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Merry all and all good Christmas Day

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    Merry all and all good Christmas Day

    Merry Christmas TT,Lav, Mick, SL, Det, Pauly PQ, SF, DTD and all other good friends that I missed due to brain ineptitude.
    Liberated 5/11/2013

    Merry Christmas everyone! My day went well - no dramas and quite relaxing.
    Over-dosed on chocolate.
    So this was my 3rd sober Christmas. Think I will do it this way every year!! Haha.


      ho ho ho......................................:cuss::har har::shout: merry chrimbo everyone....well like tt...this my 3rd chrimbo without booze....unlike tt I aint full of choclit!!hope everyone is down to the outlaws in a wee while...just noticed that the back window looks many on the outside..where the wind and rain has been hittting it,,was going to get the ladders out but nope ..told not to ..! Downton Abbey special tonight!!

      merry chrimble everyone..

      pie..when did your guests turn up...was there anything left after your sampling?

      hiya Lav...enjoy your day...still early doors for lie in as long as poss..its gonna be a long day from 4 on!heres your brew..

      Sam....hows you today?everything under control?have a good one mate.

      ppqp good idea...take it as it comes and def new memory box...beans n sausage on toast ..with lea and perrins sauce..thatd do me fine.. the shop ran out of raviolis? what did you do instead? af cider that not called juice ?:yay:

      hiya Pauly....deep breathes ...calm down!!hope you are ok...take it the place is like a madhouse?have a great day tho...

      to all those not here Det,dtd et al...a merry xmas to you all....have a great as much as you can!!!
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Merry Christmas from sunny (and very windy) South Africa!

        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Good morning Abbers & Merry Christmas!

          Sitting in silence & enjoying some coffee this morning!
          Last evening's festivities were wild & wonderful, LOL
          It was an epic kitchen day for me ~ leftovers on the menu for today

          Greetings Sam, TT, Mick, DTD & everyone!
          Wishing everyone a wonderful & peaceful AF Christmas day!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Mae everybody, Merry Christmas to allwe gave Louie his kid trampoline last night,and he was jumping like a madman!! I'm sure he slept good,still tired myself and up early again,was gonna sleep in but remembered I needed to fill the stockings so I got up,this is my second sober Christmas, however the year in between needed some help actually looking at my calendar, I wasn't too bad,but when I was bad I was really bad! Getting it though,slowly but surely, have a great day friends
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Morning Sam, TT, Mick, Dreamy, Lav, Pauly, and all to come! Had myself a merry little Christmas Eve; 1st one ever sober. Prolly a good tradition to continue. Guests were only 2 hours late this year, so a few crumbs of food were left to share.

              Reading back and laughing mightily at the redneck jokes from 12/23. Thanks, Mick! Today I am taking care of many pets whose owners are away for the holidays; 13 visits in all will keep me hopping.

              Enjoy your peace, friends, family, solitude, or whatever floats your boat!


                Good morning all - well it is for me. Happy rest of day/evening/night to all the rest of you. Managed to get up to fill stockings, one teen up and through hers, the other still sleeping (10am) - both are sick - one with snotty nose, other with cough and sore throat - so methinks our quiet Christmas will be even quieter.
                This is also my 3rd af holiday - It was after the holidays of 2010 I know I needed to do something - it has taken longer to navigate the unexpected times - they are what got me, I like af holidays and mornings after - still not liking the lead up - had longings last night, but really happy this morning.
                Work is making miracles - sadly as I read charts, so many of the miracles are coming from alcohol related events - stay sober dear friends, your lives and happiness count on it - as do others around you.
                With much gratitude this Christmas to Mick, TT, Lav, Sam, PPQ, Det and pauly - and alos to those who drop in and keep our thread going and interesting - Pie and DTD today, hopefully others to come
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Merry Christmas to all...glad everyone's doing ok.

                  I am having a tough time this year. I am feeling pretty depressed and my son just told me that he too is depressed and is dealing with anxiety. We've been doing some talking and hopefully it helps. No thoughts of racing out and buying AL just wish I could shake this. Turkey smells good and hope I get some kind of an appetite soon.

                  Sorry to be such a downer, just needed to get that out there.....PPQP


                    Hugs to you PPQP. Is it the holidays getting you down? If yes, they'll be over in a week or so.


                      Thanks Pie...I can usually manage to get through it, all the happy, problem-solved, forgiving family shows. I think this year it's because my son is so depressed, to the point where he's having physical symptoms. That leads to it's my fault. If I'd done everything right I'd still be married and everyone would be happy....and of course I know that's ridiculous. Hug well appreciated.


                        :hug:PPQP,hopefully it's just the holidays, I've been an anxious wreck too,just over think e everything, grr,how old is your son? I hope you have had a good day anyways,take care honey
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Thanks son is 30 yrs old. Doesn't matter how old they get, when they're hurting you hurt. He says he's not feeling hopeless but I sure hear it in his voice. I will be keeping an eye on him. I'm sure it's a combination of a lot of things. Not in my regular routine with the 2 week break, coming to a dead stop after a very busy year, not eating or sleeping properly. Times like this I'm glad I like to read. It helps quiet the negative thoughts in my mind....PPQP


                            PPQ - so sorry - our kids are so important, and as you said, when they hurt we hurt. So how we brush our own feelings under the rug, but when something like this happens it all can pile on top.
                            I am glad you came here and were honest.
                            I do agree, routine is important and I am lost when that security leaves me - you have a while to go before routine returns, can you find some way to add some routine in? Does your son have more support than you? What are you going to do to look after yourself?

                            sending a few of the P's I borrowed back your way....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Thanks son went over to his grandmother's where his Dad was having dinner with her and he felt better when he got home. He said he felt like he accomplished something. We were all able to enjoy the turkey dinner. He and I need a good nights sleep and I think that will happen. My plan was to get down to some serious house cleaning during this time off and now that Chrimbo is done I feel I can start tackling that. Going to pick up some vitamin D3 to take with my multi vitamins and some more fruit and veg's to have in the house.

                              Thanks for being here guys, MWO was my first thought because I feel just getting it out there helps and it did. Not dreading tomorrow anymore and definitely not thinking of AL. I could just imagine where that would have landed all of us. Will check back in in the morning....:smile:PPQP

