Whew, it is really cold and we have another dusting of snow. I have all the gear though, so feel warm at home and work.
Lav, sounds like a good recipe, anything warm and soup sounds delicious. I made a delicious recipe with avocado, tomatoes, red onion, cucumber and a dressing of olive oil, garlic, pepper, and lots of fresh lime juice. It called for cilantro, but I didn't have any. I bet that would make it even better. I am going to put the left overs on my salad today at lunch. I love my veggies too, just not potatoes so much. In addition to being AF, it is vital to eat healthy, which can mean different things depending on your personal body chemistry. Food is fun.
Dill, I have changed my attitude about getting a house. We have been here about five months and I want a place to call home. I feel confident in my current job, really love it, and my husband likes the company he is working for too. We finally decided on an area that is acceptable for both our commutes, and close to family. We feel that once spring comes, the house prices will increase, so now is the time to get a better deal. I don't know, I just want to be settled and have a more pleasant spring and summer. I am moving farther south, so should have more spring and fall weather, and less winter and snow. The new house has a small yard, so less yard work, and close to everything. The next few weeks will be crazy, they want to close in about three weeks. Yes, I have to work full time, pack again, make arrangements to move. But, in the end, spring will be here and I will be settled. Whew. In a change of subject, how wonderful to purchase a love creche or nativity set. I have my mother's, from Europe, hand carved and painted, and I treasure it so much. She had bought a nativity set of clothe for the grandkids to play with and I gave that to my daughter. I remember what a magical time Christmas was as a child and how the religious music, stories, prayers, and decor led to a build up of excitement. Wonderful memories. I know what you mean, I don't know if my grandson will be taught about Christianity like we were. It is out of our hands.
Cyn, no wonder you are having a hard time gaining weight, with the limited variety of food you can digest. The professionals you are seeing probably have lots of good ideas, so keep adding to your list. I made a list of all the recipes I make for dinner, and plan on choosing a few each week to make it easier to menu plan. It worked this week and it is a relief to have it planned, bought and just waiting to be cooked. I cleaned off my car yesterday and realized I am looking forward to a garage again. So, crazy time again with moving in a few weeks. I just need to get organized, make lists, and do a little each day! I will, I will. Can you imagine drinking and having all this stuff to do? I would not be able to do this, AF is the only way to go.
Pap, hope you are well. Have a great day all.