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wednesday jan7th

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    wednesday jan7th

    mae all....and how are we today then ?all good ?so what have we all been up to then?lets jump in n see..tea and coffee on the table at the off we go..

    mornin tt...hows you today then?still doing "real " work in your speak? before you know it ..time will be to do all those wee jobs round the house that we put off....

    hiya pie...go on lets see you type...just wanna make sure that the fingys are all there! you finished your boards? they look pretty smart ..oak?

    hiya are you today ten?wow that snow looks iffy it still coming down?the only good thing is all the gardens look the same!!how did your dental cleaning go?all shiny bright now?mine too..all I have to do is sand them down :congratulatory:here ou go a big hand warming cuppa...tell shue I was asking for her ...hope she is doing ok.

    hia are you feeling today?any better..hopefully so has the anxiety gone?big thing is you realise booze wont help..One of the bad things about can click on a button and all of a sudden you are an expert in brain surgery,..Julies mum does that hse has a heart of gold but...think the furthest abroad she has been is Spain,but she is a world traveller ,and as far as illnesses go ..jeez say nowt!!

    Yo Sam...hows you today matey?still a dustin of snow on the ground?as for docs appointment..cant get one till next week!!if the issue gets any worse,Ill just trolley up to A and E ..(ER?)..You out on the land today?Im pointing the wall round an outside window today..thats if it stops raining!!

    mornin Narilly...hows you ?take it you are pretty busy at the mo?

    hiya SL...done your e-mails now?that you back on track?yes I think we all suffer from that I dont need the glasses syndrome..Ive got reading glasses ,and last time they gave ..well not gave sold! mee a pair of long distance mr clever here thought his eyesight was perfick,and that I could shooot a rat in the ass at 1000yds!!ha put the long distance bins on and it opens up a hole new world..its hard to believe the deterioration!! Hows the headache after the chocolate medication?glad that booze didnt get a look in!! good for you...

    morning ppqp....-15 luxury!!!and 8 inch of snow eek!!hope things are better with your son need to look after you too!!

    det great to see you mate...hows things?a for the dreams yep thats it..thats all they are ..youre doing really well mate..I remember when you would have caved..but now you seem to have found that inner dore of resolve ..good for you!!!!

    right folks going for another brew....a few not so happy bunnies on here think its time for a....:grouphugs: take it easy folks

    Can I order a train to deliver some cargo for me?

    - Freight?

    - Well I was hoping for half seven but that'll do

    My dyslexia has reached a new owl.

    My girlfriend thinks that one day I'll be a brilliant father, but I'm not convinced.

    And neither are our children

    My wife told me to hoover the house while she was out.

    When she got back, she yelled, "It's still a f.cking mess in here!"

    "I know," I replied, proudly. "But the outside walls are spotless."

    The world hide and seek champion said it was his intention to get married this year but his perfect woman would be hard to find

    Kim Jong Un arises in the morning and flings open his curtains. "Good morning, Great Leader," says the sun.

    "Good morning, dear sun," replies Kim Jong Un.


    Later that night, the Great Leader prepares for bed...

    "Good night, dear sun," says Kim Jong Un.

    "Good night Kim," replies the sun.

    "No 'Great Leader'," asks Kim? "What is this impertinence?"

    "bollox to you," says the sun, "I'm in the west now."

    Barack Obama has come under fire for spending $1,000 on a dinner for two in Hawaii. Like do they really expect the President of the United States to take his wife out for fried chicken and watermelon washed down by a Coors beer?

    The deaf and dumb society have just released a new blockbuster movie!

    So far critics are giving it a thumbs up!

    Archaeologists don't know why some Native Americans were buried with their boats.

    They've opened a canoe worms.

    Sting's Broadway musical is to close due to poor ticket sales.

    "Every move you make, I'll be watching you" , said no-one

    A Jewish man has opened a convenience store in our village. I walked in and said, "There's a sign in your window that says, 'Bottles of wine - BOGO'. I think you're missng an 'F' at the end."

    He said, "No I'm not."

    I just broke up with this cross-eyed chick.

    I thought she was seeing someone else.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Just a wee hello as I am very tired. Been running around a lot today - dr's appointment took ages (waiting that is). Liver functions all 'normal' (whatever that means but its fantastic news for me - and about bloody time too), I have the Blood pressure of a teenager I was told, but my cholesterol has taken a rise for the worse since Xmas. Not surprising.
    Thanks for starting the thread Mick. Great that you are being strong Det. Thinking of you.
    Hang on in there Pauly and everyone else - don't let the anxiety and sadness get too overwhelming.


      finished apart from tiling around worktops and painting door frame!!

      20150105_194902.jpg 20150106_114024.jpg20150106_114200.jpg20150106_114250.jpg20150106_114555.jpg
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        and more to bore you!!!!!! theres a cheap idea..the last pics...all the slate you see in the pics are old roofing tiles that I cleaned n waxed..then put some felt feet on them..ideal potstands etc...and saves the worktops 20150106_114609.jpg20150106_114624.jpg20150106_114723.jpg20150106_114737.jpg
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Good morning Abbers, happy hump day

          I think I see the sun peeking through the clouds, nice!
          We're in the deep-freeze here, Brrrr!

