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monday Dec 15

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    monday Dec 15

    morn all are we today then ?all good?all chrissy shopping done then?I nearly have...ok I thought about it...been out getting some old roofing slates this mornin..going to make them into potstands the worktops getting marked..and also dont look too bad either..ok enough yapping on we go..

    morning what a weekend you mustve had!!!time to get back to normal!!!big brew comin your way!!what they say is "its cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey"now if you look that lot up there are all sorts of ideas where the saying originally came from...includin you good ol us of a!!

    hiya sl..well how did the party go ..was it one of those look at the smile not the eyes jobs?no problems?any performers there that made you think..jeez that couldve been moi?just saw your second post...well done you..yep you should be chuffed with yourself..nae wee men bangin drums in yer heed this mornin!!!good for you...

    hiya tt are you this fine evening?all good ?what are you going to do with the other bottle of wine?secret santa .here we come!!!I got rid of a watch like that!!

    hiya ppqp...and how are you today then?did you enjoy yesterday with mil?you i n work today or will you be able to take it easy and not go out driving?stay in with a brew and watch the wureld go by...

    hiya sam ..ta for starting the fwed orf yesterday!!what on today then?a market perhaps?

    right folks..back to scrubbing reclaimed roof tiles in the bath ...while the coast is clear!!!!have a great day..

    Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
    A: An Impasta
    Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
    A: An Investigator
    Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
    A: Every morning you'll rise and shine!
    Q: "What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?"
    A: "You can't tuna fish."

    The best way to get your true weight is to get on the scales naked.

    Which is why I'm no longer allowed in my local Wal mart

    Petrol prices hit an all-time low today, as I just drove off without paying.

    My wife kicked me out last night for being drunk and out of control.

    F.cking pathetic allowing women to be bouncers anyway.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers!

    Dark & cloudy here today, rain on the way for tomorrow - better than snow!!!

    I slept like a dead person last night, LOL
    Thanks for the coffee Mick, much needed & appreciated this morning
    Of course I understand the brass monkeys reference this morning......just goes to show how freakin tired I was last night, Ha Ha!!!
    That's a great idea you came up with for protecting your kitchen countertops, nice!

    OK, I am going to haul myself back to Curves & then see what develops for the rest of the day!
    Greetings to all & sending wishes for a terrific AF Monday for everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL...

      Mick...thanks for kicking us off. Visit with MIL was good, had a nice dinner and caught up on things. Only downside was my cold seems to have returned and by the end of the evening I was feeling pretty rough. Good luck with the potstands they'll look good in the new kitchen.

      Lav...glad you survived the weekend. Thought you were going to say "slept like a log" but dead person makes more sense. LOL Enjoy your day.

      Managed to get some sleep after popping more cold meds. No chance of taking today off though. Have a Marvelous AF Monday all and all to come....:smile: PPQP


        Hi - happy to be a non drinker today - very surprised how many people remarked on it last night!
        Well off to a silly day to learn how to communicate better today - will be interesting with a bunch who were drinking last night - not sure how to best communicate when hungover!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          ha sl ..enjoy...verbal, non verbal,written,then direct, indirect horizontal vertical..remember doing all that guff....saw one company once,who every AFriday would not let any of its employees use internal email...instead they had to go and find the person and talk to woman was emailing someone in an office 3 doors away and didnt know....finally got a vase for my poppy..hope the cold gets better ppqp..hiya need another brew?

          20141215_092721 (1).jpg
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Tuesday is on the roll here so I started the thread!!


              Mick - someone brought up the very concept of email free Friday today - I just had to point out that I only received 4 emails instead of the usual 50 - 100 on a Monday - why? because all management was in an all day meeting - let's think on that a bit!!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

