but I remember learning many years ago that older people make 70 some % of their urine at night which is disruptive to sleep. Hormone changes, caffeine intake, sleep apnea & certain medications can be involved as well. I seem to go for long periods of time without having to get up at night, then it will just start for a while....who knows? My biggest challenge is NOT to trip over a sleeping dog or some toy they left laying around. Glad you are feeling better today

Sub-zero wind chills expected tomorrow morning, geez

The wind is making it all the worse!
I'm sitting by the fire with a hooded sweatshirt on with the hood pulled up & I'm still cold, Ha Ha! This is very unusual for me. Maybe the hot flash era is finally over, LOL.
Greetings to Sam. PQ, TT, Det, SL, Pie & everyone.
SL, have you ever been in or worked in a nursing home during the full moon? I swear the residents actually howl, LOL
Have a warm & comfy night all!