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Determined December

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    hello all - good sunday morning to you!

    Lav - your idea of a clean-up is a good one. What heirloom seed catalog do you have? I may try to do seeds this year, we'll see...

    Dill - I brought in my herbs from the deck garden, and the parsley and rosemary are doing fine! I have a fairly sunny window, and a fuschia plant and a mini-hydrangea are hanging in there as well. I'm hoping to get some other green plants in after the first of the year. I was keeping an orchid in a store room, hoping it would bloom again, but I think I over-watered it, darn - it was a big beautiful one, but it's dropped all the leaves. Ah well.

    Pap - congrats again on the job. I hope the pups are doing better.

    Star - I had such a miserable 2013 that I had high hopes for 2014. My mother's passing in February changed the tone of the year for me, but beyond the grief, I have to say there have been some silver linings that I am very grateful for - mostly the increased closeness to my family members, especially my brother. This last trip to see my niece's family wouldn't have happened in the same way without the loss that we have all shared. So, onward and upward I guess. I'm sure things feel overwhelming right now for you, with the holidays and not feeling well. The future is bright - we just have to take care of ourselves and be kind and patient.

    Wishing all a peaceful and restful Sunday -


      OK, I was in the middle of a long post when I accidentally clicked on the wrong thing and lost it all! I am so sorry. I don't have the energy to try to start over now, so I will try in the morning. Just know that I am thinking of you all!

      :hug::hug: Star, sending you positive energy.
      Lav, happy AF Sunday!
      Cyn, yes, I do feel the days are getting lighter. I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it.
      Papmom, hello!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Cyn, I'm having fun with the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange catalog & also Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

        Get yourself some catalogs & do some dreaming

        Dill - I hate losing posts, bah humbug.
        I have to get used to using my new iPad Air 2. It has Retina display, easy on the eyes. Another one of those YB surprise gifts. He got one for himself of course & got the good Belkin keyboards. It's nice but it will take a little time to get used to it just like it did with the old one. I'm saving the old one for the kids to use when they're here.

        Greetings Star & Papmom!
        Have a good night all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Good evening all!

          Star-this too shall pass, I promise! If you haven't tried a neti pot yet, please do. I think u will be pleased!! How did the visit with your son go?

          Dill-I envy you getting to see the sunrises and sunsets most days. I leave and come home in the dark.... for now!! Come the 20th I hope that will change!

          Lav-seed catalogs-yumm. I remember those days. A few supplies and I could start seeds too but would then need to dig out a garden somewhere. So, not this year....
          I love organizing and decluttering at this time of year. It feels good doesn't it?
          cyn-sounds like a busy but fun christmas!! Nice to have some me time tho. How is girl dog doing? she all recovered?

          I've been very lazy since Thursday. meant to exercise but somehow didnt and now its sunday nite. Ive been doing a lot of sleeping and reading. I did manage to get out yesterday and go to the laundromat with 4 loads so that was an accomplishment. Also cleaned out my laundry room in prep for the new washer. It was so gross! thankfully I have a shop vac. Its as clean as an old field stone basement can be tho.
          Today after lunch I looked at washers. I went to the place where I bought my fridge and dryer. There was only one option I liked in my price range but I was totally turned off by the young woman sales clerk. She is the owners daughter, slutty looking, 20's and constantly checking her phone. She also was way too slimy in her approach. Talked out of the side of her mouth, contradicted herself many times. Her dad I can tolerate but they lost my business. went to Lowe's and found a larger washer in the brand I really wanted for only $10 more. The department manager spent 45 min with me and was super helpful and knowledgeable. I will buy from them for the first time. Delivery/haul away free and my preferred delivery date/time is not a problem. The other place would have required me to pay $100 more up front then get rebates. Plus the washer was smaller. I'll go back to Lowe's on Friday to pay for the washer. So excited!!
          Mickey is doing well-I'm cautiously optimistic. He gets antsy in the crate as the meds wear off and/or it meal time. Barks alot. Other than that he is tolerating the crate rest well and eating/pooping/peeing. We have the follow up on the 15th.
          Back to work tomorrow for 3 days. My boss will be back too after her christmas cruise. I sure hope it went well! I think my last day will come quicker than imagined-hope I can get everything done!

