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Jan 1st 2015

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    Jan 1st 2015

    happy new year to you all!!watched a great fireworks display outside as the bells came in....ok so who has made their new year resolutions?and who has broken them already??...anyone? well here we go..but for you all may this year bring to you whatever you are striving for.....

    me ....its brew time so on we go...

    hiya SL...hny....hows things today?wee tear in the een eh?..hope all is well for you today.....hows the weans?there you go ..words from the past!! have a great day..any plans? save us some of that broth ..mmmmm

    hiya Molly and the same to you...hope all is well in your household...same time same place next year x

    hiya pie...hny to you..bums aint notice how I sorta generalised that?..porsches are small!!!you have a great day..and all the best for this year.

    hiya Lav...hny and a big brew....was looking on you tube about chicken pen proofing ..might be worth your while

    hiya pauly...hny...well they all got sare heeds???how did you get on?ok I hope ..make loadsa noise this morning!!

    hiya sam...hny to you ..take it youre out with the cattle today? Im just watching them in the fields outside here.

    tt hny to you ..hope all is well ..mind you in upside down land with your time zones its almost July!!!:congratulatory:have you done your ny resolutions?

    hiya ppqp ..hny ..glad things are slowly getting together for you and son...whats on the agenda for today then?

    det..hny mate wherever you are

    right folks jokes it is ..before sam gets jonesed out!!!

    have a great day one and all.....

    Knighthood for the father of Viagra

    Arise Sir John Thomas

    My girlfriend is always stealing my t-shirts and sweaters...

    But if I take one of her dresses, suddenly "we need to talk".

    It's only my first day at the gym and I already lost 5 lbs.

    Seriously, I have no idea where I misplaced those weights

    I stopped a drug dealer in the street last night and said, "Do you have any illegal drugs on you?"

    "None of your business, mate." he replied.

    "I'll think you'll find it is my business," I said, showing him my badge.

    "Oh right," he said, "You're 21 today, why didn't you say!?"

    Me and my girlfriend are really worried that our parents will never approve of our relationship.

    Especially our dad.

    I saw a bloke from my office on top of a multi-storey car park, threatening to jump off, so I asked a police officer if I could go up and talk to him.

    "We've got specially trained officers talking to him right now, it's best if you wait down here," he said.

    "Dave," I shouted up. "It's me, Pete from work. Will you move over just a little bit? You're directly above my car."

    Who do the ghostbusters call when they're in trouble?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Happy 2015 all!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Good morning Abbers & Happy 2015 to all!

      Freezing cold but very sunny here today, good start to the new year

      The chicken yard is now officially covered Mick. Damn near froze my hands off yesterday helping YB install bird netting over the entire opening but it's done now, thank the gods!!! That is definitely not a one person job but it's done now - yay! The hawks should not be able to do anymore damage. The only damage I expect to deal with today is my grandsons coming back for dinner again, Ha Ha!!!!

      Happy 2015 to you DTD!

      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF start to a fabulous new year!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Greetings and Happy New Year Abbers!

        Mick, generalization when it comes to bums, works for me!

        Lav, my first wish in 2015 is to know what YB stands for.


          MAE and HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL......

          First day of 2015 sees me with a very positive attitude. :yay:

          Mick...thanks for kicking us off. Not sure what the day will bring, will take it as it comes.

          DTD...HNY to you too.

          Lav...glad to hear the chicken yard has been covered. One less thing for you to deal with. Enjoy the grandkids today.

          Pie...HNY to you and I'll let Lav answer your question.

          Temps above 0 today so may find something to do outdoors. Have a Terrific AF Thursday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


            Happy New Year all - fell asleep before the ball dropped! Did get to listen to fireworks in UK over the phone
            Hi DTD! Good to have folks dropping by!
            Good day Pie & Lav
            PPQ - so lovely to see the P rising in your post! I am happy you see a great year in your future!
            Morning Pauly and Det - flipping cold over here!!! Hi of 50 today???
            Morning Sam - do you get a rest day today??
            Pie - YB is Lav's other half - Yard Boy! I love it!!!
            Have a fabulous day all - ours will be very quiet with mushy food, but that's ok!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Oops - hope kayaking went well TT - was thinking of you, forgot to ask! Maybe it's because your time off sounds so much more fun than mine!!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                LOL! No, way! Yard Boy!! That's priceless!


                  Mae everybody, Happy New Year!!stayed up til east coast time at least haha,I don't DO midnight anymore, we had a relaxing nite, me Louie and hubs,just ate our grease festival and watched New year's on CNN of times square with Anderson Cooper and annoying Kathy Griffin, Louie fell asleep at 9:00 and me at 9:30,girls faired ok,maybe they actually have brains haha,Brady's little girlfriend came over for a bit,so all in all a great nite no thought of al,as a matter of fact I used sprite in my beer battered,usually I use Budweiser, but the smell is gag worthy so sprite it was and it was good,Mick,your avatars threw me for a minute, I get to used to one and identify people by them,if Lav ever gets rid of Stella we'll all be lost haha,PPQP,what supps did you get? I'm always interested, how's the girls SL?hello Sam,TT,Pie,DTD,Det,SF oh and btw white rabbits!
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Crickets, you guys are quiet,well I thought the girls behaved until I seen a fb pic of Michelle, bleh she looked yucky!hubs was helping Brady hang his guitars on the wall and she came out of her room whining she was hungover and the pounding was killing her,uhh who's fault is that,brat! Anyway tree is down it looks naked and sad in my living room take the rest of the lights down tomorrow, hope everyone has a good evening
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      happy New Year ABerooooos!

                      relaxing sober night catching up on movies last night. slept in too much today and just feeling unmotivated and kind of lazy which is ok once
                      in a while. I can't be in GO GO GO mode all the time. so... time for another movie.

                      good to see the few of you that have popped in so far.. everyone else ok me hopes?

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

