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firsday 13th nov

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    firsday 13th nov

    mornin all..fingers crossed this posts better than yesterdays performance!!exactly what i did yesterday and then it went no thanks!!!so here we go ..on with the a bit of work to do today.....painted some of the woodwork yesterday and ...ermmm put it like this..had to sand some of it down again and going out for a lighter test pot to try today..and on top of that ..all the old cupboard units that my brother wanted are all stacked up in the garage ..he was going to take them on a trailer...cant get the trailer so now they have to all be dismantled!!!

    oh well..tea and coffee on the go...

    hiya still here???take it the chicken was ok then!!hows today going for you?

    hiya tt..hows you ..still busy I you couldnt get in either?wonder if its the this site or individual servers?

    hiya ..hows things?glad they are know Ive measured up this see if i could get a polytunnel in without spoiling the chance..even the greenhouses spoil it so no chance of a high one..that farmer never came back to me about selling the land..big ideas...wee garden!!

    hiya ppqp...hows you this morning?+2 wow luxury....yes youre right about people not driving in the friend in Calgary who drives the oversize loads has just been moaning about that..brew time so you can drink it on your way to work..

    hiya are you doing?so thats it youve found somewhere?good on you know every time you mention fencing the flesh wound scenario now springs to mind!!

    hiya sf..hope you are feeling better today..god idea tho..shut the door quietly not smash it off its hinges never know!

    hi SF......well thats it ..the waiting etc is done...bit of a bummer that your lawyer sends you an e.mail or is that how its done now?mine I had to go to court.get the nisi and then absolute etc..yes you will feel on a bit of a downer,for no matter what and irrespective of what happened theres still that weee niggle ...was it me could I have done different/better..and yes the companionship bit too.......glad you signed dont really have to be a genius to see where this couldve gone..but you dont want to dwell on that...youve got ..TA DA...........US.........:hug: dont kid are a lot more special to a lot more people than you think!!

    right off to b and q for paint!! see you all later.....

    European robot probe Philae has made the first, historic landing on a comet, after descending onto Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, which was confirmed at about 1605 GMT.

    The first panoramic photographs reveal completely unexpected details.


    Qatar has been cleared of corruption during the 2022 World Cup bidding process, said a FIFA official, adding 'I would like to thank the Emir for his most generous hospitality, and especially for the 18 carat diamond necklace he gave my wife for her 40th birthday'.

    My name's Fin. Which means it's very hard for me to end emails without sounding pretentious.

    What do my wife and a drone have in common?

    The noise.

    Dapper Laughs.

    Wrong on both counts.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers,

    Sunny, just at the freezing mark this morning
    The real cold weather is on the way I hear, oh boy!

    Thanks for the coffee Mick. Starting my day off with a little Monty Python is not a bad thing
    Nothing super special on my day plan, just a bit of work. I also need to get some birthday shopping done soon - my son's on the 25th & grandson on the 28th with Thanksgiving thrown in between!!! Glad you are moving on with your kitchen project, I know what a pain that can be.

    Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF Thursday for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      morning all
      got correct size plastic yesterday for the greenhouse, took the old off, on with the new. Glad it got done yesterday, kinda raw cooler day out today. We still got some fall color, wonder if it snows what the contrasts will look like. Possible snow Sunday is called for, too far away to be a reliable call!

      here's a snap of the colors we got still.



      off to getting stuff done. Be well good friends
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Mae everybody,i'm alive! chicken was ok haha,Sam,the colors f those leaves are amazing,we don't get much color here unless we drive up to Mt.Charleston,which i may ask hubs to do this weekend,SL,you and your girls are all you need,it is sad to think about the why's and what ifs of getting a divorce,but you are building a life for yourself just fineDet,if fencing keeps al away sign me up!however i'd probly poke someone on purpose after a long day of dealing with the public haha,Mick,that kitchen reno would be driving me crazy right now,especially here
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Part 2, espescially here cuz it's gonna be Thankgiving,lot of kitchen work,i'll be sad cuz Bobbi isn't hereLav,sux to have both birthdays sandwiching a holiday,the people i feel sorry for are the December people,they always get the shaft for their birthday haha,time to take Brady,hello TT,SF,PPQP,let's all have a good Thursday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            MAE ALL....

            Mick.....thanks for the kickoff and the brew. Will sip away on it while I wait for the car to thaw. It's -21C without windchill. :egad:
            So is brother coming over to "dismantle"? Hope you get the colour you're looking for on this round 2.

            Lav...greetings back. My plan for today is not to freeze on the way to work, after that anything goes. :hyper:

            Sam...congrats on finishing the greenhouses. Jealous of your pic's, with the freak snow storm we had in September we lost all possibility of mother nature's fall colour show.

            Pauly....good job on staying alive.

            TT...found an new avatar for you... :upsidedown:

            Breakie was fried mushrooms on toast so now no excuse to get out and deal with things. Have a Terrific AF Thursday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


              Hanging in today - tossed and turned a lot last night, but will get through this.
              Yep Mick - no court, all email and letters - very weird...
              just signing in to say hi - in corporate office today - got an HR meeting, you know how that is! See you all later
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                I'm always the late checkin.

                SL....I am sorry you are going through this.....yet, I am amazed it took 4 years. You two will always be connected because of the girls. Yet, it doesn't really make processing the emotions any better.

                Yep....still had the flu like symptoms today. I went to the Yogannnada movie tonight. I needed it....liberation of the mind is the ultimate goal. Mine really has not done me any favors Some interesting brain stuff though.

                Off tomorrow for son's 3 hour test to "prove to the school" that he actually has ADHD. At least we are moving forward....