          Time to feed the other two, portion out LM's sticky rice for the week and get my things together for what may be a very chilly office-work is being done on the ceilings and rumor was heat would be off on the other side of the building which might affect our side. I'm prepared!!
          Have a great night all!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Hello everybody - morning Lav and Pap!

            Star - how are you today? Feeling any better? I listened last night to a podcast about helping ourselves cope with the weather, health, winter, and change - I thought of you, you've handled so much this past year. Hope you are OK.

            Dill - so sorry about the lost post - I miss hearing about what's going on for you. Any craft projects? What books are you reading?

            Pap - hope you stay warm today at work! Thanks for asking about girl dog...she seems to be out of danger from the high fevers (I think she has a chronic semi-bronchitis, but if she's not stressed, she doesn't cough...). Cancer treatment supps should come today, and we'll finally get going on that protocol. I'm crossing fingers that we can keep the mouth cancer at bay for awhile...

            Lav - wow, an Airpad2. I'm not a Mac person, but it sounds very fancy. Good! You deserve it! I like the idea of the screen being easy on the eyes. Did you hear the NPR 'article' about not doing screen time before bed? Interesting...I had read the same info in my 'brain' books - the brain doesn't cope well with the light and the pixels - it disturbs sleep (same thing with TVs, I think...) Reading a regular book seems to be OK - whew...although I read about a 1/2 a paragraph and then I nod off -- hopeless!

            Thanks for the seed ideas. I remember when I lived in MN, and January was the deepest wintery cold time. The seed catalogs would start coming, and I just loved sitting there planning. Maybe this year I'll plant the raised bed garden that's been neglected these past 2 years. The weather has been so mild here that I feel like I should be out there planting now - very weird. I actually feel better when it's colder and less damp, but I'm sure those days are my great-grandmother used to say "as the days lengthen, the cold strengthens"!

            Hope all have a good Monday. I'm off to get my new business materials ordered, and make some appointments with local libraries to get speaking dates arranged. Also have to do end-of-year financials and get the taxes ready. This is a magical week, between xmas and new year's...trying to find the balance between looking forward, looking back, rest, and action. Good Luck to all!


              Good afternoon friends!

              Decided to get out early & head directly to Curves to work off some of those lovely cookies I've consumed
              Stopped at the supermarket to pick up a huge roasting chicken for a lower fat protein source for the coming week.

              The sun is out now, nice! Cold air on the way I hear, typical winter I guess.

              Cyn, Until YB bought the first iPads three years ago I had never even touched a MAC either. We have been dedicated IBM type of people from the beginning, ha ha! He saw all the kids at the college where he works using iPads & got curious. It takes some getting used to but like most things - you get hooked

              Think I'll start the de-decorating while it's quiet.
              Hope everyone has a good AF Monday. Greetings to Papmom, Star & Dill!

              Last edited by Lavande; December 30, 2014, 07:22 AM.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Good morning...

                I'm back home, had a great time with son and grandson. Visited, played, took care of the baby, it was alot of fun. I was happy to see my kids laugh alot and bond over their love. Today I am going to the gym to learn how to work out on their equipment and i feel hopeful that this will be the beginning of changes for me, physically. Still trying to get over the mother of all colds.

                Lav, it is cold here but no snow or rain, so that makes it easy to travel and just plain get around. Your seed catalogues are California dreamin to me. In another life I used to love to plan in the winter and create gardens for spring. Have fun.

                Cyn, sounds like you have lots to do and a wonderful positive attitude regarding all of it.

                Dill, sorry you lost your post. This new site has done wonders for me in being able to post more easily, most of the time.

                Pap, aren't you off this week too? Reading and resting, the R & R you need. Enjoy.


                  Good morning all -

                  Lav - my HB moved to a mac, and I tried to use it, but I guess I'm too stubborn to learn new ways - and whatever 'intuitive' process it uses, doesn't seem to match up with my intuition! I'm also probably the only person on the planet that doesn't like gmail...oh well! HB is always having trouble with functions on the mac, and asking me for help -- at which I am hopeless. He's learning now to call his daughter instead of asking me. Perfect!

