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friday 28th..poets day..

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    friday 28th..poets day..

    mornin all...hows ebberyone today?all good?full of turkey ..hey well thats jest the start of it...turkey soup turkey sannies turkey salad turkey mince turkey curry..hmm thats taken care of the left overs......and then Chrimbo..start again time yeehah!!Kitchen is getting along fine...its a case of just getting everything done and in order ...and its starting to get to me that it isnt..oh well probably another 3 days work for the big stuff...cooker is here on Monday...anyway on with the show...already got next years biggy planned!!
    tea n coffee on the go

    mornin are you ..take it you had the whole gang over?time for a rest today now!!here you go ..big brew time! dishes done feet up!!

    hiya Sam..hows you doing mate?did you have a good thanks giving?dont be so disappointed in yourself cos of the booze happens...the main thing is you dealt with is choices..all the way made the right one is strange I can quite easily pick a bottle of booze up ,open it ,smell it and still have no inclination to drink it ..and yet other times could quite easily neck a bottle if I allowed myself for the kitchen I never built the be fair I could have but not in the allotted time scales..Xmas would have been in the garage!!but even so to get the carcasses fitted level/flush etc takes a bit of doing ..speshully for a donut like moi!!

    hiya ppqp..hows you?hows the cold doing?you just take it easy today..take it if you are no better you wont be at your dads this weekend?big brew for you too...

    hiya SL....hows you today?good job on the run well done..yorkshire puddings??whats that all about?best of both worlds you!!Poppy came today ..still got some genuine tower of London mud on it..took a pic of it will put it up later when google decide to save it..see people have been trying to sell them on ebay ..ebay have now banned them..

    hiya Det..hows you?so chuffed I aint lying anywhere near you ...garlic brussel sprouts bacon ..oh boy .why not chuck some mushy peas in too..oh and buy a kite too....for all that wind!!!

    tt..the wainwright of the southern hemisphere...more jollies..just as well you like travelling ....or do you???be safe and enjoy it

    hiya are you feeling today?any better?I would seriously consider not taking any meds that are lying about..I recall hurting my back a few years ago..and took some painkillers that werent mine...I was off my face for about 3 was morphine..apparently I was really obnoxious can you believe that\|????? honestly I would think carefully bout that one..

    right folks back to the salt mines pour moi..have a great day everyone..and enjoy the weekend...big shout to those not here


    I see that Katie Price has just brought out her memoirs, which run to 400 pages.

    Although, to be fair, 350 of those pages are just games and puzzles.

    I bought a Christmas jumper with Penguins on but had to take it back.

    When the chocolate melted they all fell off.

    Tried using some fish oil today.
    says its makes your joints stronger.
    Didnt find out though.
    They were too soggy to light up.

    I have an evil masterplan;

    I'm going to drill a huge hole through the Moon and thread a massive piece of string through it.
    Then I will finally be able to conker the World.

    MOTORISTS: Avoid getting prosecuted for using your phone whilst driving. Simply pop your mobile inside a large shell and the police will think you are listening to the sea.

    McDonald's: Make your brown carrier bags green in colour so they blend in with the countryside after they've been thrown out of car windows.

    BOIL an egg to perfection without costly egg timers by popping the egg into boiling water and driving away from your home at exactly 60 mph. After three miles, phone your wife and tell her to take the egg out the pan.

    CAR thieves: Don't be discouraged when nothing is on view. All the valuables may be hidden in the glove box or under a seat.

    PREVENT burglars stealing everything in the house by simply moving everything in the house into your bedroom when you go to bed. In the morning, simply move it all back again.

    The wife said when she broke wind in her yoga class, she got so embarrassed she didn't know where to look.

    Of course you wouldn't, woman. It's a fart - they're invisible.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers - it's Black Friday here!!!!!
    I do not participate in the shopping madness but I will sit down & do some cyber shopping later

    Thanks for the coffee Mick, much appreciated. Your pics look good, I see progress!
    Hope you get lots done over the next 3 days

    Greetings TT, have a safe trip!
    Greetings to PQ, hope your cold is better today!

    Hello to Sam, SL, Pauly, SF & everyone.
    Wishing a wonderful AF Friday for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody,Mick,the fish oil and joint joke was funnyalso when you told Det may as well buy a kite all that wind made me laugh,kitchen looks like progress,you love chrimbo don't you?i think so! i like it on the day but all the lead up is stressful,Lav,,your turkey looked nice,i tried to do the high heat for 30 min,then slow cook for the rest of the time,it turned out o.k,not as juicy as past turkeys but whatevs,as for the tooth/gums i'm just gonna swish peroxide and salt to tide me over,swelling has gone down so that's good,maybe there was just a hunk of meat in it haha,hubs has to work today,no fair! while of course the owners are out today riding 4-wheelers in the desert,bleh,Kell's clutch was going out so he decided to tear it apart yesterday,he kept apologizing for not spending the day with us,i told him not to worry,jeez,he was just outside anyways,all in all a good holiday and al never crossed my alhell i was so stuffed i wouldn't have been able to fit any beers in my belly anyways haha,hello Sam,Det,TT,PPQP,SL,SF all the readers,let's have a kick ass Friday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Hi Mick, Lav and Pauly......

        I bet you do have next year's biggy planned Mick. The pic's look great can't wait to see the finished product.
        Cold is much better today, thanks Lav.
        Hope you get your tooth sorted soon Pauly.

        Well the bad weather has hit with a vengeance. It's been -20 with windchills to -34. Whiteout conditions!
        Was able to run to the grocery store at noon so I don't have to stop on the way home.
        Doesn't look like I'll make it to Dad's tomorrow so will be able to chat here instead.

        Be well everyone.....:smile:PPQP


          Evening all
          a quick check in for me.... tired and I have market tomorrow.
          Mick, enjoyed the photos, looking pretty snazz! I know you'll be glad to get er done.
          Lav, used to be we let your fingers do the walking in the yellow pages, now we mouse about the internet.
          Pauly, good idea with peroxide, just don't go out in public, someone my think you have rabies b/c of foaming at the mouth!
          PPQP, sounds like dangerous chill conditions. Do you lose electricity often in the winter?
          Off to dinner and early bed (I hope). Hello to you TT, Det, SL, SF, et als
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            PQ, I have a nice warm fire going right now in your honor :hug:
            Stay warm & stay inside!!!

            Hi there Pauly & Sam!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Sam...good luck with the market tomorrow. Don't lose electricity as a rule. We happen to get fed from the university but a block away everyone could be out.
              Lav...thanks for the fire. Safely home and not going anywhere, especially since they just issued a heavy snowfall warning for the city.


                Hi - lovely day in the foothills today - the faire was not as good as usual - locals say people are still not spending, It was a little sad. I do not do black Friday either, but i do like to try for the "support local artists, shop locally this Friday".
                We each bought ourselves a little treat - I got some really nice pottery, a vase as I treat myself to flowers most Fridays instead of my Friday wine. Oldest got jewelry, youngest got a Christmas gift for her bestie - and then some fudge for us all.
                We then headed to a small gold town - lovely wooden boardwalks and antique stores - had not taken girls to antique stores before, will have to take them in England when I go home this summer.
                Mick - got to sort out turkey tomorrow - forgot the curry, great idea - off to look for recipes!
                All in all, great day - sunny and warm - the rain comes in tonight and stays for most of the week - photos of sunset on way home...IMG_1286.jpgIMG_1290.jpgIMG_1290.jpg
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

