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monday 17th

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    monday 17th

    hiya folks ..hows it all today then?all good hopefully ......just waiting for the gas fitter and the plumber to come,done as much now as I can until both are switched what I will do is nip off and jump back in later..apologies for missing you out yesterday toots......

    few jokes till later....

    We'd not been flying for long on our way to Spain for a short break, when the wife began having stomach pain. She called the stewardess over and informed her.

    "It's possibly something you've eaten." Said the stewardess, sympathetically. "Have a little think, see if you can remember for me what you've had today, lovey."

    "Well not much today, what with rushing around to get checked-in for noon." Explained the wife. "So it was just the four sausage, two egg, bacon and black pudding for breakfast. With mushrooms, tinned tomatoes, just a few beans, I've gone right off them, and a couple of slices of fried bread. Four, if I remember right.
    Then at a toilet stop at motorway services I grabbed a couple of mars bars... well that's what I wanted, but they didn't have any so I had to get a three-foot novelty Toblerone instead. And a large bag of Doritos.
    We made good time the rest of the way and got to the airport ten minutes early, so I popped into Burger King and had a whopper and milkshake. Don't like the chips though. Onion rings for me any day."

    "I think I've got just the remedy." Said the stewardess. "Get your tummy feeling better."

    "Oh, thank you." Said the wife. "Is it a liquid medicine, or a tablet?"

    "Neither. It's a fcking seatbelt extender, you fat git"

    update....both been in the process of20141117_075717.jpg20141117_100255.jpg20141117_112806.jpg getting rid of all the rubbish heres the pics
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers!

    Happy Monday to all, ha ha
    Cloudy, chilly & damp here but no snow so I won't complain.

    Mick, that bare bones pic of your kitchen brings back memories, oh boy!
    I wish you the very best getting it all put back together!!!!

    We went thru a 100+ year old house with my daughter & son-in-law yesterday. They would really love to buy it BUT it would need some immediate, major repairs. The 'bathroom' doesn't even have a tub in it, only a stall shower & it's nasty looking. Someone did some majorly goofy changes in that house over the years, not good. I don't know if they are going to be able to handle this right now especially since they are also having car trouble. My car is now on loan for a few days while theirs is being repaired. I've commandeered YB's car & he is using his pickup with the brand new battery

    I have to get things ready for the start of the craft show at Curves tomorrow. I also have an eye Dr appointment this afternoon, not my favorite thing to do.

    Det, thinking about you & hope this week doesn't get you down! Keep checking in with us while you're at your trade show!!

    Greetings to PQ, Pauly, SL, SF, Sam & anyone I'm missing.
    Have a great AF Day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody,haha that joke was funny Mick,sounds like my diet,have Mondayitis today,sooo not in the mood to go to work,it's finally cooling down here,i think in the 60's,yesterday was just kind of lazy,i had Louie on my lap to get him down for a nap he finally dozed off,then Kellie dozed off on the couch,then i dozed off,hubs said we looked like we had our thanksgiving early haha,speaking of which i'm having the blues having to do all this holiday crap yet again,i just can't shaake it,feels like i just did it!!!! trying to up my exercise to boost my mood but it still feels shitty off and on,plus i miss Bobbi,boo hoo,hate bad moods but this will pass,hope everyone has a good Monday,sorry to start off negative,probly just hungry,need a 3 foot novelty toblerone haha,hello TT,Lav,Det(where the hey are you)SF(same to you)SL,Sam,all the readers,be back later
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        X-post Lav,was the house pretty nice even with all the work that needs to be done?i'd be scaredof buying a house that old,but then i'm from the west where we think houses from the 70's are old haha,forgot to say hi to PPQP
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Hi Guys - morning check in except its Tuesday. Interesting conversation with a friend yesterday about her drinking. Her GP implied that she could stop because she was strong willed! If only, if only….
          You stay strong willed though Det - those silly hospitality suites have been your undoing. Its not at the actual time but it seems to hit you later. Reinforce yourself with things to look forward to after the event (like your sweet wife). Buy something cute for your new house. How's it going Pauly - and all others? Don't worry about the holiday season - this time it will be different!


