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the toozday afore chrimbo day..

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    the toozday afore chrimbo day..

    morning all ..tis I ..the bad penny is how are you all today then?reason as I said didnt put in an appearance,was as you probably know every so often I get downers on me,and its a case of trying to snap out of it..started a post and when Iread it back it looked like fuel for the "depression "fire so I didnt bother..yes I go through all the same thoughts as everyone else ,mortality,being fed up,health,finance..(lets be honest..a Jock not bothering about that is an illness!!)as sl said without naming me ..statins make me physically and mentally ill so cant take them..anyways this is getting boring ..turning into a why me story!!!! never managed to get the tiles yesterday,thumb is still there ..think Im going to lose the nail ripped one side out of its bed ...oh and its raining now that we are all cheeried up lets move on..going to have a brew..gotta mouth like an arabs flip flop!!

    t n coffee on the go..

    hiya how does that one work then.."went for a LOOK with the missus" no coinage involved????you already for chrimbo mate?

    hiya SL...forget Dr Gupta...Im sure you remember Hilary Jones on the radio as the doc over here..isnt it strange?none of them actually say dont drink..its always safely ,wisely etc and yet I dont ever recall smoke wisely,safely dont binge smoke!! yes you will get wee thoughts every now and again...I wonder just the one ..really could do with a drink...but the trick is you have now got the tools to fix that...Amy is away to look at Bassetlaw hosp ..Notts..think there are possibly 2 jobs there...

    hiya tt...hows you today?things any better?thank you for your friendship is appreciated ..and that goes for you all..never mind the moggy can chuck me in the car and drive me past the ocean in the sunshine!!!

    hiya Lav..well is the big list diminishing?time for a brew?have you got a house full at xmas?i bet you have..make sure they are on the washing up rosta!!

    hiya are you then...hows the new phone?still messin with it?you all set for chrimbo?..includin the mindset for nae booze dot com??just take it easy will be fine....

    hiya are you ..take it you are on holiday now??enjoy it

    dtd ..seein as you pop in every now n again just thouht I would ask how you were? all good.

    right folks orf we go now..have a great day.....


    Imagine if your fridge did what you do to it everyday. Every half hour it goes to your room opens the door, and stares at you for 5 minutes then leaves.

    I was just sitting around, doing nothing, when I was arrested for impersonating the President of the United States.

    Me: Is there a problem officer?
    Cop: You were swerving alot back there
    Me: Well I had 8 beers officer
    Cop: Thats no excuse to let your wife drive

    The closest that I've gotten to murder: Holding Oreos under the milk until the bubbles stop...

    You might be a redneck if you've been married 3 times and you still have the same in laws

    A Redneck scientist is on project about cockroach and its behavior.
    He puts cockroach on table n shouts RUN. it starts running.
    He picks it again and cuts out front 2 legs n shouts RUN . Cockroach again runs this time slower.

    He then chop out his 2 middle legs and shouts RUN. Cockroach scrambles it very slowly.

    He then chops remaining 2 legs and shouts RUN. Poor creature don't move at all.

    He summarises in end - Cockroach becames deaf if you chopout his legs .....!!!!!

    A redneck had become a major buyer of a furniture company in Alabama. The company sent him to buy some new lines of furniture in France, they gave him three days to buy the furniture. The redneck went over there on the first day and closed the deal with a furniture manufacturer, so he had two days left. He decided to go to a bistro and have some wine, he sat down had a glass and he sees a very good looking woman across the room and motions her so come over there, and the woman started to speak to him in french so put his hand up to hush her up, and he drew a picture of a wine glass and she nods her head and he orders her a glass of wine and they continue to talk this way, he then draws some food and she nods her head so they go to restaurant and he orders two plates of pasta and they continue to talk through drawing. When the redneck hears some music playing he draws a picture of two stick figures dancing, and she nods her head and they start dancing. So when they stop dancing the woman draws a picture of a four post bed, and till this day that redneck does not know how she knew he was in the furniture business.

    Dear Algebra
    please stop asking us to find your x
    she is not coming back

    Every morning, I jog around my block 15 times. Then I pick up the block and put it back in my toy chest.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

    Glad to see you back Mick, you were missed yesterday :hug:
    Nice pictures today!
    My mood went to hell yesterday when I found one of my chickens brutally murdered by a damn hawk! What a sad sight that was :sad:
    My son happened to pull into the driveway while that was going on & scared the hawk off but it was too late. What a nasty way to go, poor chicken.

    Sad about the passing of Joe Cocker, he was one of a kind!!!

    Greetings to Sam, SL, PQ, Det, TT, Pauly & everyone!
    I am starting my day with a trip to Curves then back here to do a little cleanup & the last of the cookie baking. My whole gang will be here for dinner & gifts tomorrow, should be fun

    Have a great AF day everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody, I think dips in mood are normal this time of year for everybody, all the go,go,go has made me feel blah,plus Brady's friend,my cousin,and uncle passing didn't' help,but I'm dealing, Mick,the pics look goodour tree is so damn dry the ornaments are saggingat least it's almost over, hello Lav,Sam,Det,PPQ,SL and SF(wish she would check in) man the sleep fairy totally flew past my house last nite! I'm exhausted, getting through today will be a miracle
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Morning all. Looks like SC may need an umbrella and a poncho over here on this side of the universe. I had strange thing happen yesterday; my elbow blew up with fluid. Research points to bursitis. Seems to have gone down somewhat today. Been having a cranky elbow and also numbness in my fingers for some time. Guess I'll live till I die!!

        Anywho, thanks for the kick off Mick. Looking with the Missus involve cash, sometimes. She's quite finicky when shopping. It can be a long at times painfully slow process and perhaps dissatisfaction once purchase made and back home with said item. Perhaps a return?! I've basically quit buying stuff for folks. It's a far sight easier that way!! Great pics! Pretty tree!

        Hey Lav, sorry to read of your loss! I've taken to stringing surveying flagging from the top of the fence, side to side. It seems to have worked. I know it is against the law to shoot them, but I'll be tempted if I caught one.

        Morning Pauly, hope you get some sleep. It is such a precious commodity! Hope you have an enjoyable Chrimbo!

        off to feed and take in the day. Be well friends!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          MAE ALL....

          Mick...thanks for the kickstart this morning. Figured it was one of your episodes, glad to see you dealing with it. Tree and hearth look great. So are you ready for Chrimbo? I haven't decorated a tree or bought presents since I left the ex. Walking out left me with no money and very disillusioned with life. Now that I'm back on track I'm thinking it's time to start some new traditions. Will see what next Chrimbo brings.

          Lav...sorry to hear about your chicken. You've had hawk problems in the past haven't you. Enjoy the gang and your festivities tomorrow.

          Pauly...hope the sleep fairy lands at your place tonight. This is not the time to go without sleep. I agree, lots of mood swings this time of year. Glad to hear you're dealing with things, it's been a rough one for you.

          Not sure what my day will bring. I will be cooking a turkey on Thursday as I love the way it makes the house smell. Have a Terrific AF Tuesday all.....:smile:PPQP


            Hi there -yep its Christmas Eve already at the Soutb Pole so the penguins have started the thread!


              Hi - took me forever to get home from work today, then had to go pick up turkey, so just getting to check in now. All good here.
              Mick - glad you came true with us, and sorry for the blue times. Please let us know so we can support you. Fingers crossed for Amy.
              Not much to say today - not ready for C Eve yet, so ignoring tomorrows thread until it comes
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

