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AF Thursday December 11

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    AF Thursday December 11

    Good morning Abbers!

    Happy Thursday to all. I'll be back in a bit, just wanted to get the day started

    Have a good one!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    likewise folks..washing machine man here this morning and also flooring in kitchen getting fitted ..had to move cooker ,fridge the lot..this was my front room at 6.45 am this morning!!!20141211_070206.jpg
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      morning all
      seems we're all in a hurry, myself included. Thanks for the kick off Lav. Mick, looking good there!
      hope to check in later. hellp abbers near and far
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        its Friday morning here - as I said I was in later last night. Really exciting - grocery shopping and then cooking a late dinner.
        I have bought a new washing machine and it should get delivered today. Not a bad price - nothing fancy and almost like the old one.
        Mick - did you watch 'Happy Valley'? It must ring a bell or two for you. I watched the whole mini-series on the way back to NZ on the plane. I thought it was excellent - depressing and raw, not a cheerful show. Superb acting.
        How are you doing Pauly - check in if you can.
        Big wave to Lav and Sam - and all others to come the way.
        Very cold here at the moment. Seems to be seasonal reversal.


          hiya folks I am..washing machine fixed..guess what the problem was...hairgrips and a couple of coins blocking the pump had caused to to not play....more chance of the hairgrips being mine than the dosh!!the flooring is down ,got to be honest ..really pleased with it..Im just doing fiddly bits now like skirting boards,sanding and polishing..I promised myself I wouldnt do the tiling before xmas ..but you never know!!really pouring down here was almost dark at 2

          hiya are you doing?feelin any better today??cmon get on the barmy bus n lets go......

          hiya Lav....quick brew to see you thru?you back to normal now..not you personally!!!but not rushing about ?

          hiya are you?please tell me you checked the washing m/c for foreign objects before you got a new one!!watched a couple of episodes.sure when they were filming the series,they were up here asking if people wanted to be in it ..basically they were after the use of the houses..take it youre glad to be home?when and wheres the next one to?

          hiya sl... hows the weather over your way?its abs lashing it down here ..rabbits are fed,kale cabbage,hay and a shredded wheat each..and they have got hot water bottles and a cover over the hutch front ..who s spoilt!!

          hows the typing fingers then ppqp?all good?what have you been up to today then?a nything special....

          hey Sam the man..hows you today?ok?you finished rushing about too?

          right folks thats me ....hiya dtd hows you today?yep Sunday jaunts still going on!! here we go pics time ...nearly finished!!

          20141211_145604.jpg that 2 pm today!! 20141211_095128.jpg20141201_163431.jpg didnt realise this is a double oven!!20141211_095159 (1).jpg20141211_142040.jpg centrepiece for over the cooker
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Looking Good Mick!
            Lots of rain here, and a few branches down. I am hearing that flights are calcelled, airports on shut down, lots of powwr outs! Popped flannel sheets on my bed.
            Hot water bottles for the bunnies - goodness gracious! Pop them in the pan for stew and they will soon warm up osteroops: That was probably not the right thing to say
            Hi TT - welcome home.
            Lav and Sam - hope you slow down sometime and breathe a little.
            Pauly - hope you are ok?
            PPQ and Det - see you later?
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Nice pics Micki think my bunny is a tad more spoiled than yours,he's been so used to running amok in the house,hubs put him in the garage cuz he felt bad about him being out in the cold,all he did was tear up suff,i told hubs my friend in England(where its way colder)has his bunnies outside and they do just fine,but no he brought him back in,built a doo-dad arount the tree wires to keep him out,i am o.k you guys,a titch sad and irritated at myself for not being more grateful for what i DO have,it's overcast and dreary here,supposed to rain tomorrow,we'll see,Lav,thank you for the quote on fb last nite,i couldn't respond cuz Louie was being a monkey,love to all,and thank you
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                MAE ALL...

                Lav...thanks for kicking us off. Hope you had a good day.

                Mick...typing fingers good to go. LOL Fairly quiet day at work but have a garden meeting tonight so will be off shortly. The kitchen looks great! Well Done! I don't know, there's still 14 days till Chrimbo think you got enough to keep you busy without the tiles?

                Sam...hope you had a good day. Bet you'll be glad to see the end of market season.

                TT...glad you're home safe and sound. Yup seasonal reversal seems to be happening all over the place.

                SL...sorry for sending the bad weather your way but it's been a treat not having to deal with -30C temps. Ahhh love flannel sheets.

                Pauly...glad you're ok. The titch and irritation will pass soon. Time to get that stinking thinking into gratitude mode. Good luck with the bunny and the tree. LOL

                Quick supper then back to work for a garden meeting. Wish I could just put the ole PJ's on and veg. Have a restful evening all and a good day TT.....:smile: PPQP


                  Well - it's bedtime & I'm just getting back - Geez!
                  It's been a busy but relatively good day.

                  Mick, your new kitchen needs a little decoration for the holidays - it's on the way, keep an eye on your mail box

                  SL, the flights in Philly were delayed for a few hours today because of this goofy weather we're having coast to coast. Hope you stay warm & dry!

                  Greetings TT, PQ, Sam & pauly!
                  Hope everyone is A OK!

                  Tomorrow at 4 pm I start kid watch until sometime on Sunday. Pray for me, I don't want to lose my mind before Christmas. Ha Ha!!!!
                  Have a peaceful night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