                  Star - so glad that your visit was good. Keep on healing!

                  I've been having a hankering for British film, so I watched the Emma Thompson 'Sense and Sensibility' last night. I rarely take the time to watch anything in the evening, but I sort of forced myself. It has lovely performances by some of my favorite actors, but it seemed a little hollywood-ish; scrubbed. I realize that it's the language, the writing, that I long for, so I'm going to try for audio-books instead. At least then I can knit while listening...

                  ...And HBs sweater is still not done. I gave it to him wrapped in 3 packages for Christmas: back, front, and 1 sleeve. I whipstiched it together, and it turns out that he'd like it wider and longer. So, I'll try to make placquettes for the sides, and try to add at the top...nothing much more that I can do than that! AAAAArgh, sweaters.

                  Well, I'm going to put pedal to the metal this morning and make up for movie time! Financials await...

                  Wishing all a great AF time -


                    Good morning friends!

                    My little farm dog is an early riser, geez.
                    30 degrees at the moment but dry outside. That I can handle!

                    Star, glad you had a great time with your family!
                    Are you feeling more like a grandma these days? It's kind of weird at first but awesome too
                    Good luck with your trip to the gym today!

                    Not sure what I'm doing today but I do need to go get some chicken feed after a trip to Curves. Such an exciting life, ha ha!!
                    Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday! Greetings to Dill, Cyn & Papmom!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Star, I'm glad you had such a nice visit. It is heart-warming to see our loved ones bonding in laughter and love. Good luck with your gym experience today.

                      Lav, Mr. D and I are also IBM fans but who can resist the Ipad?!

                      Cyn, I'm not up to any new projects yet but have some ideas rolling around in my head. I have one more stripe left to do on my crochet project, then I'll take a picture of it and post it here. Then I'll send it to my daughter for a late Christmas gift! I didn't realize you were starting up a new business. Good for you!

                      Papmom, new appliances are so exciting! I am glad to hear Mickey is improving.

                      I am definitely seeing the lengthening of the daylight. It seems the sun is setting just a little bit later now. It gives me hope, but as Cyn's great grandmother said, "as the days lengthen, the cold strengthens." We still have to endure the winter months. I think we all have some good coping mechanisms in place. Exercise, indoor gardening, seed catalogues and planning for the next garden season. We only have 2 days left in 2014. What shall we name the January thread?

                      I have done a mental review of my year. It was difficult as I am getting more and more ADD with age! LOL. Anyway, in doing the review I have come up with some areas I need to work on. One is turning off the TV. I realize I have it on too much and watching the news is nothing but depressing. I feel I need to know what is happening in the world at large, so I can't tune it out completely. But I am going to set limits. I'm also going to try to be more social if I can. I need to get out of the house more! So, those are my two goals for 2015. Anybody else have any goals?
                      Last edited by dill; December 30, 2014, 07:42 AM.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Adult onset Attention Deficit Disorder - AADD!
                        I'm right there with you sister Dill but I think we'll be OK

                        Just looking up J adjectives & found
                        •Judicious – showing good judgment; wise. ...
                        We should be Judicious January because we all exhibit good judgment & wise choices, right?

                        It's a brisk 28 degrees - stay warm everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Good morning all...

                          Judicious January is fine with me. Thanks for taking the time, Lav. Cold here too, but no snow, and I really find it easy to get around. Love having this time off. I love being a grandmother, it is so fun. He is just wonderful to hold, feed, change, and then...give back to his mother.

                          Dill, I like your New Year's goals, mine is just to get back control of my body. All the stuff that happened last year, and I have just kind of fallen apart, gaining weight, sitting too much, so want to make changes. Also, find a house, so I can settle. I don't want to move again, but want to join a church, feel that I belong. I joined this rec center, love it, but if I move I have to do this all over again, and it is exhausting to me. Change is good, but sometimes too much change is just too much.