            Sorry Det - I didnt mean to imply that your wife is a 'thing'. I meant things you can do with her - oh hell, I am talking myself into a pit here!


              Hi all - looks like I have a good plan for my new home (one day) - Mick to do Kitchen, Det for shelving etc, Sam to do me some greenhouses, TT to make curtains, Lav to set me up with a chicken coop.....we could have a daily abbers house!
              My parents house has a stone in front wall that has 1771 on it - that's an old house!
              Sleep fairy stopped by last night, but she did not stay long enough. Had to come into office today - double ugg - so yep, I have "Mondayitis" too Pauly...
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                I would rather write a report for for you SL - than do the curtains!


                  MAE ALL....

                  Mick...thanks for kicking us off today. Was going to ask if the gas fitter and plumber arrived but apparently they did. Yup, cleaning up is always the hardest job. I definitely had a different ending in mind for that joke. LOL

                  Lav...I don't mind my eye appointments, I'm in love with my ophthalmologist. LOL Hope the kids think long and hard about the house. They're always more expensive than you expect.

                  Pauly....I felt the same with about work this morning. I'm getting way too old to do these weekend craft fairs. I know it's hard but don't stress about the holidays. Just stick close.

                  TT...I wish all the GP's would get on the same page. I just hate it when they talk about willpower.

                  SL...Sorry, I should have paid the full ransom. LOL I'll do the curtains if TT doesn't want to.

                  Det...I think TT's suggestion was bang on. You should take Dx with you! Stay close this week.

                  Well I started this post at work to kill the last half hour and it wouldn't let me post. So now I'm home and getting the perogies and borscht on the go.
                  Have a peaceful evening all and all who stop in tonight.....:smile: PPQP


                    I'm not worried about drinking during the holidays,well actually i'm always worried about that! i spent last year completely sober Thanksgiving through New years,just feels like we JUST had the holidays though
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


             got really cold here. There was some frost on my car and decided to stay home. Even though I got through a ton of my "to do" stuff done.....its never really done.

                      Feeling may have actually been the my son did not feel well yesterday. I can't tell the difference with myself, stress or the flu. But, I do know the Amoryn is helping. I think I need to start taking the afternoon dose as well.

                      100 year old house....I am sure it was awesome....I love old houses. But, I certainly do not have the get up and go that Mick has in fixing things up. I still haven't even hung up the pictures in our new place. Hubby did hang the curtains.

                      Hubby is watching irritating. Really all the hooting and hollering at the TV is not my thing Boys and their balls.

                      I would be just fine not leaving the house until March with this cold. My son came home with the scientific explanation of why this winter will be worse than the last. Uggh! Wish all my clients would just come to the house. But, as expected business is slowing down as they take time off for the holidays. I like the slow down.....just not the cash slow down Our holidays are fairly quiet. We do have one trip planned to go up North in December.....hoping for mild weather for that trip.

                      Hope everyone is well....Det those trips have to take a toll. I never understood why people thought business trips were some sort of vacation.....I hated them.


                        Glad you're feeling better SF
                        I make sure I get the Amoryn in 2x/day during this time of year. I think I have SAD in addition to my everyday insane-ness, Ha Ha!

                        Hi there PQ. You mentioned perogies, now I'm hungry - yum!

                        SL, put me down for the curtains too. I've made window treatments for every house we've ever had. Guess I should think about updating some around here. After the holidays of course

                        Pauly, have you've given any thought about trying the Amoryn again? It's relatively mild & a very good mood stabilizer. It made me feel a little weird for the first week or so, just temporary. Don't stress out about holiday stuff, just do a little each day.

                        I think the old house has a lot of potential, it certainly has a lot of character & feels solid. Except for the bathroom it really is completely livable as is so they can take their time doing updates. Will see what happens

                        OK, gotta pull the plig on this day.
                        G'night all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Well that's the curtains sorted - while i wait to move, I could do with curtains in this house - the back of the house has no window coverings - great big windows and sliding doors that are lovely to look out of, but these are the ones that the cold comes in at! Maybe I should do something ??
                          OK - going to start a settle down for the night routine in the hope i sleep so electronics off early (except the phone in case work needs me of course!)
                          Night all - see you manana
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

