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Tuesday AF 16 December

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    Tuesday AF 16 December

    Mae everyone – quick start to a brilliant sunny Tuesday. Not too hot – juts right. Seems the Sydney siege is over but lots coming out about the criminal background of the gunman – 47 convictions of sexual assault just for starters. Looks like he was acting alone – no comfort to the victims.

    I need to get the word around to give me boxes of expensive chocolates instead of wine but wine gifts come from people who don’t know me too well. It gets recycled and doesn’t bother me – probably safer these days than the chocolates! I found myself a few months ago off to buy someone an expensive bottle of wine as a gift and changed my mind – picked out an even more expensive gift – but it was greatly appreciated. :thumbsup:

    Glad that your visit with the MIL went well PPQP. I can hear those sighs of relief from Lav after the weekend. I will be catching up with my younger nephews next week – also high in the energy levels. Lots of over-indulgence for these young ones from certain adults – if you get my drift. My daughter and I have been fore-warning ourselves with the likely embarrassing and irritating questions family members will ask her and me next week (have you got a boyfriend? – that's not for me :haha. What do you want to do when you leave school? Remember the time when Aunty XX did XXX – that's a reference to my past drinking).

    And so the house repairs and renovations continue…Mick well done you. :thumbsup:I now have to get a quote to get some more work done in our bathroom – nothing fancy and purely functional.

    Good idea to have a quiet Christmas Sam.

    Hows the AB Pauly? Just send me a PM if you have any ???

    Hope you survived the communication workshop SL. I have a training session today but its very specific to a new role I have with my job so it should be OK. I don’t mind workshops where I learn new skills or information – but I avoid the touchy feely ones like the plague.

    Hi there to everyone else and have a great Tuesday one and all!

    mornin all how are we today?absolutely wunderbar are we?excellent..tis raining cats n dogs this morning here..and cold reminded this morning that its chrimbo next week...didnt realise it was so close..says to Julie that it didnt really feel like chrimbo..her answer..thats because you choose to ignore fkn ho
    tea n cawfee on the lets go for it...

    hiya tt :upsidedown:how are you today?all ok the siege is over in oz with a dead of the things that really struck me was that lady who saw the muslim lady taking off her hijab in fear of recrimination..she told her to put it back on and said Ill ride with you..and so was born hashtag Ill ride with you...its too easy to lump everyone together and blanket punish...anyways hope you have a good day.

    hiya Lav...hows you today then?did you get to curves?any plans for today then?just chill with this you go

    hiya are you feeling today then?just saw some medicine called coldzyme..its supposed to "form a barrier making it hard for colds to attack you..returning you to your FORMER GORGEOUS SELF"ha gonna get some of that..must be a miracle worker!!

    hiya are you today?how did your comms session go?you are right about the scapegoat there many people do you know or have that? example "by monday we need all such and such done"...action?email to all depts monday all .....has got to be one checks does any thing except press a button!!!

    right folks ..big shout to those not here ...pauly,Sam et al...hope you are all ok....

    According to a survey, marmalade sales have leapt 48% because of the effect of new movie, Paddington.
    In another survey there was a 17% increase in kids having a crap in the woods.

    I was really happy when I went golfing this morning and hit a birdie on the first hole.

    I also hit a rabbit and 2 dog walkers so it made it even more special.

    I went to see a fortune teller today and she said, "I've got good news, and bad news."

    "What's the good news?" I asked.

    "Well," she replied, "You're just about to have a heart attack, but the paramedics will save your life."

    "What's the bad news then?"

    She said, "I've already seen you've got 4 hundred quid in your wallet and I'm having that before they take you to hospital."

    I have finally packed my job in after 20 years of driving a taxi in london. Just got fed up of people talking behind my back all day.


    The doctor to the patient: ‘You are very sick’
    The patient to the doctor: ‘Can I get a second opinion?’
    The doctor again: ‘Yes, you are very ugly too…’

    A: I have the perfect son.
    B: Does he smoke?
    A: No, he doesn’t.
    B: Does he drink whiskey?
    A: No, he doesn’t.
    B: Does he ever come home late?
    A: No, he doesn’t.
    B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
    A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.

    An Englishman an Irishman and a Scotsman were in a pub, talking about their sons. My son was born on St George’s Day,” commented the English man. “So we obviously decided to call him George” “That’s a real coincidence,” remarked the Scot. “My son was born on St Andrew’s Day, so obviously we decided to call him Andrew.”
    "That’s incredible, what a coincidence, "said the Irishman. "Exactly the same thing happened with my son Pancake."

