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its the second of December today

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    its the second of December today

    morn folks...hows life in the fast lane then?all good?would luv to say Id pulled over but not yet still lotsa bits to do!!cooker came yesterday....need to put blocks under it to bring it up to the right height,and also need to change the elecrical switch box from 30mm to 16 ..otherwise it means cutting a lump out of the cupboard and that aint happening ..door handles are on ..all dipped in caustic acid and waxed...makes them look aged with cracks in them..reckon somebody did that with me!!any enuff frivolities on with the show...tea and coffee available on the way in !!

    hiya dtd how are you today?all good on the cape?yes poppies are probably my fave flower too..and no not for opium cultivation!!!a friend gave me some from America so,hopefully they will grow next year ..also got a massive red one and a purple into gardening?if so what do you grow there?

    hiya are you today ..hows daughter?sink isnt finshed yet to put a piece of trim in to cover that gap...

    hiya answer to the choccies is 7.40 am and just had a shout from Julie.."todays is a bell" guess that answers your advent question!!yes feeling a wee bit chuffed ..especially how the worktops are turning out.....trying to get some cast iron trivets ..but its proving more of a task than I thought!!hows things with you?smell of ruby gone yet?

    pauly ..thats one smart rabbit..not !!biting through leccy cables ?duh!certainly got your hands you ever get any time for yourself?

    mornin Lav..well was it boy watching after all?17 days to go..just in case you had forgotten :happy2: one large brew modom....

    hiya ppqp ..and everyone else not here today......

    off to work now ho hum..see you all later...

    20141201_163431.jpg20141201_163520 (1).jpg20141201_163542.jpg

    "U2 want people to stop downloading their music for free. New measures are proposed to prevent it."

    "People want U2 to stop giving away their music for free. New measures are proposed to prevent it."

    A guy walks into my bar and asks me for a Bacardi and Coke.

    I said, "We only have Pepsi, is that OK?"

    He said, "Sure."

    Then I handed him a Pepsi and Coke.

    Okay Jackson, as you know we are trimming staff, I want you to give me three reasons why I should keep you. "

    "Well I'm a good worker. "

    "Yes, but there are better workers. "

    "I'm reliable, "

    "Yes, but there are staff who will work for nothing should I ask, come on, give me that killer reason that will ensure I keep you on. "

    "I've hacked and saved your browsing history. "

    My Mother and Father were so mean to me when I was little, they had the chimney bricked up just in case Santa Claus did come round.

    It's cool how Bruce Lee studied philosophy & poetry then applied it to something beautiful like punching people in the face.

    At my promotion interview the board told me I was intolerant of others.

    "Would you say you don't suffer fools gladly"? asked the MD

    "Well I've managed to put up with you f.ckwits for ten minutes" was probably not the best response.

    My PC has a Miley Virus. It's stopped twerking.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

    There's some sort of icy substance falling from the sky at the moment - not thrilled. My girls are planning to visit today, may have to tell them to stay home.

    Mick, your kitchen is looking great! You definitely do nice work
    I was not needed for boy watch after all yesterday so I had a chance to catch up on paperwork & stuff like that.
    Did a bit of cyber shopping last evening too! Maybe I'll get around to dragging out some decorations today ~ maybe not, LOL

    Greetings to everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful AF Tuesday!
    SL, are you getting some much rain in your area?

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      morning all
      nasty cold rain here Lav, no ice as of yet, freezing rain is the worst! Mick, the kitchen really looks good. The wife would kill for all the counter space. All is well with my daughter. Off to work, looks like a good day to compute and work on a plat. Check out this north arrow. Plat was drawn in the late 1800's.
      Be well all

      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Mae everybody,Mick,that's cute your wife gets all excited by which chocolate she's getting for the day,countertops are beautifulrabbit is dumb,a few months ago when he chewed through the fridge cord there was a big black mark on the side of the fride from where he chewed it,surprised he's still alive,i'm going to the doc this afternoon,my sinusus/ears acting all crazy again,and it's giving me horrible dizzy spells and headaches,i'm pissed cuz i have customers who are 20 or 30 years older than me and aren't as sickly,grrrrrrr,get healthy or die trying,i'm tired of not feeling good,Brady says i have a different ailment everyday and he's rightanyways enough whining,hope everybody has a great Tuesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Quick check in - yes it is raining Lav - and flooding now - swam to work today! We had rain at the weekend, and that was all the ground could handle - today's HEAVY rain is just pouring off and here for two days. Thursday off and then more rain!
          Love the kitchen Mick - can't wait to get mine (ps you know I am not joking right!!)
          Hi Sam, Pauly and TT - hope all is good PPQ.

