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Wednesday Nov 11th

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    Wednesday Nov 11th

    Somehow I must have overlooked it but I see no Wed thread. So good morning everyone!
    looks like our last decent day here before getting colder. PQ, so glad you decided to share your weather, though I'm sure it is the tamed version of yours.
    Larger plastic should be here today, just in the nick of time. Did get a little bit of wood cut yesterday. I'm a firm believer in putting off to the last minute!

    Off to the work world. Hope everybody is doing well.


    opps should be the 12th...
    Last edited by Samstone; November 12, 2014, 08:21 AM.
    Liberated 5/11/2013

    Samstone, Mick is telling me he is unable to log in and asked me to post this for him. There is a photo involved, so NOT SURE if this will work!!!
    Mick Wrote:
    mornin all...hows things today then? all good ?as it is ,sanding down wood...yep it is 7.35 am!Jiulie thinks Im mad..put a light in the rabbit hutch last night!!table and chairs next!!ok on we go ..lets see how the wureld is this morning...big brews all round..because Ive been sanding ,throats dry....drier than a camel drivers flip flop :egad:
    hiya pauly...hows you today?perhaps you should go and bite thhe pit bull back!!!or em get someone else to!!hey just cos you think of drink,doesnt mean to say youve got to...I think of being a millionaire..but wake up skint!!so the 2 dont really follow,but yes you should really concentrate in one place ..tho depends what you are after ..if its to genuinely stop then yes stick to one place ,but if its the craic you are after then bimble about..
    hiya ppqp..oh goody temps of +2 bikini weather ..well not me anyway!! next stop xmas we come yeehah!!take it the gardens arent getting a lot of attention at the mo then?look on the bright side ..they all look the same in the snow!
    hiya Lav :hug: hope all is as well as can be with you.....yes whats done is done...was trying to think of a way for you to release that emotion...go for a run?beat sh.t out of a wall? erm possibly not or maybe just some quiet time..whatever we are thinking of you.oops nearly forgot the brew.
    hiya Sam...whats it today mate?more firewood music???(chopin)get out in the weather while you can..
    Hiya SL hows you today then.. all good but busy...bit mad with the school that isnt it?the time off..went for a run yesterday...just to get some of the blehness out..nice wee jaunt with a couple of hills...must confess beat me!!only did about 3 and a half k and my knee started giving me a bit of a nice 10k sorted out ,but will need to work up to that..its amazing how quickly you lose the je ne sais quoi..when you dont run..took a coupla pics when I was out...yes was spitting feathers at the telly..oh Camerons ears were burning!!!
    hiya tt..hows you?hope all is going well
    righty ho folks time to go...big shout to those not here..yoohoo to all the background workers.

    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      hiya folks..folks??talkin to me n you sam!!!!couldnt get on here this mornin ...just wouldnt play at all...just managed to get on...but the whole screen is tiny!!!its like a complete reset!!!thank you byrdie for putting the fred up for me......its pretty dark o clock outside now ..but hey the wabbits aint bothered theyre both happily sitting reading books with their new light!!!!

      The inventor of predictive text has died.

      His funfair will be hello on Sundial.

      Justin Bieber has received an award for "Best Male Artist" at the World Music Awards.

      The more astute amongst us will be able to count three mistakes in that title.

      I tried to sell a second hand clock but I had to withdraw it from sale because of the amount of people asking me if it was a wind up.

      I'm going to see a palm reader.

      So on mine I've written, "Why don't you find a better profession?"
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Mae everybody,late check in for me as i decided to run to the store this morning instead of after work and time just slipped away from me,thanks for the kuckoff Sam,and thank you Byrdie for posting for Mick,busy day at work again,very tiring for me today,had to come home and lay down,now i feel weird,sounds likeyou've been busy too Mick as always,where the heck is everybody today?just put some chicken in the oven that says"best by"in august,hope it doesn't make us sick?they're fully cooked breasts but they've been frozen so i hope we don't die,i'm gonna google it and see,hope everyone's day has been good
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Quick check in as I am at work. Its 1pm Thursday now. I couldn't check in last night so gave up. All fine here otherwise


            Greetings Abbers!

