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toosday Nov 18th

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    toosday Nov 18th

    mae all ...and how are things with you all today ? all good i hope ...really tired at the mo...nodded off last night about 4 the end gave up ,went to bed ..and yep woke up about 3..think im turning into a bat...plasterer cant get here till thursday really couldve left turning the kitchen into a cave for a couple of days more !!!quite sad really ...I actually dont mind it..Julie thinks Im nuts ..but hey thats nowt new...been making floorboards this fix the bodge job that was left by the proffessionals!!!

    ok tea and coffee on the go ..oh yes and bovril....

    hiya are you ? wow the weather sounds a bit iffy for you at the moment...that 100 yr old house ...suppose its all relative me I've got the opposite outlook from pauly...100 yrs is not that old over view on old is 16/1700 s.....and to be honest houses of that age are usually built more solid than anything in the last 2 centuries over here ..after all most of the housing was built for a purpose ..that mainly being slum clearing,so the houses were chucked up as quick as poss...How did the eye appt go?and the best of luck for the craft fair today...heres a hooge brew to take with you..

    hiya pauly...hows you today?are you feeling any better?!I feel pretty much the same to be honest..cant get motivated to exercise...think Ive got too much on ..or trying to do too much at once!!went fro a run last week ,and enjoyed it...its the kick in the ass I need to start me!!as for the drinking..take it a day at a time...dont be worrying about the hols

    hiya pengy/toots/tt how are you this fine day?all good ..expect you are busy....

    hiya SL.....hows you then?still got monday itits...or we now on to toosday itits.......but maybe youre doing well!!so are you in the office today as well?

    hiya ppqp ...hows you today then?so you dont mind the idea of the opticians?youve got your eye on him???ok I thought it was funny!yep kitchen is virtually shelled to figure out the electrical wiring yet..what a pile of crap it is!! borsch...yum yum count me in!!!

    hiya sunflower and hows you today then?wonder why we arent like animal ..and just hibernate for the winter!!

    right peeps time to take it easy and have a good day..

    I worked on a toll road, answering the phone, collecting money and issuing toll tickets. One Thanksgiving Day, a woman called to ask about road conditions on the turnpike. After I said everything was A-okay, she told me a friend was coming for dinner. Then came the stumper. “If my friend just left from exit twelve,” she asked, “what time should I put the turkey in?”

    A wise Chinese man once said,

    "If a dog barks it's undercooked"

    A man walks into a library and asks for a book on 'Finding Bigfoot'.

    The librarian directs him to the large print section.

    When a disaster strikes and people refer to the damage as an act of God I think we need to bill the churches since they're in direct communication anyways.

    I can't take Scientology seriously. It's the belief that humans were brought to earth by aliens on a spaceship carried by two massive lizards, which landed in a volcano and dispersed humans throughout the world. Then the aliens take off, and the lizards go and hide under the sea in massive caves.

    Add two Italian plumbers to that and you've got the first five levels of Super Mario!

    "You're never here anymore!" my wife moaned. "I can't remember the last time you were here for breakfast with me and the kids."

    "Be fair love," I said. "You knew the risks when you married a cop!"

    "But you got sacked seven f.cking years ago!"

    I answered the phone and it was the wife's therapist,

    "I'm sorry, she cant come to the phone, she has a lot on her plate at the moment, " I said,

    "I'm sorry to hear that, is she not so well again? " She asked,

    "no, she's fine " I replied, "the fat git is just having her dinner."

    After he examined my genitals he thankfully gave me the all clear. I shook his hand and left with a real spring in my step.......

    And to think that priests have a bad reputation.

    Slow PC?

    Improve the processor speed by resting your head in your hands and whispering c'Mon for f.cks sake

    Latest health news.....
    Bird flu is back if you feel unwell with a high temperature the best thing is to take paracetamol and go to bed....If you start getting into a flap for no apparent reason call an ambulance

    It's ironic that discus isn't a sport that many people talk about.

