ok lets get on then tea and coffe on the go....need to get some shopping our Amy coming down for the weekend!!
hiya Lav...and hows you today then?ok...I painted that border in the kitchen that I need to tile ..looks much better...heres a pic of the tiles Im after ..they are multi colored rough unglazed....see you were tripping about the boards too

hiya cinders ...yoohoo ..thanks for jumping in.....glad things are good for you ..best to all
hiya ppqp...finished procrastinatin? hows things with you then today....apart from poetry...was wonderin what a dick looked like!!!been called it often enough

hi pie ,bye pie..now say that fast!!hows you today then? all good? any weekend planning on the go?any more diy on the way?so how did you help the dog?was it lost..needed to catch a bus?no money?
hiya pauly...how are you today then?feelin any better?saw you postin around the gaff too....again some interesting as well as disrespectful comments!!yep can honestly say I had an "interesting" 25 years in the prison service..started off as a prison officer (your speak guard) and ended up as Governor (your speak warden/superintendant?)..as an officer you deal with prisoners....as a gov you deal with prisoners ,staff associated staff,outside agencies,auditors (on just about everything)all sorts.so you can easily lose touch..I made a conscious effort to get round the jail daily..a .because I enjoyed it and b would rather talk to the staff and cons rather than some of the muppets I was forced to..Im sure if you talk to SL and the likes its the same..so there you go..suitably bored now??yep weve got a nice wee fred going here...and you my dear are a big part of it..as for looking at the big numbers ..I used to do that too...but when you think of it ..it is only 200/300 of what we did yesterday.....you doing anything weekend?
hiya SL....Hows the world for you today then?ok?yaaaay another day closer to the weekend...good article that and made interesting reading..but would put a couple of caveats in..they make day 66 like holy grail day.. I think if you are going to make a specific day or length of time your target then you need to put an achieved reward with it..holiday ,show ..whatever..reason Im saying that is..how many people got to day whatever 30 for example ,,thought they had done brill and to be fair they had,but then thinking shit ..is that?no bands people cheering flag wavin etc..I know I certainly did...and the other thing it doesnt mention is complacency..day 66 +.. out with your friends .."go on have a drink"...thinks..yeh no probs just proved I can quit..you dont rule me Mr booze....and then......
hiya tt hows you then ?feeling ok then?reading your post ..yes its so easy to become a keyboard warrior,its just tap the keys click and its gone..or if you are like me its literally gone!!...its very much harder to front someone up and discuss the issues, but I think it provides a lot healthier debate,plus its easier to talk then write .how many times have you been in e-mail discussion going on and on until you get to that famous website...cant be arsed.com and thats it end ..
hiya Sam....hows you wherever you are today......
righty ho folks offski ...have a great weekend one n all.....
My blonde wife called me at work and said she can't find her glasses, so I told her to use her contacts.
She rang me back an hour later to say she had called everyone in her phone and none of them knew where they were either.
Happy Birthday Elvis, Born 80 years ago today
If he was still alive he'd probably be dead by now.
Just got the worse case of déjà vu, until I realised it was because I just refreshed the page.
What's pink and hard?
A pig with a flick knife!
If I got £1 for every time I looked at the negative side of things,
I'd have way too many f.cking taxes to pay.
Patient: "Doctor, I don't know what's wrong with me".
Doctor: "Take these pills, I don't know what they're for".
As me and the wife headed off on a romantic holiday we talked about what kinky things we'd like to do to each other.
She said, "I've always wanted to be handcuffed."
So I planted a kilo of coke in her suitcase.
I went to the best fortune-teller in Manchester and she gave me an envelope to open on the next rainy day.
Then it came and I read
"It's raining today."
Some homeless guy stopped me in the street yesterday and asked " 'ave you got ten pence for a cup of tea guv?" so I said " yes here's twenty, get me one too