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tuesday 30th Dec

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    tuesday 30th Dec

    mae folks ...hows everyone today then?all good hopefully..the penultimate day of twenty fourteen....bit on the parky side over here today...Julie off to work so its me in charge of....nothing :thumbsup:first thing we will have is a brew...anyone else?right lets go ..its show time!!da da

    morning tt ...havent a clue whether it is or isnt as dont know where you are ...hope you are still enjoying it all.

    hiya that is some sorta list of iyls and orts!!!any of the old time ones like breathing in hot eucalyptus etc help? for trying gluten free in the new year..Im on similar ..only its spelt different ...glutton free!!

    hiya Sam ..hows you then?see you were out working yesterday....same today?obviously got the weather on your side...

    hey satzy ...hows you ?what have you come to borrow?whatever it is we aint got any !!!seriously tho ..nice to see you.....and why aint you at work?:congratulatory:

    hiya Lav...hows you today?ok ..big brew?Iknow where the leak is ..its just trying to pinpoint the right we (I) speak ..just watching the farmer putting his cattle in the fields outside on the top of the hill ...still all covered in snow!!Watched a programme last night ..Amish christmas...even between themselves there are massive variations depending on where you live!! as for xmas stuff are down ..was going to put the deccies away and take the tree down..strangely tho I was told no!!!very emphatically I hasten to add!!

    hiya sl.....hows your household today?hows eldest ..feeling any better?when you called your mum did you not get the chicken broth,and custard..that used to be the cure all for sore mouths stomachs the lot!!!well you aint on call so there you able to pamper her!!as for the stiff drink...nah..mind you dont need to say anything ..think youve got your head together on that one!!

    hiya pie ...hows you today then ...better late than never!!good to "see"you.......

    ppqp,det et al hope all is well with you.....

    right the leak detective is offski see you all later....

    I'm selling books on how to avoid saying the wrong thing and getting into fights.

    Who wants some?

    Walking through the park, I accidentally stood in a pile of Dobermann crap. As I stepped back, trod in another.

    I was caught in a Pinscher movement.


    A lorry has crashed on the M25, spilling it's load of decongestants.

    Traffic is now flowing much easier in both directions.

    Breaking Bad' is an anagram of 'Baking Bread'.

    You can tell my university days werent wasted.

    According to physics, nothing ever quite touches. When you lay your hand on something, there is a microscopic amount of space between the atoms of your hand and whatever you're touching.
    So no, officer, technically I never assaulted you

    Tired of my wife calling me thick, I got up and declared I was leaving her. So I packed my bags and headed towards the door.

    She soon burst into laughter as the stewardess told me to get back in my seat.

    A case of Ebola found in Glasgow has caused panic.

    Locals don't know whether you're meant to drink or deep fry it.

    My new book called, DIY Rockets is almost complete.

    Can't wait for the launch.

    The wife has given me a last warning that if i don't give up my obsession with pussy cats soon, she's going to kick me meowt.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers!

    Thanks for the coffee Mick!
    My plan to put away decorations yesterday was scrapped when YB said he would do it New Years day - OK then
    The Amish customs & traditions really are different everywhere you go. I was surprised to find a tray of homemade cookies attached to our farm share last week. They looked good but I let the family eat them. They use real butter & milk when they cook & bake, Ha Ha!!! Good luck with your leak plugging today!

    Pauly, I have found plenty of non-dairy foods to eat & keep me happy
    Believe me, a happy & quiet gut, less head congestion, fewer all-over aches & pains is worth the effort! I liken kicking dairy & gluten out of my life to kicking AL out of my life. I feel gratitude for feeling better not deprivation.
    Start slowly & get into the habit of reading labels. Do it for two weeks & see if you feel better.

    Greetings TT & everyone!
    SL, hope your girl is doing OK today.

