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    Hiya folks...nope not being lazy...been up since early doors this morning...doing little jobs around the place...also was on here early doors this morning....but unfortunately it didnt want my custom!!so being dong little bits n bats in the all the big work is done its getting into finite details which I find quite interesting as well as challenging ...oh as well as cutting my thumb with a stanley of those real pain cuts ..not sore or anything but as soon as you start messing with a bit o wood you get claret all over it!!anyway on with the show its nearly dinner time here!!

    tea n coffee on the go.....

    hiya pie ...yep like you listening to the rain on the roof today...yesterday wasnt too clever either...ended up coming home what are you up to today?and best of luck to you on the job front...every now and again I get jobs offered,from security matters to consultancy and investigations...but they are all to do with my last job...and guess what if Id have wanted to do it then I would have stayed on..from what I can gather im glad I am out..yep I too fell into the dinosaur bracket!!

    hiya Sam...hows you today then mate was things in the greenhouse?I haven got too much in mine at the know that idea I had making frames/cloches whatever out of the corrugated clear plastic sheets?well they have turned out absolutely the extent I pegged over to the top of them and they have survived 100 mph winds..they flex but dont break or blow away!!

    hiya Lav...hows you today then?all ok?hows the weather doing?that embroidery business of yours doesnt do too bad..not bad at all considering it was something you started out because you enjoyed you still as much?here you go..put the needles down and have a brew

    hiya ppqp...hows you today then?did you go to your dads yesterday?dont think you are missing anything on this thread ..I think some of the pics are on fb...theres a crowd of us on there all over the place..Well are you working today?boss 1 or 2 today?have a good one..hows son doing?

    hiya pauly ..jest walkin in the rain....sure we can a song about that!!and you didnt get any ?hey get yourself over here!!!youll be drowned!!yes my little bougie plant is doing pretty poorly at the mo too...hope it picks up....dont think that coke life has caught on too well..not really well advertised and I hardly see it here any have a good day

    hiya Eloise how are you today then?you doing ok?nice to "see you" on here..

    hiya tt ..hows you then?all good in upside down land?I think think the phrase nowadays is "more for less"...probably the biggest stressor there is!!when you look at the big economic picture it doesnt make downsize lay people off ,increase work loads,causing health issues ergo a greater pressure on the health service and their budgets ...

    Hiya narilly..hows you today then?..yep was out doing a bit yesterday but the weather was pretty poor...yes the price of fuel is going down ,but as you say there are casualties as a spin off from that..hopefully you wont be one fingers crossed..

    hiya SL...hw are you today ?unhungover ,good for you...yes its strange when you say I dont drink ,you hardly ever get asked you say.most people are usually concerned with..oh I couldnt do that ,or dont you miss it etc....and yes you have done the hard bit ,you now know how it feels to be sober,its all about maintenance now..Im so chuffed for you....

    right folks better get this up ..otherwise itll be tea time!!! have a great day....

    A Jewish boy comes home from school & says "Father, instead of catching the bus to school I ran behind it all the way & saved you 2 shekels".
    "You silly little git" his father says "If you had ran behind a taxi you could have saved me 12 shekels".

    Earn money by displaying a "How's My Driving?" sign on your car, along with an 0906 number (£1.50 per minute which you can acquire through BT).

    Then simply drive around town like a complete arse

    One morning, Harry wakes up and goes downstairs into the kitchen. It's his birthday. It's the third day of the third month and Harry is thirty three years old. He notices that the kitchen clock has broken and stopped at 3:30am. On the radio, the weather announces that the temperature is 33 degrees. Opening the sporting section of his newspaper, he turns to page three; he sees that a horse called 'Triple Treble' is running in the 3.30. He rings up a bookmaker and puts £333 on it to win.
    It comes in third.

    My job is to sort out prisoner's letters and packages, or blackmail as I like to call it.

    I phoned my boss and told him I was sick.

    "I'll see you here at nine," he said, and hung up.

    I hate working for a doctor.

    You know you're getting too old for the job's market when you forward a CV to a company, and they send you a free Parker Pen just for applying.

    20150112_125406.jpg making little oak collars to go round the bottom of the pipe covering

    20150112_125255.jpg couldnt think what to do in this corner,so da da ..this looks the part...some straw ,eggs and a £1.99 basket!

    20150112_125309.jpg wanted to take the bareness off the top of the cupboard ..another £1.99 basket and some artificial lavender
    Last edited by Mick; January 12, 2015, 07:43 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    good morning all
    a rainy day in sight here, I do believe, least it is not freezing rain. Finished my temp fix of fence... till the next time. Cut a little firewood, needed my camera yesterday but didn't have it; daughter and the wife using the wood splitter together. Course everyone was so bundled up, could tell who was what.

    Morning Mick, if you get the chance, I"d like to see a pic of your corrugated plastic frames. Our older lettuce froze but the newer didn't. Maybe because it was taller??!? Don't know. All other stuff was winter hardy stuff so it made it. Any way, it has been nice having fresh greens every day and not having to buy them. We'll get an early start this spring for sure. Take of that hand, infection and all that kind of thing.