          Thanks for the coffee Mick, it's good today!
          Love your kitchen pics, you do nice work. How would you like to that kind of work day in & day out?? Hope you're feeling OK & don't need to visit the emergency room (that's never fun). Yep, got my teeth all nice & shiny yesterday but have to go back in a few weeks to have something worked on under one of my crowns. I love how they create problems simply by taking xrays.

          Greetings to all & sending wishes for a great AF Wednesday. I need to take care of the animals then get to Curves. I'll be back later.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Lovely kitchen, Mick! Butcher block countertops, farmhouse sink, happy colors, and oh, the view out your window! Never heard of slate tiles for roofing. Heavy, yes?


              morning all
              a nice brisk morn it is, not the range of temps by any means that PQ was writing about, though!

              Mick, thanks for the brew and the pics. Really like the layout.

              TT, sounds like you need a slow down. Traveling can be tiring. Glad your BP is so good. Drinking can really have an adverse affect on all that makes us tick. Stopping helped me drop my bp and about 30 pounds!

              morning Lav and Pi, x-post!

              Not much going on in my little neck of the woods. Hope everyone is well
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                MAE ALL...

                Mick...thanks for the coffee and the kickoff. Had a refreshing sleep last night, what a treat. Son is much better but am still encouraging him to seek out professional help and get a support plan in place. All I can do is try. Love the new kitchen and can't wait to see what the elusive tiles look like.

                TT...hope you are having a much deserved rest.

                Lav...deep freezes are always easier to take with sun. Hope your day is good.

                Morning Pi and Sam...

                Have to get the old arse in gear so will check back later. Have a Wonderful AF Wednesday all and all to come......:smile:PPQP


                  Mae everybody, Mick,kitchen looks good is everything okay? You mention going to ER but I didn't catch what's up, or maybe you didn't say,TT,awesome news on the liver tests and bp,cholesterol is probably high from holiday food,it's going to be nearly 70 here today, hope I don't roast in this sweater I chose at work,sorry I made yesterday's thread about me,seems I went on and on,maybe I'll dust off my personal thread and vent there,there's nobody in real life I can talk to about anxiety, hubs is oblivious to it can't wrap his head around why I get it,don't want to talk to the kids about it cuz they worry, poor Kell struggles with it once in awhile, sheesh as a teenager I had to rush her twice to ER for panic attacks, but she also had an eating disorder(like me at that age) and I think she was nutrient deficient, maybe were both just nuts haha,I've asked before but I'm gonna ask again,how many hours do you guys sleep? I get up to go pee and I'm like wide awake,nothing on my mind just awake,I wonder if it's cuz I smoke and I'm craving for one,ugh,I'm rambling, hope everyone has a good Wednesday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    hey pauly...this is the gaff to sound off thats what its all about..its about us as people..our own little microcosm of society here..we all like posting the odd challenge here n there,and also if you tot it all up theres a few years af in here ,but that aint the point ..its our own thread, to do as we please with ,providing we abide by the laws of for sleeping..usually for me about 4hrs per night..then all of a sudden it will banjo for the an appointment for tuesday...jeez talk about book early for chrimbo!!lav enjoyed doing the kitchen but my mind is too diverse to just do that all the job is the little room where world wars bank robberies and the likes have been planned..after that back into the garden....
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Since we are getting personal - Pauly - I get up all the time during the night to pee. I try to limit my fluid intake in the evening but I still pee. I also try to train myself not to get up. I always have been a light sleeper but since breast-feeding (16 years ago - duh!!!) it got worse.
                      Pauly - if you are taking AB it probably makes you thirsty and hence the need to pee. You keep on our thread - just rave away!
                      As for my BP - its always been excellent - even booze didn't affect that.
                      Nice pics of the kitchen Mick - almost Amish?
                      I have a builder coming today (its Thursday already) to look at our shower compartment. Needs relining as its built in.
                      OK - want to get an hours writing done before breakfast - thats the plan!


                        getting personal, eh... well... nah, I won't go there...
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          Hi all - catching up...
                          Pauly, I wasn't saying you were sad, just explaining my revelation in the moon cycles. the moon causes many thing as Lav and I talked about earlier - do not go to ER when there is a full moon, and the delivery wards are crazy - so it was just a thought if you could tie anxiety to the moon phases, you maybe equipped to be proactive??
                          Driving to work today and the thought came by as to how happy I am not to be drinking - got to love those moments!
                          OK - back to the grindstone ......Mick - love the slate tiles!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Feeling much better today I skipped the vitamins and just had my usual vitamin shake,skipped epo,but who knows, could be the moon,hormones, stress etc,usually I'm better equipped to handle it can shut my mind off with some breathing and remembering my mindclearing tools,this time it just hit me,also I haven't been exercising like I was or sleeping or drinking enough water cuz it's been chilly(for Vegas people haha)Mick,I totally forgot to comment on the tiles that is a really creative ideas and it looksgreat hope everyone is having a good whatever time it is where you are
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Btw TT,I'm not taking ab every day but I do keep one on me at ALL times if thoughts intrude, down the hatch it goes,and I was reading about Chinese medicine and they believe that organs repair themselves during different hours of sleep, I think that's why we pee at dumb times,cuz I try not to have liquid after 6 but it seems like the body just saves it from earlier haha
                              Last edited by paulywogg; January 7, 2015, 05:22 PM.
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

