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jan 2

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    jan 2

    good marnin everybuddy....and what colours the sky in your world today then?blue?...soon be christmas!! weather over here is up to its usual standard...raining,but with a touch of warmth to it...yes noticed the leak was still there yesterday,nowhere near as bad though ,so its head scratching and back to the drawing board.
    so thats todays work sorted...Julie also kind of mentioned lets get the painting done...
    but first...da da ..tis brew time..tea coffee and adams ale on the table today......

    det welcome my friend..hny to you..thought you had fallen off the edge of the wureld!!hey unmotivated is no big drama,,,as long as its not demotivated watch another film mate

    dtd ..happy new year to you...hows life on the cape..all good for you?

    hiya Lav...glad the hawk issue is sorted then the grandsons..did they eat you out of house n home?heres a big brew for you...any plans for this fine day?

    hiya pie hows things with you in the yellow rose state....?what are you up to today?

    hiya ppqp...hny to you too ...glad things are looking a wee bit more + how did your day turn out?did you get out at all?keep smiling!!

    Mornin SL what a great idea...listenin to fireworks on the phone..not too sure that ones gonna catch on!! youve gone soft since you left these wild and windy shores..50 degrees ? cold?jeez if thatd been here you would have been jotting about in t shirt n shorts!! its dribbly mince and jelly again today?mmmmm..pass on that one ..hope things are getting better in the orthodontic dept. are priceless girl!!!well done on the nae booze at new year!!!so youve got annoying gits n the telly at new year too?mebbe we should you a jools holland for one of your presenters...sprite batter...good for you....and as for your michelle being hung over...we had one on the phone us too...mum my head is killing me..hey live with it!! ok Ill leave the avatar for a wee while !!

    hiya tt...hows you wherever you are..all good...likewise Sam what are you up to?

    right peeps off we toddle ,so take it the way ...bought me first easter egg yesterday!!!!

    I hate injections so what I do is keep my eyes closed.

    I always end up stabbing the chair.

    I broke down at the side of the road in redneck county and as I fiddled with the engine a bloke pulled alongside and said, "say pal! You look like you need a tow!"

    "Whatever makes you think that?" I replied, sarcastically.

    "Well," he said, looking down at my flip-flops, "you've only got 10."

    Rap music promotes gun violence does it?

    I've been listening to the 1812 Overture all week and I haven't performed a drive-by cannoning yet.

    A drunk staggered to his front door with a traffic cone on his head and his wife was waiting for him,

    "Look at you, pissed again. What a f.cking state you're in, " she said.

    "If you think I'm bad, you should see the state of the car. " he slurred.

    My girlfriend just left me to go to Vietnam.



    your momma went to the diet people and told them her weight and they said I asked for your weight not your phone number.

    Yo mama so fat she asked for a waterbed and they put a blanket over the damn ocean.

    yo mama so fat that her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does!

    Yo Momma is so ugly that when One Direction saw her they went the other direction.

    Yo momma is so fat wan her ass was showing she got arrested for carrying 10 pounds of crack

    Yo,Momma's so fat that when she sat on walmart they lowered the prices

    Yo mama is so fat that when she sits on the toilet it starts saying a,b,c,d,e,f,g,get your fat ass off of me.

    Yo momma so poor that I saw her running after garbage truck with a shopping list

    Yo momma so dumb she tried to find the corner of a circle.

    Yo Momma so stupid she thought Jolly Ranchers were gay cowboys.

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers, happy Friday to all!

    The coffee is good Mick, thanks
    Yes, my grandsons cleared out the last of the Christmas cookies yesterday & just about everything else that wasn't nailed down, Ha Ha! I was begging them to go home after all that!!!
    Sunny & cool here, not complaining. Sorry about your rainy weather ~ better than snow though.

    Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a wonderful AF Friday for all. I'm off to Curves for now & will check in later.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning all
      had a just right NY's day. Played toones for about 4 hours, got good vittals, went to bed at a reasonable time. Ready for the tree to come down and get back to it, whatever it may be.

      Morning Mick, thanks for the brew ha ha's!
      Morning Lav, glad to read you got your netting up. Sorry you lost another with the tape idea. Feel badly about that.
      looks like we got some rain heading our way again.

      hello to all good friends popping in.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        MAE ALL....

        Mick...thanks for the brew and kicking us off. Had to look up Adam's Ale...take it that's apple juice? My son is still struggling but spent the last 2 days at his other place (where he has a room mate) which gave me a bit of a break. We've been emailing/txting and a lot of feelings are coming out. I'm grateful that I can deal with this in a positive AF way. What painting does Julie want done?