    Lav, I had read earlier you had 25 cockadoodles and wouldn't fit. Still, nice chicken tractor!! Freezing rain up your way? Stay warm & dry.

    Be well good friends. off for a second cup and feeding the critters.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Narilly, pink sweaters! You made me giggle.

      Mick, hoping you don't return my jinx with the thumb cut business!

      Lav, I've had careers in two different professions, business and then education. Not looking to return to either, rather just a low-stress clerical/customer service role. I like solving problems for people. They'll either appreciate the varied experience and maturity I bring, or not. Hope to be given a chance to knock their socks off, though! Got my hair all done in case they call...

      Nice final touches, there Mick. Hi Sam, TT, Pauly, SL, PQ and Happy Monday to everybody!


        Good morning Abbers!

        Rain & other stuff coming down out there. I was just going to stay in but I'm getting reports from my 'scouts' that the roads are OK. Maybe I just will get myself to Curves after all

        Mick, I thought you had me with the picture of the egg basket (nice) but then I saw the lavender ~ very nice!!!!
        You should consider 'interior decorator' for your next career!!!!

        Hi Sam! Sorry about your lettuce. I've been so happy with everything in my winter farm share. Every box has a head of red leaf lettuce & a big bag of spinach & mixed greens. Then there's surprises like white radishes, sweet potatoes & more. This last box had a jar of Amish made pickled beets, yum. I hope the super cold weather stays away for a while. It's 34 degrees here at the moment, cold enough!

        Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a terrific AF Monday!
        I'll check in later.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          here you go sam.... get 3 canes,stick them in the ground in a line....then plant your plants up...then get your corrugated sheet..placing one of the length ways ages agains the inside of the 3 canes you put in...then bend the sheet util you get the desired width....the beauty of this is you can alter the width and height simply by increasing decreasing the bend..once you get what you want ,again place another 3 canes the length of the other edge in the ground...cover either end with wood,card whatever or simply leave open for extra strength ,in wind,tie some cord /line to canes either side of the tunnel you made and push them into the ground..

          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Mick - fake Lavender - really?? Shame on you!!!
            Pie, i have decided I want to work in a flower shop when I retire - would be nice to do something of that ilk - hope you hear soon. There are a few studies showing the benefits of hiring mature folks - hopefully your new to be employer has read these.
            Got a hanging basket with winter pansies in - need the splash of colour...foggy here today, problem when the temp rises a bit - much prefer cold and crisp...
            Hope everyone else has a great Monday, even if it is Monday!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Hi SL, Yes a flower shop would be delightful to work in. Here's my splash of color. This amaryllis has been most cooperative in blooming for me. amaryllis.jpg

              Mick, what are you growing in your winter garden?


                pie at the parsnips which I m digging up ..theyve done well..chard (rabbits love it) spring cabbage,leeks,onions spring onions beetroot and early potatoes to go in,along with onions...
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Mae everybody, late check in for me as I was trying to get a longer walk in this morning and time just slipped away, went to the doc this afternoon so he could check out my nose and ears,says no sinus infection anymore but I still have post nasal drip and my sinuses are swollen, most likely allergies so he prescribed flonase and claritin,will get them Friday when I do my fasting blood work,finally gonna get my hormones checked out too,Mick,an ode to Lav in the kitchen, I like it the joke about the 3's was funny haha figures,hope everyone has a good rest of the day
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    MAE ALL....

                    Seemed like a long day today, probably because I'm not feeling all that great. This too shall pass.

                    Mick...hope the thumb has healed. Pictures look great, I agree you could be an interior decorator. Son seems to be doing better everyday.

           be careful with those pictures, you might loose your helpers.

                    Pie...I have a job at the community centre for you. Care to relocate?

                    Shout out to Lav, SL and Pauly.


                      What's wrong PPQP? Sick?
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        That's an impressive variety, Mick. Embarrassed to say I had to google"parsnips."

                        PQ! Tempting, very tempting!


                          When I promised this morning to check back in I didn't know that I was going to be watching my grandsons for 5 glorious hours. Man, I am beat now, Ha Ha!!!

                          Pie, we cross posted this morning. I hope you get the interview scheduled soon.
                          I certainly do not have any major job ambitions left either. Even with my small biz I feel happy making people happy.
                          I've had the bigger corporate customers in the past, good for bringing in the cash but not the same as dealing with one individual at a time

                          PQ, glad your son is doing better! Are you coming down with something else or still trying to get rid of the last funky viral episode

                          Greetings SL, enjoy the pansies!

                          Pauly, glad you are coming along & getting some things checked out!

                          OK, 11 pm now, time to hit the hay!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Pie, now you Have to try parsnips. They are quite yummy.

                            Lav, I bet you are beat, 5 hours is a long time to entertain.

                            Mick, I agree with SL, fake lavender? Get the real stuff, it's all over Englad isn't it?

                            Hey, it's bed time now. I am happy to be sober. Goodnight.

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014

