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wed 5th Nov...bonfire night

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    wed 5th Nov...bonfire night

    mae are we today then?all good I hope...well its an important day today..firstly been married 3 years today....been together for 24..we werent ever going to get married..but when I nearly fell off the earth ,it made us realise that if I had croaked,then Julie would not have got any of my pensions or lump sum from either the prison service or the army..which kinda peed me off a wee are talking a goodly bit of money here..and it would all have reverted back to the govenment...yeh right it was..and because the future health wise was a bit uncertain for me ..we did the biz.
    Secondly today is Guy Fawkes for those of you who do not you go..

    Four hundred years ago, in 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes and a group of plotters attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London with barrels of gunpowder placed in the cellars.he was caught and hanged for treason.......and rightly so...but not for treason but for failing!!personally I would on success given him a medal and a world travel pass to go and do few more of them in!!

    right history lesson over..gotta bit of a problem that need to find out if anyone else has the same...with this site ,when I open it up on the puter,it opens ok ..but as you can see that right hand side has got a window pane on it with advertisments on it..(pics at the end..)which makes it really strange to post as everything then goes to length as opposed to width if you get my meaning..and when you try to send a ends up about 3 words wide and miles there a way to get rid of that pane so that it easier to post.
    cmon puter whizz kids get ye thinking caps on......
    brew time you go ..big pot of t n coffee

    hiya Sam...yep your pic was the same last week mate..agreed Icould click on them before and enlarge em I have to make them message board size..again there must be a certain way to do them...another one for the compooter literates..what and how to do it..was going to write idiots guide but to be pc.....a simplistic guide.........for idiots!!
    what you up to today then?we had a frost last night here ...put covers over the leeks and parsnips to save them..hows the greenhouse doing?

    hiya ppqp ..big brew ..glad the auld noggin has got itself togevver...when is this audit coming up that you were talking about ..or has it been n gone?whats your weather like?

    hiya Pauly..hows you today?if ou are cooking for everyone ..erm can you add me to your list?Im sure Julie would love to just ignore the kitchen..but it faces you way of escape!!

    hiya SL..glad the smiley fizzog is back on .....will keep my eye open re poppies and let you know..also sent you a message..oh and guess what ..its your 9th month hasnt that flown by?

    hiya of luck at the dentist today.....sounds like you had a purty (like it??)busy day yesterday..bbtime...Christmas gifts??? bit early isnt it ..or is it just me that does last!
    have a great day.

    hiya det ...hows you on your travels today?ok Ihope doing well matey..keep at it!

    right folks ...good few missing yesterday 6 replies 291 views .about roughly speaking that a 1.84562137% participation..

    someone will work that out for honest..was it you??have a great day folks see what I mean about that right hand panel?anyideas to shift it?

    According to serving suggestions, I'm a family of four

    What do you call a man who claims to eat nothing but beef?

    A bullsh.tter.

    Yesterday I ran into my ex. He said that he would buy me a new iPhone if I spend the night with him. Men are such jerks!

    Sent from my iPhone6.

    My wife got a flu jab yesterday.

    I always get a bit irritable when I've got a really bad cold.

    I made the classic mistake of trying to smoke a cigarette the wrong way round when I was drunk.

    To avoid embarrassment I just laughed it off as I pulled it out of my backside

    I was driving late at night with the missus when a car coming the other way blinded me with his headlights on full beam.
    "Fecking flash the ignorant git!" the missus demanded.
    By the time I got my willy out my pants, he'd already passed us.

    People often say I'm condescending. In case you dont know,that means I talk down to people.

    Boy: "I got an F in arithmetic."
    Father: "Why?"
    Boy: "The teacher asked 'How much is 2×3?' and I said '6'"
    Father: "But that's right!"
    Boy: "Then she asked me 'How much is 3×2?'"
    Father: "What's the fecking difference?"
    Boy: "That's exactly what I said!"

    Teacher: whoever answers my next question, can go home.
    One boy throws his bag out the window.
    Teacher: who just threw that?!
    Boy: Me! I’m going home now.

    In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth...
    After that, everything else was Made in China.

    Imagine if your fridge did what you do to it everyday. Every half hour it goes to your room opens the door, and stares at you for 5 minutes then leaves.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning Mick...and MAE to everyone else. Congrats on your 3rd anniversary. Do you and Julie celebrate it? Audit results will be heard on the 27th at the annual general meeting. That's when we'll find out if there's any money for raises this year. Fingers crossed.

    I kinda think I know what you're talking about with the right hand pane. Just a thought, what have you got your zoom set at? The larger I make the screen it shortens the width and I get horizontal writing. Try decreasing the zoom.

