mornin dtd.....hows you this fine day?bet its warmer where you are than here!!defo winter on the way here..bit of a frost this morning whats today got in store for you?anything special?
hiya Lav,hows you today then?ding idea just hit me reading your post able to cook meals in the slo cooker too..that teriyaki chicken sounds nice ..might have a go at that ...madam has decided that she has got to lose me and the rabbits are on the same kinda food..only they get more than me!!still wont do me any harm...especially as Im thinking of having a week in the sun after kitchen is done...she doesnt know yet...hows grandsons today? they coming up to see you?anything else on the cards for today?mull it over with this big brew
hiya SL.....wheres the smile?any more light in that tunnel yet?yes it will be slow going,and unfortunately you are one of those folk too.."and when would you like it to happen?"em shall we go for yesterday? will all come good...and yet despite all of this youve still stayed off the pop,so you can only congratulate yourself on that one..went for a wee run yesterday..had to get get some of the dust and crap out of my system...was only about 2 .5 ks...but it was one of those long hills that as you go up it gets steeper and the burn in the legs gets more!!enjoyed it tho..speaking of the tower and the poppies..Ive bought one of the ceramic ones that are planted there..a as a memory and b as a donation to the legion...Julies grandads brothers were killed in the 14-18 war..4 of them I think.Billy was 15, he lied about his age to go with his brothers and we think he was gassed on the Somme..horrible.. I know they are named on the Menin gate...
anyways you have a good day ...and get that wee smile back on the coupon..saw a book the other day in one of the shops I was bimbling about in .Scottish recipes ...all sorts of stuff in it..and guess what the main ingredient for most of them was....whisky!!!now theres a surprise!!
hiya Sam..hows you ?any luck with your quest?you will soon know if they are council beavers..when they turn up to build the dam there will be 4 of to build it ...3 to watch!!
hiya ppqp....hows you then ?all good..glad things have calmed down a bit for know I actually thought that about the airport runs...and thought is it me the jinx?did you see that article about the old fella dressed up in USMC uniform with all the medals at the warmemorial where the soldier was murdered?everyone thought he was a fake and a bit of a clown and started ranting about him being there and he should respect where the soldier died etc..someone engaged brain somewhere and checked him out ..turns out he is a real pukka gen ex recon major,5 purple hearts and all sort of tin,he was paying his last respects.. brew time you go..
yo Mr G ..hows down under today?hav a bonzer mate.
hiya Det..hows you today?all good ..low maintenance and a bit funky?hows about a cave with fluorescent pink walls?..oh and a garlic press
hiya tt is your world today then?seems strange me sitting writing this ..and you ready to toddle off to sleepsville!!what have you been up to today then?
well peeps time to go ..big shout to those not here ..will try now and put some pics up of where Im at!! have a good one

A lion and lioness are sitting in their den, when a monkey climbs up a nearby tree and starts insulting the mighty lion.
The lioness starts to get angry and says, "King of the jungle, how dare you allow this puny monkey to insult you? You must punish him."
"You are right, but you know what? I am king of jungle and I must not lower myself to his level. Let's ignore it."
The lioness, astonished, sat in silence. Yet the monkey kept on. After sometime, the lioness looses her patience.
"I cannot allow this any longer. I'm going to teach that monkey a lesson."
So the lioness chases after the monkey. After a long chase she finds herself out of the jungle and at a construction site. She sees the monkey going through a narrow pipe and leaps in after him. The pipe apparently was not large enough, and the lioness gets stuck.
Seeing that the lioness is stuck, the monkey walks around behind her.
"Who's a bad girl? Who's a bad girl?!!" he yells as he spanks her butt over and over and over. The monkey continues for a few minutes and then finally leaves with a big smile on his face.
After an hour long struggle, the lioness finally frees herself from the narrow pipe. Injured, and completely embarrassed, she returns home to the jungle and to her king.
"So how did the hunt go?" the lion curiously asked.
The lioness couldn't even look at him and kept her head down in shame.
"Aaahhh, he took you to the construction site didn't he?"
I was having trouble with my computer. So I called David, the 11 year old next door whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over.
David clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.
As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?"
He replied, "It was an ID ten T error."
I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, "An ID Ten T error?
What's that? In case I need to fix it again."
David grinned, "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?"
"No", I replied.
"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."
In an elementary school lesson, a
One little girl in the class raised her hand and said: “I just learned that Jonah in the bible was swallowed by a whale.”
The teacher explained that it is physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it is a very large mammal, its throat is very small.
The girl did not believe him and replied, "I am almost certain Jonah was swallowed by a whale."
"I am telling you, it is not possible," replied the teacher.
The little girl raised her hand again. "My Sunday school teacher told me Jonah was swallowed by a whale and she would not lie to me.”
Frustrated, the teacher replied, "That is a 'story' from the bible, it is not factual, and I will not argue with you anymore."
After a little thought, the girl finally responded, "Well, when I get to heaven, I will ask Jonah myself".
In an attempt to fluster the little girl, the teacher replied, "What if Jonah didn’t go to heaven?"
The girl quickly responded, " . . . . . ok, then YOU ask him."
News: US woman defies Ebola quarantine to go bike riding with boyfriend.
So it's official -- NOTHING can get you out of a bike ride with your girlfriend.
The UK is facing interest charges of more than £3.5m next month if it refuses to make an additional £1.7bn payment to the European Union.
Which coincidentally is the same monthly interest charge on my £500 loan from Wonga.
I think it's nice that my Gran and Grandad are back living together after a 40 year divorce.
... Although they hate being in the same Nursing home.
As of today my sister is insisting I greet her whenever I see her with an 'Hello Rachel'. It would seem 'Hi Sis' has lost its appeal after I picked her up at the airport and shouted it across the arrivals lounge
I said to my son, "I'm going to call you 'Hashtag' from now on."
He said, "That's nice, because I start trends?"
I said, "No, because you're useless and annoying as"
Did you hear the one about the wheelchair bound man, addicted to cannabis?
He was a high roller.
Having considered buying a couple of calves at a livestock auction for £200, I ended up purchasing two lambs for £100 which were sheep at half the price
Remember before Facebook when the streets were littered with diseased corpses because there were no Facebook likes to save them from suicide?