            I hope everyone is OK! Thanks for the start up Sam
            Yep, there's definitely a chill in the air & we are being told that we may see snow flurries tomorrow evening ~ swell.
            I hope you get your plastic in place before we actually get snow!!! Can't remember if I mentioned that we picked up our first week of the winter CSA from our Amish friend on Saturday - beautiful stuff. I'm anxious to see what they actually come up with each week thru the winter. They love their 'high tunnels'.

            Hey there Byrdie, you should stop in more often lady Thanks for stepping in for Mick!

            Mick, glad you made it after all - what happened this morning?

            Pauly, if you are just reheating fully cooked frozen food - it should be fine. Expiration dates on packages are not exact. I go by the old motto 'when in doubt throw it out', LOL

            Everything is OK in Lav- land. YB has quietly accepted his brother's choice as we all have but most of us are still a little angry. He didn't have to be such an asshole. Oh well.

            Greetings TT, SL, SF, Det & anyone popping by tonight.
            Have a peaceful night one & all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MAE ALL....

              Sam...thanks for kicking us off. Was the first day I actually had to venture out into the cold and man it's cold. Get that plastic on or you'll be regretting it.

              Birdie...thanks for posting for Mick and yup if I click on the pic I can see the rabbits with their light.

              Mick...+2 will feel like a heat wave after this week. I am very grateful that I live so close to work, if all else fails I can always walk it. The rabbits look cozy, I'll have to keep that in mind only I'll have my books with me. Thankfully we didn't get as much snow as predicted. The cold temps are bad enough but people forget how to drive on snow covered roads. Now don't you do too much, don't want to end up sidelined again.

              Pauly....busy days makes the time go by faster. I know what you mean by feeling weird. If I happen to have a lie down in the afternoon I'm all turned around. Hope tomorrow is better for you.

              TT...glad everything is fine with you. Yup, I had issues logging in this morning too and decided to wait till after work. Have a peaceful evening.

              Think I'm thawed out enough to start dinner. Have a restful evening all and anyone else to come.....:smile:PPQP

              Xpost...Hi Lav...glad things are going ok. Still have you in my prayers. :hug:
              Last edited by porqoui; November 12, 2014, 07:33 PM.


                ahoy hoy ABeroooos!

                whew! just signed contract on a rental today so at least we have a place to move all this crap! that's good news and the craziness continues....

                Sam, thanks for the kickstart. PPQ, enjoy some snow for me

                mighty cold here but no precip so far.

                thankfully no norty AL thoughts have seriously crossed my mind in some time now, dunno why but I'm A OK with that.

                even though I'm busy I'm making myself attend my fencing classes for mental and physical sanity. it really does help a ton.

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Det....signing the rental contract should take some stress off. Glad you're keeping up with the fencing classes as they do agree with you.


                    Lav my thoughts are with you as you and your family process your tragic loss.

                    Ended up with flu like symptoms today.....uggh.....this is ultimately how my stress build up shows itself. I am realizing more and more that my body is still processing the chronic stress I endured for several years. I am much better....but, it seriously takes time to heal. I can't imagine if I had kept going on like that for another 20 years. I've had a few companies call me recently that really are not any better than what I left. I don't want to shut any doors (just in case), so I have just said that now is not a good time.

                    The weather is getting shitty for here....I should not least our dreary days don't last too long.


                      Quick check in - glad to see all are accounted for.
                      Strange day - woke feeling really good again, driving to work feeling happy and realized how low I had got, but really glad to bounce out of it. Was getting work done, sitting at my desk when an email from my lawyer came through to say that my divorce was final - this has been a long road - 4 years since I left. I am feeling a bit or relief, but some sadness and loss...bittersweet and rollercoaster emotions. Not what I envisioned my life to be - my parents are contentedly married for 53 years now.....I am glad i am not in an unhappy marriage, but hate not having the companionship, Feeling a long way away from home, and relatives - we are a tiny family, my girls and I....
                      OK - that's it for tonight - glad I have you all, good to be able to come here and be strong in my conviction not to drink....
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        This had to be done SL and its time to move on. Be sad but not too sad.
                        My parents were married for 57 years and it was utter misery. It affected us kids badly and definitely contributed to many issues I had. I used to pray that my parents would divorce.

