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weddinsday nov 26

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    weddinsday nov 26

    morn are we? all goo I hope doing this on the big puter ..little one isnt playing for some ongoing..starting to look the part now tho..its lotsa fiddly wee bits now and the sink comes today..anyways quick post as got to get on ..
    brew time..been up since 5 ..had 4 brews already....

    hiya Sl..hows you today..went to see Fleetwood Mac.....and the supporting group was Nazareth..shows how long ago that was!!!glad tyoure enjoying life without really is worth it..when I think of all the years I wasted..still life is a learning curve...nice to keep the curve going as long as possible!!!!

    hiya you didnt half have a busy day yesterday!!!eek...big brew today..laced with keep you going tablets!!!yep so pleased we changed the blue on the units..can you imagine my life if we hadnt??what plans have you today?

    Ive just tried to get on to yesterdays thread (toosday) it is absolutely littered with adverts ..and just got a message about viruses trying to attack the puter ..anyone else having readback probs?

    hiya pauly,ppqp and everyone else ..not being ignorant ..but I aint staying on here at the mo if there is an issue so see you all later
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning Mick...

    I didn't have a problem reading Tuesdays thread and I didn't see any more adverts than usual. No virus warning either so it might be on your end.
    Cold a little rough this morning, I have a sore chest from coughing. Snow hasn't arrived yet but could be a different story heading home tonight.
    Good luck with the install this to have a neo citron......:smile:PPQP


      Good morning Abbers & happy Wednesday!

      Dark & raining here at the moment with a promise to turn to snow later - oh well.

      Mick, I just looked at yesterday's thread, no problems for me.
      Glad your kitchen work is coming along so nicely. I have to admit that we never did ALL of our kitchen remodels on our own. We always had the help & guidance of some friends who just happened to be carpenters & plumbers, thank goodness
      I am heading out now for a while before the weather changes & the drivers go crazy. I'll make a pit stop at Curves too.

      PQ, sure hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you had a pretty wicked cold or flu maybe?
      Take care of yourself, stay warm

      SL, glad you enjoyed Fleetwood Mac, they are amazing, oldies but goodies!

      Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a terrific AF Thanksgiving eve!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mae everybody,Nazareth!! that was a loooong time ago Mick,i do love the "now your messin with a son of a bitch"song haha,Nurse Lav,i need your help,i have what i think is an abcess in my bottom wisdom tooth,the gum is so puffy it's practically engulfing the tooth,this just came on,question is,i have a full course of antibiotics that expired 4 days ago,think i can still take them?dentist can't get me in for weeks,i'm scared of it going into my blood and killing me,anyways i take vitamin d that's in my multi+a vitamin/protein shake i drink has some too,maybe i need to add it on it's own,last bloodtsts did show it was low,i didn't see anything different looking back on the toosday thread either,hello to SL,SF,PPQP(feel better)Det,Sam,TT,let's have a good Wednesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          hi all ..justhaving a quick break...dust is choking me....checked my was this end..I downloaded a book that someone had put up yesterday..and had kindly attached something called adwizard to it..which does what it says..tries to sell you every pice of crap under the sun!!
          yep Pauly..Nazereth....loud and proud...only reason I know and was interested ..went to school with dan mccafferty as a kid...

          ok a few quick jokes n back to the grindstone...

          I phoned my wife earlier. "I'm just setting off from work, do you want me to pick up fish and chips on my way home?"

          It was met with a stony silence. I think she still regrets letting me name the twins.

          If you don't have a TV licence, you could get sent to prison.....Where you can watch TV all day, without needing a licence.

          I was teaching my wife how to drive today.

          I said, "Go left, but wait for that car to move, before moving again."

          "I can't believe you have no faith in my driving skills!" she said, speeding off uncontrollably.

          That's the last time I let her play Mariokart.

          've joined a group of Christmas carol singers who are all gluten intolerant

          The only carol we sing is "Wheat Free Kings of Orient are"

          What weighs 13 tons and can be stopped with one finger?

          A bus.

          a real sicko......

          When my daughter came home from school to find her pet rabbit missing she looked everywhere for it,

          Eventually asking me, "Where can he be?"

          " Maybe you should look somewhere where there might be carrots" I suggested

          "That's a good idea" she replied.........

          "And peas, onions and gravy" I added as I dished up stew for dinner.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Hi - happy hump day! Sun out today, before rain starting on Sat for a while - tried to run this morning, but could not get going - got in 1.3 miles and walked a bit. Got to get some work done, and finish shopping, brine turkey, make pecan pie - ok, off I go!
            PS - PPQ - girls loved the concert - but it was a pretty old crowd, will have to look for something a bit younger for them next - took them to Santana a few years ago, that would be a good one coming up.
            Got to nag about homework today too - not much happening when I have been at work:egad:
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Quick dash in will speak later but all is well


                Good evening all!

                Hey Pauly - is the antibiotic some form of Penicillin? That's the best choice for your type of problem. I would go ahead & take it if I had it on hand. The expiration date isn't a big deal. You can use some warm salt water to swish around in your mouth several times a day to help reduce the swelling. I would try to find someone who takes emergency cases to be honest. Hope it's not too bad :hug:

                Yep, we had a few inches of snow. Stella(s) are not pleased, LOL
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Thanks Lav,it's called sulfam+tri?i dunno if that's penicillan or not,grrr,i don't have the mula to go for an emergency appt,my insurance is through the native american clinic,thank you again
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Pauly, is the sulfa YOUR prescription? Don't take it if it belongs to someone else in the house. You don't want to make matters worse :hug:
                    Do you have any walk in clinics in your area? Around here CVS drugstores (some of them) have Nurse Practitioners on duty & they can diagnose & treat things like tooth & ear infections, etc. You don't need insurance but will take it if you do. Maybe check out something like that for help! I hope you feel better very soon!!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Eve all
                      almost T-Day and the cooking goddesses are going crazy here. I'm ready to leave home and come back after 1st of Jan. The wife today had to have cognac and bourbon for some food concoction. Asked if it would bother me to go get her some. I said no problem. Well it was more of a problem than I thought it would be. I was walking down "I want to catch a buzz" memory lane. It was almost as if the bottles were talking to me. I got home and told her I don't want to do that again. She'll have to get her own. Frankly, I was surprised how strongly the tug was still there. I'm around folks that drink at different events and it doesn't bother me. Anyway lesson learned.

                      Mick, enjoyed your photo's! really coming along there. Are you building the cabinets?
                      SL, looks like you had a great time at the Fleetwood Mac concert. This summer I got on a Fleetwood Mac kick. They were a great blues band when I was in high school. Loved Peter Green's guitar playing. There some great videos of them. Too bad what drugs did to him. There's an interesting youtube of the history of Fleetwood Mac. They continue to be great band!
                      Pauly, hope the anxiety has subsided along with the teeth pain. Gotta be able to eat that turkey!
                      Hey TT, how's the conferences going? glad you're able to pop in.
                      Lav, we got a little snow, lots of rain last night, it is a soupy mess out there.
                      Det, so how goes the moving? Amazing how much stuff a person can accumulate! Garlic for T-Day??
                      PQ, hope you are feeling better. It is amazing much snow fell in Buffalo! Wonder if this latest storm dumped on them agai.

                      Have a great thanksgiving and those who don't celebrate it, have a great Thursday and I just want to say in the thankful mode of thinking: I'm thankful and grateful to you all.
                      Liberated 5/11/2013