    What did Snow White say when she came out of the photobooth?
    Someday my prints will come

    Why didn’t the lifeguard save the hippie?
    Because he was too far out!20141216_110232.jpg 20141213_161349 (1).jpg20141216_094014.jpg
    Last edited by Mick; December 16, 2014, 06:44 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      morning all.
      I couldn't figure out what day it was yesterday so I decided to let TT's tuesday come around. I would have a hard time writing in total future tense. So now I'm presently tense, too much coffee.
      A dreary looking day out it doth appear. Getting ready to get out and feed the critters

      TT, I just heard about the Sidney siege, does this stuff ever end??!!

      Mick, like the pics, now you can whip up S Claus's some vittles!

      be well good friends. Over and out
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Greetings Abbers!

        As far as I can tell Sam ~ it's Tuesday but I wouldn't put my money on it, Ha Ha

        Hi there TT, is it Wednesday yet?
        It's 2 pm here & I am finally checking in to say hello. Fortunately for everyone I was taught better communication skills when I was in nursing school. Asking a teenager about a boyfriend/girlfriend is considered as rude as asking a pregnant woman if she's happy about being pregnant Really, what the hell is wrong with some people?
        The news has been filled with shooting/killing tragedies all over the world lately, sad. A guy just two counties north of where I'm sitting went on a ramapage yesterday & killed his ex-wife & her family - 6 dead. He's still on the loose although the authorities are guessing that the ex-marine probably has killed himself by now. Another shooting occured yesteday just a few towns away from where I lived. Ex-cop killed his estranged girlfriend & her mother, then himself. Now we know why he was an ex-cop (stalker). Sad, sad news.

        Het there Mick with the sparkling new kitchen
        I hope your family appreciates your diligence & hard work! Be proud of yourself!

        Hellos to PQ, SL, Det. Have we seen Pauly? She's not been on Facebook either? Hope she's OK.

        OK, back to work for me! Have a terrific AF Tuesday one & all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Thanks for the kick up the bum Lav. Have started the Wednesday thread since its that time already...


            MAE ALL....

            Long day at work, stayed late to give someone their cheque, dance kids are all hyped up on candy canes and chocolates and I can't get rid of this cold :rant:
            Picked up some cough syrup with codeine in it. I know some around here frown on that but I have to try and get some sleep.

            TT...thanks for the kickstart and Wednesday's thread. Won't read it tonight though.

            Mick...the ex also chose to ignore chrimbo. Once I finally get my life sorted I'm starting new traditions. Wish I'd read the thread this morning I could have got coldzyme instead. Will have a look for it or it's equivalent. The kitchen looks great, you must be expecting something special in your stocking.

  's very seldom we get dreary days but today was one of them. Sunny and into the +'s tomorrow. Did you happen to see the "how to get your tractor unstuck from the mud" video I posted the other day? It just made me think of you. If you missed it I'll post it again, let me know.

            Lav...same story about killings/suicide around here too. I think this time of year can be really hard on people/families. I don't know if I'd have the nerve to ask the pregnant lady question even if I'd like to know. None of my business. Looking forward to seeing the TTrain toys you're going to buy.

            Pauly...give us a shot no matter what it is.

            Definitely having an early evening and hopefully can get some sleep. Will check in with everyone in the morning....:smile:PPQP


              ahoy ABerooooos!

              thanks for the kickstart TTops, I'm hoping it's chocolate this year! at least your boss thinks of giving you something...mine just gives
              me a hard time.

              managed to sneak in a couple of movies recently I've really enjoyed. 'the grand Budapest hotel' and 'the hundred foot journey'. both great.

              I've never done much on holidays, so don't have strong emotions attached to them as many do. it can be a bit lonely but keeps the drama down.

              driving over the mountains and through the snow tomorrow so I'll be departing early so I have plenty of time and light. and no bloody hangover sure helps! day 156 here and feeling mighty fine. great fun and sweaty time last night at fencing and heard that our club's senior female fencer (she's in her 70's) came within one point of winning a world title last week. wow! truly an inspiration.

              PPQ, feel better soon love

              hugs to Lav, Mick, Sam, Pauly, TTops, PPQ and anyone else needing one

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Hi all - long day after trying to catch up from yesterday. So agree TT - love being taught and learning stuff, will take as much of that as I can get, but the touchy feely stuff:sad:
                Just nipped in before off to run girls around - will read properly later.
                Sam and Lav - are you sure its just Tuesday - it feels much later, must be on TT's time!!
                Back in a bit....
                Det - I'll take a hug if you are giving them out!!!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Well done Det on the 156 days. Fantastic.
                  Present wasn't from my boss - more a token of appreciation from someone I have helped in various ways through my job.
                  Tonight my partner brought home wine - gift from a client. He also was given chocs - but he ate them. How unfair is that?
                  Hi there SL!

