meltdown last night. Lots of tears – which are quite rare these days – so I tried to be as supportive as I could. I think she is over-tired and getting stressed about impending big exams in two weeks time (these are sort of equivalent of A levels although here internal assessments count a lot too). She will have another year at school next year (kind of like more A levels).
I’m just pounding away at my own work this weekend and trying to keep the things going.
Pauly – yes indeed, drinking doesn't make it any better does it? One thing that occurred to me is that you may have to find ways in the future – for the big things like heart to heart talks with your family and the girls – without you getting trashed. It took me a long time to deal with heavy-duty crises without the crux of AL – either at the time or afterwards or before. Also – you have your own cycle that seems to mess things up – 40 days seems to hit you hard. We are here for you.:love:
Lav – I can so relate to the being orphaned:sad: feeling when kids depart. I am trying to prepare myself for this – esp as I only have one daughter and we are very close (in case no one can tell:happy2

Once again, sorry that the rabbiting goes into my brain.
Its crepe day so I better get the mixture done. Maybe I should make garlic crepes Det? Haha – wouldn't work in this house.
Guy Fawkes Day this week. This used to be a big thing when I was a kid – much more so than Halloween. I can remember wearing Guy masks. Now its toned down a bit. Not so commercially viable you see and its not global – as it comes from the UK.
Hi there PPQP, Sam and Det, SL and SF and the other wonderful people who shine on in here. Have a relaxing Sunday:sohappy: