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Friday 14th NOV

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    Friday 14th NOV

    mornin all are we today then?all good weekend coming up..hopefully your weather is better than here ..its raining cats n dogs here quite a few plants to put in the garden ..also ..yesterday when I masked up the cupboards in the kitchen and painted them...good job I did..we ve chosen another colour!!..right orf we go brew time.

    hiya Lav ..hows you today then?sounds like you are getting some pretty rough weather too...certainly got a bit of pressie shopping to do havent you?you forgot a birthday too...mine !! ok so its a wee while away but nothing like being prepared!!bbt and have a great day...anything happening this weekend?

    hiya Sam...well done on the plastic getting fitted ..sound like you just got it done in time!!those colours are gawjus!!!

    hiya pauly ..hows you today then?yep Julie is getting a wee bit fed up with the kitchen now methinks..this weekend everything gets moved into the garage..microwave ,slo cooker told her to treat it as an a camping holiday...not amused was madam!!

    hiya ppqp ..hows you today then?all good?as far as brother coming up to dismantle it all ...nope I did it this morning...will do the base units monday....are you at your dads this weekend?fried mushrooms on toast ..luvverly..only thing missing is Lea and Perrins sauce!

    hiya are you feeling today?any better? an hr meeting? great fun..kinda in the same bracket as watching paint dry !!you getting yourself out for the weekend?hows the running doing?

    hiya SF ...hows you today then ? all ok of luck with proving to the school..bloody ridiculous that you have to though....

    right peeps ..time to bid you all a fond farewell ..have a great weekend and take care ......coupla pics I took the other day...cant work out how to enlarge them any ideas folks?

    I've just been to my local B&Q store.

    "Where are all your tools? I asked.

    "Over there" replied the assistant pointing to a group of people in orange and black aprons.

    The family of Lord Lucan, the British peer who disappeared without trace 40 years ago have revealed they have just received a message from him after all this time.

    It read : "Did I remember to cancel the milk and turn the gas off?"

    I don't feel safe in this pub - I'm worried about who its clientele tend to be.

    I mean, I've never seen anyone use syringes as darts before.

    Condoms aren't completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus.

    The inventor of predictive text has died.

    His funfair will be hello on Sundial.

    Did you know that most bank robbers are actually inspirational, motivational speakers?

    Why else would they always say, "Reach for the sky."

    A policeman knocked on my door this morning.

    "You've been accused by your neighbour of taking some raw potatoes, onions and pepper from her garden," he said. "What can you make out of it?"

    "A potato soup," I replied, "Do you want some?"

    A dentist's patients are being checked over after his poor practice was revealed by a whistleblower.

    Well, not a whistleblower as such, a pensioner with very badly fitted dentures.

    Police hunting for a tiger near Paris have roped off a woodland.

    Because tigers are famously confused by barriers made from a length of rope.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers & happy Friday

    Just below freezing here with a light dusting of snow on the ground! I hope the girls aren't freezing their tail feathers off out there, LOL

    Mick, I do have a lot of gift shopping to do & it will all be done from the comfort of my sofa & laptop with a big cup of coffee in hand
    There is no where to shop around here so Amazon has been a life saver for me! Nice pics! I have no idea what's up with the sizing on them these days.
    No weekend plans so far, we shall see what develops.

    Greetings SF, I hope you feel better soon. Good luck with your son's testing today (you shouldn't have to go thru all that) but it is what it is.

    SL, hope your day is better today

    Greetings Sam! Any snow down in your neck of the woods? Nice that your green house is done!

    Hi there PQ, hope you are staying warm!

    Greetings Pauly, Det & anyone dropping by today.
    I'm off for some exercise then need to exercise my vacuum around this house ~ the dog hair is getting out of control!
    Have a great AF Friday one & all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody,sheesh had a big post all typed out and it ended up in post heaven with all the other lost posts i guess,anyways up waaay to early for a day off! have Louie later need the energy but shoot what can i do,i can lay there and keep trying to go back to sleep,but that just pisses me off,my stupid water pump went out in my car yesterday,i was leaving work and it started squeeking then i heard a cruch then i lost my power stearing,then the check gages lite came on,then it started overheating,man myadrenaline was pumping trying to get it home,Brady had to walk home from school,it was a yuck day! then Kellie text me and they cut her from 40 hours to 30,so now she wants to give up her apartment,i just dunno,Mick,i thought the pics were a good size,much better than the ones before,i'm jealous of your guyses bad weather tbh,it's still in the 70's here,people are still weaying shorts,then i see all this chrimbo shit everywhere and it just feels odd,actually i felt a little depressed over it,this year just flew by! hello Lav,Sam,SL,SF,Det,PPQP,let's kick Friday's ass
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        morning all
        nice crisp sunny day, tomorrow's market will be interesting.. going to be a chilly start, wonder if anybody will show up.

        Mick, I'll PM you about pic upload but you are probably doing the same thing, just a glich somewhere down the line.

        Lav, looking like some stuff moving in Sunday. Same for you?

        Off and running...
        be well
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Morning all its Saturday here and I should be starting that thread but just a pop in to say hello. Been up early with my daughter puking - probably something she ate. Hope it clears quickly as she has exams next week and needs to revise. She is sleeping in my bed at the moment.
          Renovations are hardly ever quick - even if paying a professional. Madam here has curtains to hang (they need shortening first) but just haven't had time. Don't want to do a botched job in a hurry. I have to work again this weekend but can do it at home. Reports and documents to deal with.
          You all have a great Friday and I will try to pop in later and say a few words.


            Hi all - equilibrium seems to be back, and I was signing to Pharrells Happy this morning - yikes!:eek-new:
            Just had knock at door (working from home today) and Mum sent me bunch of flowers - tears again! (they didn't like him - turns out they were right - dang parents!).

            Sam - loved your fall colour photos - and Mick, yours are pretty too. I need to learn how to up-load photos - Sam, send me the info too please??

            Lav - been thinking of you lots. We deal with suicide in my work and know how devastating it can be, I am also hoping YB is able to handle this as he has had a long road too...

            TT - sorry about your girl, and at the weekend too, at least she won't have to make up classes.

            Pauly - hope you get some good luck soon, seems that there is always something!

            Det - well done with the rental, hope the moving is relatively painless.

            PPQ - you are sounding good and upbeat. Are you visiting your dad this weekend?

            SF - the testing is a pain, but we do seem to be on a better track now that we got all our testing done. Made no difference to the school, but I am getting our own help now.

            As to running - I had signed up for an 8 week training and that is over now, and I have not run since - a couple of us are trying to get back together, I need help with motivation. Looks as if I will be out at 7am tomorrow (now I am regretting it - it will be cold (Ca cold!!) and dark!)
            TGIF all :hug:
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              TT,you still haven't hung those drapes?! that was forever ago,you crack me up haha,off to 99 cent store with Louie,luckily he's not at that age where he asks for everything,btw,i totally rearranged my bedroom,it feels bigger and prettierhowever i had soooo many water bottles that rolled under my bed and dust so it was really gross,what a pig!!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Pauly -no these are different drapes to the ones you refer to. I'm not that slack! We have a lot of windows - but fortunately the ones that I still have to hang look out onto the garden (weeds!) and bush - so its only birds and the cat that can peek in. And the occasional possum. Weather is crazy today - sun/rain/sun/rain - but hey at least no snow!


                  20141113_180543.jpg hooray ...cookin on gas!!!!well done Sam and thanks thats a lot easier than what I was doing...that pic was our kitchen last night...that was when i put some of the doors back on and masking taped and painted them just to make sure the colour was right,,it isnt we are doing it a shade lighter....if you look closely you can see some of the cupboards balanced on bricks!!had to bring them back in from the garage...also check the pot on the stove making a curry...pauly like the kitchen??its got that kinda lived in look!!!
                  Last edited by Mick; November 14, 2014, 06:46 PM.
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    great, glad it worked! wow, you really did do a dismantle!
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Mick - we call that style 'Early Ghetto' where I come from, LOL
                      Been there & done it many, many times. Plaster dust goes right up the nose & invades your sinuses too.
                      You'll love it when it's all siad & done

                      Sam - I have no idea what you are talking about on Sunday......
                      Have a good arket day & dress warm - Brrrr!!!

                      Hi there Pauly, TT, & SL.
                      8 pm here & I'm in my shop making some extra $$
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        I'll take a serving of curry please! (note no comment about the kitchen - just the curry!).
                        My kitchen really badly needs a remodel - the house I am renting to buy was a "flip" and they just painted over the old horrid cabinets - the paint is still sticky almost 3 years later, and I just found out that the handles are pained on as they are not the right size for the cupboards, so they are starting to fall off. They also painted over the seals for the windows so that is delightful (they also painted over the chewing gum that is under the top set of cabinets ) - where I am leading with this is that I am watching your work with interest to see if I will have you come out to do my kitchen after you finish this trail run!!! and cooking curry for us whilst you are doing the remodel - might just be perfect!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          MAE ALL...

                          Quick check in as it's been a long day and I'm finally home to get horizontal.
                          Christmas Craft Sale started today so it ended up being a 12 hour day.
                          It's on again tomorrow so will miss my visit with Dad.
                          I'm basically their to babysit the vendors so will be able to log on and reply to some of these posts.
                          Had a quick read and I must say everyone sounds like things are going ok.

                          Looking forward to my sleep tonight. Hope everyone has a peaceful evening.....:smile:PPQP