          back to work before I get caught - grumpy mood - just got this email, and so many things get my back up - from our CEO "I want to remind you that our Holiday Party is scheduled for December 14th. It is an expectation that you will all attend. it is not mandatory but we have had poorly attended parties in the past that some of you have not supported by your attendance. In addition, we are providing rides and hotel rooms for anyone who needs it. Please be on the lookout for your staff members who could possibly be needing either a ride or a room. We are capping drink tickets at 2 to help control alcohol consumption. Also there is a work day the next day. I hope the staff can curtail their merriment to permit their attendance at work the next day." - first everyday is a work day for most of us as we run 24/7 - don't think she knows that. we have to police drinkers?? seriously - these are adults. and we have to attend - huge sigh..
          OK - back to work
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            The girls at work are planning a chrimbo party at one of the girls' house,these are heavy partiers,back in the day i would have been thrilled,but times are a changin,would i seem like an asshole if i opt out?i would have Louie that nite anyways and although i could just go for an hour and leave,i'm not sure if i'd be strong enough to not give into the temptation of reliving"the good old days"grr,why can't they just do Applebee's like before?i hate being an alkie,too many awkward situations,don't want to miss out on life,but don't want that life either
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              MAE ALL...

              Mick...thanks for kicking us off. That's right it was the cooker coming on Monday not the sink. Pic's are great and the project gets an A+.

     did you choose maybe not. LOL I haven't decorated in years. Once the marriage broke down and we were all over the place it just wasn't going to happen. Maybe when grandkids start coming around.

              Sam...glad all is well. Nice north arrow. I would spend most of my time with my north arrow when doing plats. LOL

              Pauly...hope the doc was able to help you with your sinus/ear issues. Dizzy spells are not good. I would definitely pass on the chrimbo party if I were you. Having Louie as the perfect excuse is a bonus. No need to put yourself in a tempting situation. Give yourself a little more time.

              SL...."It is an expectation that you will all attend. it is not mandatory....."sounds pretty mandatory to me. And then to expect you to babysit. Geesh! Just another reason I'm glad when the season is over.

              Cold seems to be on the mend, starting to get a little energy back. Sure needed it today as the building superintendent was in a car accident this morning. He's ok, just in a bit of shock so went home. Of course today was the big Ladies Bridge Xmas lunch. I'm exhausted. Hopefully he'll be back at work tomorrow. Getting emails from the ex, he's depressed and sad about the holidays. Wants to know if there's any chance of getting back together. It's been almost 4 years, what does he think! I know I wouldn't be this strong if I was still drinking. Relaxing with fish'n'chips tonight and watching taped shows. Have a peacefull evening all.....:smile: PPQP


                Sam, lucky for us that the icy rain stopped & decided to take a more northerly path - like Lancaster County, LOL
                I'd rather have plain old snow & skip the ice all together

                Pauly, sure hope you got something for those sinuses - that stuff can linger forever....I have personal experience.
                I would skip the Christmas parties this year, be kind to yourself & your quit

                SL, hope the flooding doesn't get out of control. I did see some pictures on the news tonight.
                Mandatory Christmas work party ~ I don't think so. At the most maybe make an appearance then disappear

                PQ, we should sit down & have a talk about husbands & revolving doors - what are they thinking?? Mine is back living in the house after a 4 year absence too. He's living on his side of the house too, HA HA!!!!!
                Stay strong & stay well :hug:

                Keep the peace everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hey quiet down about those ex's - mine was 4yrs too, but that is a closed door!!! We have a little garden house and he thought that would be a good idea - uh...NO!!!
                  Sadly for the Christmas do it is 90 mins drive each way! Still grumpy about this
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    SL......since the party doesn't seem to be a huge hit with employees.....maybe they could forgo the party and give out cash I know I would have appreciated that much more than the stupid party.


                      Tried to suggest that SF - did not go down well
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

