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    hiya folks how are you doing?late start today...actually it isnt ..Iwas sanding in the garage at 630 this morning my neighbours are made up weith me!! how are we all today then good ,bad or indifferent?weather here has really cleared up...its like the middle of summer..with ice and wind and dark clouds and no heat ..but apart from that pretty similar!
    ok on with the show ..tea and coffee at the entrance ....

    morning Sam..hows you today then ?any more bull?or just a steady day for you?

    ppqp tinternet ?how come ?what happenend?glad you got to see your dad anyway....yes the shelving stays as it of them I had polished up really nice beautiful grain really smooth..the other light sanding thats all..pretty much a sawn guess which one won top guessed ..the one I had done nothing hardly to so this morning was spent distressing the good one!! the warp stays!!so hows work then?much on at this time of year for you?

    hiya sl...hows you today then?batten down the hatches for the storm!!sounds like a nothing day to me ..busy doing nothing???:yay:hows daughters ?doing ok?drystone walling ..dont think its dying a trade maybe...but as a craft not so..there are lots of volunteer groups round here do usually see them at weekends out mending them

    hiya pauly ..hows you today then?trolley dash..its when you get a shopping trolley and you have got a certain amount of time to get as much as you can into it!!that was a quick post yesterday..take it all is calm at your place?

    hiya Lav are you ?ok?good brew time you go ..yep its the circuit board thats gone in the washer..dont think she would appreciate this one ..there aint no circuit boards tho!! A04748_l.1.jpg

    hiya tt ..hows you?still on your travels?are you on the way home yet?

    right ho peeps offski see yall laters..put some jokes up after
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    wow! quiet morning today
    Morning Mick, like your new washing machine! All quiet on the animal bull front but there lots of bull being thrown around here!
    Soggy, cold, miserable day here. Off to work. Will check in later
    bye all
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      well just thot I would jump in to make the numbers up!!just picked up the cushion flooring..or linoleum with a foam back!!that gets fitted thursday morning...

      A human fart can be louder than a trombone.

      I discovered that at my daughter's school concert.

      I was on the M1 motorway earlier today and moved half a mile in two hours.

      The drivers behind me were fuming.

      I went round Popeye's for dinner:

      I said, "These grapes are really salty."

      He said, "They're olives."

      I said, "Well, I'm sure she won't mind if I try a couple."

      The mother-in-law arrived for Xmas and as I carried her bags to her room I said,

      "Joan, just remember to dim the lights as you get undressed, otherwise everyone outside can see you."

      "Dim the lights?" she scoffed. "It's the same room as last year so what's changed?"

      "Just the neighbours across the road and I don't hate these new ones."

      An MP who was spotted playing Candy Crush Saga while in Parliament has promised it will never happen again.

      "I've moved on to Farmville now," he explained.

      I walked into the pub, and my mate said, "I thought you'd gone swimming?"

      I said, "I did, I was thrown out for not getting out the pool to use the loo."

      He said, "You should have been discreet and gone in a corner."

      I said, "I did, but I think it gave it away when I asked the attendant to get me some toilet paper."

      I'm going to enjoy this Christmas so I've just bought loads of drugs.

      Sleeping pills mainly.

      Today I'm drawing a blank and I just don't know if I should use a pen or a pencil.

      When I was part of the Christmas play at school, I was the star of the show.

      I had no lines and sat at the top of the tree in a stupid yellow costume.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Mae everybody,i'm in an anxious state right now,my son found out last nite that his friend hung himself,i feel horrible!! i feel sad for Brady,i feel sad for the kd jesus! this month sucks for me,my uncle died last week,and i found out this morning my cousins 20 something year-old lost his battle with cancer,it feels rough,not drinking but please any words to keep me out of the can is needed,positive vibes my way please!!!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Pauly, so sorry to read this. No amount of drinking on anybody's part will change what has happened, in fact, would probably make a person feel worse. Here's where being sober truly outweighs the alternative. A young person taking his/her life is such a tragic unanswered waste. Sorry also to read of your family's loss. Feel free to pm me if need be.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            pauly...I am so sorry to hear that....beleive me booze will do you no good..the other thing is you say you feel sad for think about it would you feel if Bradley suddenly needed you ..and you had been on the pop...Ive also pm d you paul
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              so sorry pauly - that sounds just too much, and more impactful at the time of year.
              You well know that drinking won't make anything go away, or better - be there for your son and your other family, and you will be so proud that you did.
              Take care of you...
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Pauly...:heartwings: PPPP :heartwings: Positive P's on their way. Take a deep breath, you will get through this. Will send off a PM when I get home from work.


                  Good evening Abbers,

                  I started a thread one minute before Mick started this one but no one noticed, oh well.
                  I've had a busy day - grateful to be fully present & clear headed, believe me.

                  Pauly, I am very sorry for you & your family!
                  That is a lot of bad news to endure but staying strong & sober is the best way to handle it all :hug:
                  Your son will need to talk & know someone is hearing him at this time.
                  We will never fully understand why young people die, it's something we have to bear & just accept. Being available for the survivors & fully present is the best thing we can do. I'll keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers.

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a warm & cozy night for all.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    I chose to drink and zone out,i don't know if i can ever fit those goddamn pieces together!! all day at work,i was fighting to put on my happy face,meanwhile im crying on the inside,when i got off i went outside and had a smoke,cried,drove home in a daze,maybe i could have helped this poor 18 year old!!!he was too loud and talkitive for me,but tried to involve himself in our life,fuck!!!! i cslled the coroners office,got details,this really blows,i cotlda helped him maybe,thanks for the p.m Mick,my mind is just blown atm
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Pauly - have no words. So very sorry.

                      I had something good to post, but feel bad - need to share though....Well now - those who remember my posts from last year (not sure I do mind you!) will recall that I got a 6 month membership in a wine of the month club from two teams of my staff at work - so for 6 months two bottles of wine were delivered to my door every month when I had managed to start to get a start on being af!I still have about 10 bottles in the garage. This year two of them approached me with an envelope - and I started to get nervous - they said, we hear you stopped drinking, so got something different! A six month membership that delivers pasta and sauce, some popcorn and a redbox movie voucher - movie and dinner - once a month! Isn't that just wonderful!!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