    Need to get myself to Curves then off to the feed store to load up on goodies for the chickens
    Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning all. a grey start of the day but looks as if it is clearing out. Be nice to see some sun today. Working on a boundary that the property had been logged to the max. Now brambles cover the lap laying about. Need a blow torch to get through. Going to be a long couple of days.
      Mick, looks like you're up and going, thanks for the kick off, how much snow did you end up getting? Rabbits seemed to enjoy themselves!
      Off to do the critter thing. Be good fellow abbers!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Mae everybody, Mick,I'm with you on the glutton free diet haha,thanks for the coffee, I need it got up this morning and the coffee maker took a dump!:sad:had a spare one in the garage, but of course hubs threw it away on one of his cleaning sprees butthead! So I had to drive in a daze to 7-11,buy black coffee for us both,I'm not taking my tree down til new years day either, Louie is gonna freak ,when he comes over the first thing he wants is all the lights around the house turned on,last nite they came over but my head was pounding and Louie was yelling and he was dropping a frying pan on the tile, it was killing my ears I had to tell them to go home:eek-new:home I feel bad,I'm not taking any meds for this anymore, it doesn't help so why poison my body with Shit that isn't working? Lav,I never would have guessed that all of that stuff had dairy! Here I thought I was not eating much, but basically from that list I'm eating it at EVERY meal,eye opener for sure,did you have sinus problems before you cut out the crap? I haven't seen the brown bunny in a bit Mick,he hiding? How's your daughter feeling SL? Hi Sam,guess what, supposed to snow here tomorrow, we shall see,hi TT,PPQP,Det,SF,Pie let's all have a good Tuesday:thumbsup:
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Hey Lav,sorry to be a pest,but can you give me a sample diet? Like break,lunch,dinner, honestly I don't know where to start, tried googling it but it's mostly 'recipes
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            MAE ALL....

            Thought I'd better check in. It's been a rough couple of days with my son. I'm awake when he's up pacing and I sleep when he finally does. Needless to say I'm pretty exhausted and not feeling like posting much right now. No worries about AL so that's a plus. Hope everyone's doing ok and I'll check back later....PPQP


              MAE all. Getting a delightful mani/pedi at the moment, then to meet favorite friend for lunch. PQ, so sorry for this rough patch with your son.


                Hi there all- started the sober countdown to New Years Eve - just another 16 Hours to go here - but the thread has been started!!


                  PPQ - sending lots of cyber hugs, be glad that you are able to spend time with him, but ensure you get some rest or you will run out of good friend :hug::hug:
                  Mick - no, my mum goes straight to drink, always - no point in wasting time and energy with anything else....
                  Well, had lovely cuddles from a 16year old last night - 1 am she asked if she could get into bed with me - was lovely - told her this morning that I would get her teeth out more often....that was not met well! Face is swelling, lots of sleeping, no eating yet - but I am a believer in the power of sleep so letting her do her least I know this has an end, and will be over soon - it is truly hard when our offspring suffer...feeling for you pp...
                  Wondering if the other one has flu - headache for a couple days now on top of her snotty nose, she is not a headachy one....oh well, sent her back to be with a couple advil...don't they know I am on holiday, not nursingosteroops:
                  Will check in later - happy start to count down TT - way too early for me, lots to do before then...(don't think our usual roast beef will be on Thursdays menu - maybe gruel??)
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    pauly took this today for you
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Wow,that's a beautiful view Mick,could be a postcard PPQP,I feel so bad for your son did anything recent trigger this? Men don't seem to have these problems as much as women do usually, or they just hide it better, is the meds they gave helping at all? I'm sorry you're both having to go through this,((hugs))
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Sending you lots of cyber hugs & strength PQ :hug:
                        I hope your son feels better very soon.

                        Nice pic Mick - looks very cold

                        SL, I hope you have a pot of chicken soup on the stove for your crew - sending healing vibes your way as well!

                        Sam, we installed the yellow plastic caution tape over the chicken yard a few days ago. Today we had another chicken murdered in the same fashion as the one last week! I can't believe the hawk went right through the tape!!!My son actually saw the hawk leave the yard last week so I guess it was determined to do it again! Damn!!! Now we're sitting here looking online for better solutions. Hope your day went well, we did get a good bit of sun.

                        Pauly, look a this:
                        For breakfast I eat eggs or steel cut oatmeal that I cook overnight in the crockpot, make a smoothie with almond milk, frozen berries, banana & a scoop of pea protein powder or a homemade DF & GF granola bar.
                        Lunches are usually salads, leftovers, homemade black bean burgers, that sort of thing.
                        Dinner is some protein (usually chicken or turkey in some form), lots of veggies & salads. I do spend a good deal of time in the kitchen, haven't eaten any fast food since the early 80's (not kidding). Eating out can be a huge pain but it can be done. There's lots of info - just do a lot of Googling, ha ha!

                        Have a peaceful night all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Ahoy hoy ABeroooos!

                          all bouncy and blingy after sword class tonight.

                          Mick, what a loverly picture. I've been really slacking on the photography lately...must get back on it.

                          my diet simply needs to NOT include holiday cookies. arg! managed to clear the darn things out of the house, so day 3 sugar and gluten free once again. So long as I do my own cooking i eat great. thankfully I grew up appreciating real old fashioned foods that don't come in a cardboard box.

                          going to be a pretty quiet NY eve here, prolly stay home and watch a movie. it's going to be a whole 5 degrees F in the morn. ack!

                          wishing you all a warm and snuggly night. be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