    BAM! I am officially green now!

    Well, sort of. I finally figured out how to steal electricity from my neighbours.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    MAE ALL....

    Mick...thanks for the kick and the kicker (brew). Your night sounded like my Sunday night. Exhausted after craft sale, early to bed and yup got the 3am wake up. Managed to get back to regular schedule last night so hope the same holds for you. Monday was my employee evaluation and what can I say, boss thinks I walk on water. :welldone: Push is on for me to take on more of a management role in preparation for the General Manager's job. I am grateful for the job I have.

    Will check back in later today at work, see why I couldn't post yesterday. Have a Terrific AF Tuesday all to come.....:smile:PPQP


      Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

      Sunny & frozen here in these parts - geez! Old man winter has arrived apparently.

      Hey Mick, you old bat, LOL!
      So what are you cooking up in the fabulous kitchen tonight??
      Eye exam went well yesterday, new glasses ordered. It really helps to be able to see when threading 30 very tiny embroidery needles on my machines
      That old house the kids are looking at does feel very solid ~ it's just ugly right now, Ha Ha! The last I heard from them last night was that they are going to put in an offer. Their car repair is going to be $750 I hear - oh boy!

      Greetings to everyone!
      I'm out of here in a few minutes for a busy but hopefully fun day! I'll check in later.
      Have a wonderful AF Tuesday one & all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mae everybody,Mick we're both turning into bats i think,i've been awake since stupid o'clock,have huge bags under my eyes(very sexy haha)irritates me,it is funny our perception of old houses,my friend from Ohio thinks i'm nuts for thinking these houses are old,but you gota figure the west was the last to be built,i bought a fitbit yesterday and cannot get the damn thing set to my phone! gonna try it on the computer and if i still have probs i'm just gonnatake it back to Target cuz 100 bux ain't cheap,i just thought i'd splurge a little for something healthy,Lav,i wanted to try Amoryn again but it just made me so darn speedy,not sure why and i did take it for a month,my body's just weird i guess,but i still may order some
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Part 2 stupid phone! anyways i had asked about Det but dudn't realize he had posted the day before duh! Sunflower,hope you're feeling better,i hate zee flu! hey Mick,i was watching some England show last nite and i was thinkingwhenever you get some free time(haha yeah right)you could post some pics of things luke shops you go to,or places you eat,Poundland haha just anything,jeez my eyes are burning,lovely allergies! hello to SL,PPQP,Sam,TT,Det,i'm sure i'll be back to jabber this afternoon,love to you all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


   probs at all tell me what you want the pics of and Ill get them....
            as for lav calling me an old bat..........yep Ill take the bat!!!!!
            so then..ppqp...your getting trained to walk on water?General manager eh?will you remember me when youre famous????
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Very well done PPQ - it is good to be recognized!
              Yes, people in Ca say my house is old, but it was born same year as I was:eek-new:
              I must be a bat too - I am so very wide awake by 4am at the latest - hate it!!
              In the office - meeting hell
              I need new glasses too Lav - meant you to take my eyeballs in - what with Drs appts for all, dentist, orthodontist, psychiatrist, counselors, education folks, hair appts and on and on, my eyes seem to get left to the end of the list, and i think it has been about 3 years - really do need to go as my wrinkles are growing in wrong from squinting...
              OK - boss texting me - back to the grind!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Wonder why we're such earlybirds?thinking back i've kind of always been that way,even as a teenager,which is weird,Mick,just any pics of places you go,i just think England's cool
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Yay, good for you PQ :yay:
                  I'll have to dig out Stella's queen hat for you (the one Turnagain made for me a few years ago)!!!!

                  Pauly, The company that makes Amoryn makes another product specifically for anxity called Seredyn. Read about it on their website & see what you think

                  Time for all of the bats to go to bed!
                  Have avpeaceful night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