        Lav...we're headed into a deep freeze for 3 or 4 days. Highs will be around -18C (-.4F) and snow. Reality is back. Enjoy your day.

        Sam...sounds like a great way to spend NY day. There will always be an "it" won't there. You too, enjoy your day.

        Pauly...I will write out what sup's I picked up and post it next time. Only have had one coffee so need to wake up a bit more first.

        Have a Fabulous AF Friday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP
        Last edited by porqoui; January 2, 2015, 09:36 AM.


          Yo Abbers! Mick - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, thank you for the hot coffeeee. And for the kick-off.

          Lav, Google tells me Curves is a fitness center. Good on you for looking after yourself. I enjoyed yoga for a few months last year; need to find a studio close to my new home.

          Sam, ready here too for decorations to come down. Think I'll start with the Christmas lights before the rain moves in again.

          Hi PQ!

          One of my sober realizations has been the extent to which I've neglected friendships. A regret which I want to address, and am very much looking forward to meeting up with a dear friend in about an hour from now. Could it be I haven't seen her in a decade? Yes, I think that's the sad truth. Wish me luck on my repairs of the human kind.

          Humble Pie


            Mae everybody, I love yo mama jokes Mick I'm irritated cuz I've been taking care of my sinus troubles with steaming, coconut oil, st John's wort,saline,turmeric and garlic, and it's been better,however now I caught Kell's cough! Can I just be healthy for a bit?grrrr,it's probly cuz it's been so cold and I'm still smoking outside, I have the e-cig should be using it there's an exercise joint right acrossthe street I'm thinking of joining, it's open 24 hours and I could go from 5 am to 6 when I usually walk we'll see,it's pretty cheap too,however we have a full gym in the garage(that NEVER gets used btw) I could just do that, I wish I would have bought a treadmill instead of the exercise bike I just figured the bike takes up less room, but it bores the piss out of me pedaling to no where, ho-hum,have Louie today hope he's a gentleman I feel lethargic nothing worse than trying to watch an active little boy when you feel like shite,right Lav?PPQP,I'll look forward to that list,glad your son is feeling better, hello to Sam,TT,SL(50 is cold for us west coast peeps) Det,Humble Pie,SF and all the readers,let's have a productive Friday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Really cold again this morning, so taking my tea in bed today (thanks Mick!)
              Did not feel like NY yesterday - usually do good British Sunday lily cb with bit of beef in the bone - had Mac & Cheese instead - she ate thou!!
              Both girls on antibiotics, so both getting digestive upsets, will be glad when my little home back to the norm.
              Making noises about decorations coming down - maybe today...or tomorrow....
              Hope your meet up goes well Pie.
              PP - hope things keep on in this direction for you, it is difficult in January and February when the weather seems even more dreary and it hangs around, so take advantage of any sun you see xxx
              Sam - your day sounded lovely!
              Hi Pauly and Det
              Hope you are still having fun TT...
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Hi's my list. I take the Mental Calmness when I start getting anxious about my son. I take the Magnesium with the Ortho Sleep before bed.
                I was going to ask Lav about taking Magnesium during the day. Documentation says you can but am concerned it will make me drowsy.
                Hope you're feeling better soon. Breakfast done and dishes to do so will check back later....PPQP

                Hi SL....thanks, we'll get through this.

                Mental Calmness (2 a day - chewable tablet that melts in your mouth)

                - L-Theanine 100mg

                Magnesium (1 a day)
                - Magnesium 200mg

                Ortho Sleep (1-2 before bed)
                - GABA 100mg
                - L-Theanine 200mg
                - L-5HTP 100mg
                - Melatonin 3mg
                - Valerian Root 150mg
                - Passion Flower 32mg
                - Lemon Balm 300mg


                  Interesting read - this info is after 5 weeks af, so just think where we all are...

                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    PPQP,I usually take magnesium in the morning then in the evening, I don't think it makes me tired, but then I'm always tired haha,interesting article SL,thanks for sharing
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Greetings - all. Its another sunny day here and so I have started the thread!


                        Thanks for the link SL! I found this paragraph toward the end to be very thought-provoking:

                        "What you have is a pretty average group of British people who would not consider themselves heavy drinkers, yet stopping drinking for a month alters liver fat, cholesterol and blood sugar, and helps them lose weight," says Moore. "If someone had a health product that did all that in one month, they would be raking it in."

