DTD......great to see you ..hoe is jy?long time no see on here hows the Cape?no wasnt gnome pinching throwing nicking smashing or making yesterday!!
hiya Lav...how are you this fine day?...Take it whatever you ended up doing yesterday wasnt too strenuous?my money is on the garden or kid watching..bbt here you go..
hiya SL..Hows you?all ok hopefully..sounds like you were making work for yourself yesterday..one of those what can I do now days?you couldve sat and watched the telly..kyle,springer judge judy..do you get all that crap over there or has it all been consigned to over here for all??and sundry to watch better off defrosting the freezer!!
bought Julie a Paddington bear advent calendar..knowing her ..all the choccies will be gone and the windows will have iou s in them..not that she likes chocolate!!
hiya pauly...hows you ..the 99 cents store ..yeehah ..do for me that one!!certainly sounds like youve got your hands full there mate!!
ppqp...minus 14....bikini time methinks...no not for me ..you!!how are you feeling?any better?are you back in work today or gonna pull the "working from home?"bosses rights?go on you know you want to to hee hee.
hiya Sam...hope your daughter is ok mate....hopefully today is a better one for you.
right peeps thats shallot..time to go will put up pics..hopefully!!
20141129_170838.jpg kitchen in latest stage....
20141130_083429.jpg took these 2 yesterday morning in Lincs
20141127_195403.jpg SL...poppy arrived complete with mud from the Tower of London!!
it will only let me put 5 pics up ..next to follow