                          Today is New Year's Eve, my least favorite holiday. We are going to watch a sporting event, home by about seven, then bought steak and lobster, and will eat at home, take it easy, talk about our goals for 2015. Hope you all have a good one.


                            Happy New Year's Eve morning, all!

                            Do you remember several years ago when we tried a group 'chat' on MWO on New Year's Eve day? I was in the middle of a move that day, and couldn't really participate very well, but I remember that it was fun for all. Lav - please give LBH and Chill best wishes for the New Year from us all, will you?

                            Thanks for the January name - perfect! My goals for 2015 include: more 'handwork' (knitting, embroidery, crafts). I realized with this knitting project, and the buntings that I made for Xmas gifts, that handwork is a big part of my life. Now that I have my Mom's sewing machine, maybe I'll even sew some clothes - I used to sew most of my wardrobe! I see that I have drifted away from so many things that used to give me pleasure -- I'm going to try to reclaim that piece in this coming year. I love being able to see what I accomplish - it's a really grounding thing for me.

                            I love hearing what we're about, we brave souls! If we have conquered AL, it seems like the other changes in life should be easy; but of course we know that it all takes dedication, thought, and time to make things happen - even the good things.

                            Star, so glad to hear that you are enjoying Grandma-duty! Good luck with the changes you want - honoring our bodies really should be at the top of the list for us all, thanks for the reminder. Filling each moment with good stuff now will create a future filled with good stuff - I think your plans are great.

                            Dill, looking forward to seeing that crochet project! I don't do TV, but I am resolved to get outside each day -- the hike in Cornwall taught me that - there's always some beauty outside, if you're dressed for the weather!

                            Pap - wishing you well in this New Year - you're starting out right with a new job!

                            Plans tonight at the Treehouse: SD will come here after work, and my beloved across-the-street neighbor will join us for dinner. I think we'll find a good swedish or danish movie to watch, and I'm sure I'll be in bed by 10:30 or so...

                            Happy day all -


                              “Everything will change when your desire to move on exceeds your desire to hold on.” ~ Alan H. Cohen

                              Lav, I like the name, thanks for researching for us! I don't always make wise decisions, but I do try! The thread name will remind me to do my best!

                              Cyn, I like your goal of getting outside each day. I am going to add that to mine. Usually getting outside means a walk, and that will help with my fitness goals. Yes, I do remember the time we had the group chat. That was fun!

                              Star, when you do find a house will it be in the same area as you are in right now? Or do you have to wait until you find a home before you join a church? I'm glad you like the fitness club. You might meet some like-minded people there and establish new friendships. I hope so. I think as we get older it is important to keep up socializing. It would be so easy for me to become a recluse and turn into an absolute curmudgeon! I want to keep a young outlook, even tho I can't keep a young body. Keeping fit should help with keeping a young outlook too. Most of the time when I meet with my girlfriends it is for a walk as well as lunch or breakfast. I find walking briskly while talking with a friend is the best exercise!

                              Hello Papmom, how are things?

                              My new year's eve will be spent with the grandchildren. They are going to spend the night. We'll have special snacks and maybe rent a movie or play games. I have been wanting to see Frozen. I never stay up all the way to midnight anymore. I never leave the house on New Year's Even anymore either. I figure it's the most dangerous night of the year to be out driving!

                              Happy New Year!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Still an hour to go until 2015 arrives but I'll say Happy New Year friends!

                                I ended up picking up my grandsons at noon & just sent them home around 9:30 tonight. More of that exhausting, noisy little boy fun, ha ha!!!

                                I finally got YB to get the appropriate netting purchased & installed over the chicken run today. After losing another hen yesterday to a hawk - I had just about had it - damn!!! If he had helped me get this done years ago when I first asked.......
                                Well, it's done now

                                Star, hope you enjoyed that wonderful steak & lobster dinner. I hope your 2015 brings you everything you want!

                                Cyn, in case you miss the arrival of 2015 at midnight - Happy New Year to you!

                                Dill, I hope your grandkids kept you plenty busy this evening too!

                                Papmom, wishing you a great new year with your new job to get it all started!

                                See you all in 2015!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