    Although I've never been hit in the eye, it felt like someone had hit me in the eye last night. A lot of swelling under my eyelid and then a pooling of blood. Dr. Internet no help but it feels much better this morning. Will see (haha) how it goes today.

    Building supervisor was complaining about sore throat and fever yesterday so I have a feeling I'm going to be on my own today. Makes for a lot of extra work for me. With that in mind I'm heading in a bit early. Good luck at the dentist Lav, glad it's not me. Have a Wonderful AF Wednesday all.....:smile:PPQP


      Greetings Abbers

      Pleasantly surprised at the dentist this morning. Not quite sure how he pulled off a painless root canal procedure but he did
      Hope I'm still this leased when the novocaine wears off

      Mick, why Happy Anniversary you devil!!!
      We all get married for different reasons & stay married for different reasons as well. Very happy for you today

      I don't know a thing about fixing whacky looking forum pages. Is Techie still around? Maybe you can ask him??

      PQ, hope your eye is OK! Do you have allergies?

      OK, I'm catching up on work now so it's a good day afterall.
      Be well everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Hi there everyone. Its Thursday morning here. I am very busy - so whats new - with work and at such times often limit how much I write on MWO as it can end up being a distraction. Reading the odd post on MWO I sometimes can do in dribs and drabs but writing just ends up becoming more intense if you know what I mean? Then I am too tired at night - and my brain is a bit dead by then and I can come across as grumpy!!! Some people in my job have complained that I don't have an open door policy all the time and engage in long chats on the spot - but if I did that I would never get things done - and have so much piling up - that it would all add to stress!
        Glad that your tooth was not as horrible as you thought Lav. Does it ache now that the medication has worn off?
        Mick -I don't have a problem with the screen layout for MWO on my computer -its fine. Its a bit different and not so horizontal on my IPad - but I don't like typing text on that anyway so not a problem. And I don't read MWO very much on my phone. Glad that you are not MIA!!!
        Fingers crossed with the audit PPQP.
        Three hours last night at my daughter's school prize-giving - she did well and excelled in 3 academic subjects - so received certificates and book tokens. Thats great but my girl acts all embarrassed and shy with things like that. Proud Mum has to be Mum! Now its the extern exams for the next 3 weeks - all nicely spaced out for maximum stress - but maybe not so as she will be taking breaks I am sure. Lav - I mentioned meditation to her but I think what she needs is more active exercise. Sketching seems to be a form of meditation for her.
        Hi there to all others and I will try to pop in when i can - autocorrect tried to put an extra "o" in the pop!! Guy Fawkes was quiet here - I have never been able to work up enthusiasm about fireworks - my partner is the opposite.


          Lav....good job on the painless root canal. Luckily I do not suffer from allergies, as it turns out it's only a sty in my eye so out with the tea bags.

          TT....I hear you about those long chats, they can drive you crazy. Thanks for the luck with the audit. Congrats to your daughter on her successes.

          Snuck out early from work today so just winding down and getting ready for dinner. Have a peaceful evening/day all......:smile:PPQP


            ahoy ABeroooos!

            greetings from a hotel room that smells quite strongly of cigarettes and vomit. charming.

            Mick, happy anny! good to see I'm not the only one in a happy marriage. so many of my friends complain bitterly or are divorced. so sad.

            Lav, a pain-free root canal? I want what they gave you! LOL

            time to go for a walk and have an early AF dinner.

            be well peeps
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Pleased to report the novocaine wore off & I am still pain free
              What a nice treat!!!

              TT, it's hard to please everyone all of teh time, right? Open door policy - yeah sure, when you have time LOL!!!
              Glad your daughter is doing so well in school - smart girl

              TT, a sty is painful, yuck! Lots of warm compresses for you tonight!

              Det, sorry about the hotel room
              Hope your walk in the fresh air helps!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Hi all - Det arrives in Northern Ca and I head to middle Ca!!! Back home now, but way too much driving today.
                Mick got your message and responded. Congrats on your anni - both the relationship one as well as the married one - it is crazy that life partners are not recognized!
                PPQ - glad it is a sty, that should go away fairly easily.
                Lav - also glad the tooth procedure was non eventful.
                Very well done to mother and daughter TT - that is excellent. It is lovely to be able to be proud of your kid's.
                Guy Fawkes night - many memories of bonfires and bonfire food in the cold - I love fireworks too and when I was little it was back yard fireworks.
                Happy hump day all - I do believe that I have a "quiet" weekend - some plans have been canceled - may head to the apple farms in the foothills for a day - don't let the cat out of the bag though please, or someone will muck it all up!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

