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Sunday December XIV

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    Sunday December XIV

    Dare I take a chance and start this phred this morning. Hopefully I did not over look it already started. A beauuutiful day shaping up here in ol' Virginny. Cut some firewood, work on a fence and yes work on cleaning the house, really just rearranging the dead stink bugs! Hello to every one and hope you day is/has gone along splendidly!!
    Liberated 5/11/2013

    Morning Sam...thanks for taking the chance and kicking us off. LOL Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here too. Rain, freezing rain and snow has stopped. Going to get above zero so will be playing the thaw freeze game on the roads. Dinner with my MIL celebrating her 90th. Only reason I accepted was the ex is not around.

    Shout out to all stopping in today. Will check in later.....:smile: PPQP


      Beautiful day here too but it's Monday. I did have a lovely walk with my daughter on Sunday and then went to her drama production. Ummm?....?
      Always lovely to hear of longevity and older folk doing well PPQP.
      Have you taken the AB Pauly.? Nothing to be scared of as long as you don't drink. It doesn't mess with your mind - it's AL that does that.
      Off to work soon. Have a good Sunday lovely persons


        Too much use of the word lovely in my last post but well intended


          hi folks dont know what happened ..but at 4.30 this morning I thought I had started the post but it didnt happen!!just recovered it thru you go "hi folks ..literally going out of the door now but thought id start the fred..hope all is well ov luck with the ab will do it ..hiya sl ..same fog here this morning and its me driving like mr magoo!!glad you enjoyed the trains lav..ppqp have agreat visit with your dad..yo sam hows you today..any markets on today?
          det settling in mate anyone Ive missed apologies and have a good one folks"

          thats me home a failure the day was a resounding success!!not onnly was it raining and windy, but on every street corner there were welders looking for brass monkeys!!!

          tt no I dont think you overused the word "lovely" in that lovely second last fact it was quite lovely to see how you fitted it in ....lovely..I think it is very descriptive word and its lovely to see it being used in such a lovely from one lovely person to another lovely person...lovely to read your lovely post:nutso::rotlf::black::upsidedown:
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Hi - not a lovely day here, not foggy, but grey for sure! and damp....
            Have to go to "that" holiday do tonight - did not get sick overnight unfortunately so will have to get myself in gear and get orf there!
            Got to write my Christmas cards today - got the letter written last week, now to put in envelopes and addressed etc - probably won't arrive in time fro Christmas - just not getting myself into gear!
            Good to see all today - hope the lovely day continues for those having them!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              and i was given another bottle of wine today!


                Greetings Abbers,

                It's almost bedtime but I finally have a minute to myself. This was one full weekend but a good one & everyone survived, LOL
                Even my daughter, granddaughter & SIL made an appearance this afternoon!!!!

                Sam, you still have stink bugs too? Glad to hear that I'm not the only one, yuck. Far fewer than the last few years but stinky, nonetheless. Hope your day went well!

                PQ, so nice of you to spend time with your MIL on her birthday! Wow, 90 is big, good for her. Hope your weather was kind to you today

                TT, is your daughter an actress too? She sounds like a girl of many talents, nice! I am so grateful that I have remained friends with my daughter over the years, we just really enjoy each other's company. Re-gift that bottle TT - damn.

                SL, glad the rain has stopped out your way! The pictures of the floods, landslides & damage on the west coast are frightening. I've only gotten around to sending a few Christmas cards this year, fewer even than last year. Don't stress out about them!!

                Mick, you need to tell me more about the brass monkeys!

                Pauly, hope you are OK - Det too!

                G'night one 7 all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hi - 11:30 (pm) home safe and sound! Sober after the party, which was at a winery!!! Traffic on way there was as bad as a work day and I admit that I started to discuss having a glass of wine and not telling anyone - pretty stupid to work out a plan to cheat myself! Anyhoos, I did not drink, drove home and will be in a much better state than the rest of the group at tomorrow's management retreat!! Silly day with a hangover on a Monday!
                  Lav, rain returns tonight - it was raining in the bay when I left, and supposed to rain for rest of the week!
                  Cards all written and ready for the mail.
                  Pretty chuffed with myself, so off to sleep I go!
                  Sweet dreams all
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

