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sun 11
sun 11
hiya foks....out this morning..its freezing ..must be mad ..that henhouse looks brill you take guests.?and no its not chasing pink yes Lincoln has a lot of histor...but doesnt most of britain..well back to doin what im doing ...have a great day is rubbish for thisaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12Tags: None
Howdy Abbers!
Listening to rain on the roof this morning, and happy to have no commitments to go out. I put in a job application on Friday, and hoping to get called for an interview this coming week. It's my first time job-seeking when my advancing age could be an issue. We'll see.
Mick, is it volunteer work you do?
good morning all
quite chillin out there so for right now I'm in here. Looks like some ice then rain on it's way for us here in ol Virginny.
Mick, man of mystery, how you doing today? Whatever you do, don't tell!! We'll be going in the greenhouse today at some point. Suppose to get above freezing today so I'm curious how things held up in this colder clime that has graced us lately.
Morning Pie, good luck on your interview. I definitely relate to seeking a job in the "advancing age" part. I am starting to look myself as I made hardly anything last year surveying. Good for you getting out there!
Lav, quite the hen hotel. Here's a snap of a neighbor's movable house, it is on an old wagon, not pretty but very good idea. She keeps a Great Pyrenese (sp?) with her chickens. The pooch actually stopped a hawk attack, went for the hawk!
Greetings fellow abbers. Have an enjoyable Sunday.
SamLiberated 5/11/2013
Good morning Abbers,
Sunny & chilly here today, tomorrow is going to be damp & icy, yuck!
Be care out there in the world Mick whatever it is you are doing.
Pie, good luck with your job aspirations!
Age discrimination is supposed to be a thing of the past, right? Mind telling us what sort of work you do? We won't tell, Ha Ha!!! I spent nearly 30 years in nursing then retired before it actually killed me. My drinking career started afterwards, go figure! These days I have a small home based embroidery/monogramming biz. Love that it's just me, two machines, two computers & no whining patients, LOL
Greetings to everyone! Have a wonderful AF Sunday one & all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Mick...thanks for kicking us off especially since you did it on your phone. I also appreciate you taking on the cold temps for us, we need a break. Hope your day out is a success.
Pie...I love the sound of rain on the roof, especially if you don't have to go out in it. After leaving my ex in my 50's I landed a job at our community association centre and I love it. Good luck with the interview.
Sam...stay safe out there. Ice and rain is the worst. At least we've been getting the light, fluffy snow. Staying put sounds like a good idea.
Lav....don't know if I'm missing posts here or if peeps are seeing your pics on FB??? Enjoy your day with whatever you get up to.
Not sure what my day will bring either. Going to be sunny and chilly but think I will still try to spend some time outdoors. Makes me appreciate the couch more.
Have a Super AF Sunday all and all to come......:smile:PPQP
Mae everybody, went for a walk trying to catch some rain, nada,but now it's getting all dark,May hafta gear up and go again haha,Lav,do you think a lot of nurses have al probs? I've seen quite a few,that and teachers,I feel groggy this morning, I don't think hubs mixed the coffee right too much decaf,I'm gonna hafta do it tomorrow, nothing planned for today, me and Louie bought groceries last night, he fanagled me to buy a $4.00 box of organic crackers just because Elmo was on the box,I always swore my grandkids would hate Elmo,Louie loves that creepy puppetMick,I forgot to tell you that I bought one of those coke"life" drinks you had,wasn't bad,kinda still has a lot of calories in it,also my bougie frozen last week,it looks depressed
Sam,I thought surveying was good money?one of my cousins did it,it wasn't bad money,what kind of jobs you looking at?Hi PPQP,what's the plan for today,anything?Hi Pie,SL,Nar,Det,SF,all the readers I hope Sunday brings us peace and happiness
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hi there everyone - quick pop in before I go to work this Monday morning. I have been in the same profession since my mid-20s but I have changed locations/employers and seniority levels during that time. Mostly I love my job but there is a huge amount of multitasking and excessive accountability these days. I try to make sure I spend time doing the bits I like and I enjoy the variety I am lucky to have.
But very good luck with your job prospects Pie.
Interesting hen house Sam!
Gidday Eloise.
Hi there to everyone else - whether you are on the caffineated or decafe route!
Happy Sober Sunday everyone.
Love the pink sheep Lav, now I know where pink sweaters come from....
Sam, that moveable house looks pretty interesting.
Hmmm, Mick the man of mystery, glad you are keeping some secrets.
TT, I think I will go caffeinated, that works for me.
I have a job right now but if I get laid off I will be in the 'older' people looking for a job category. Hopefully oil prices go up a bit so that doesn't happen. A lot of doom and gloom in the oil patch these days.
Glad to be sober and Unhungover today, have a gooder.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Late check in here today - way too busy enjoying being sober and UNhungover too!
I am really appreciating my sobriety - managing to tell people I no longer drink...told my mother today, she knew I had stopped, but told her I don't anymore. It is interesting people have asked me if it is hard, or for how long but no one has asked why! Have told friends, family and others...maybe I have truly got there. I sincerely hope so as I love this feeling.
Nothing special today - just getting odd jobs done - sun is out, feels like spring and that certainly helps with the good mood.
As to jobs, I just had my 20th anniversary in this company, and have been nursing for 33 years - one of those dinosaur nurses (as I called them in my youth). I would struggle to find a job if I had to look now, so hopefully I can keep this for longer as not in a place to retire yet. Good luck to you Pie“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Dinosaur nurses - yep, that would be me too SL
My license is still active but I'm no longer using it - don't want to at this point.
Sam, Mick, PQ & anyone else wondering -
That fancy purple hen house picture on Facebook is NOT MINE! That was a picture papmom posted for me because she liked the way it looked, ha ha!!!! My hens are lucky enough to be living in an Amish built shed which is now about 11 years old & in need of some repairs. But for now it's OK, they are safe & warm.
Sam. I have two dogs but neither one of them would be interested in or capable of grabbing a hawk
Not looking forward to tomorrow's ice event - boo hiss!
Pauly, I think people in high stress jobs are likely to turn to AL or drugs for 'relief'. I didn't begin my drinking career/problem until just after I left the profession. I was definitely stressed at that time but there was also a lot of personal stuff going on as well, ie husband stress. I made a bad decision, that's for sure but I'm still here to talk about it, right?AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: