tea n coffee on the go for all n sundry the noo..what did amaze me was the number of viewings we had yesterday versus the number of posts...be nice if people just popped in and said hi..
hiya Pie,hows you today then?glad the joke made you laff..yep better mood today thanx ..more positive mustve been that time o the month :congratulatory:
hiya Lav ..well did you get your lunch out?hope so..and did you get any snow?if you are struggling got some here you can have if you reeelly want!heres a big coffee for you..anything on the cards for today then?
hiya ppqp..mrs rested and energized!!.well you never gave us the goss on work..what happened?you even got your eye fixed for a ringside view and bam...nowt!!hows son doing ?things any better?hopefully so....apologies just saw your second post..but WHERE did you get that from " rambunctious"
hiya NS...Hows you then?did you get the puzzles..answers at the end
hiya tt..hows you then today?all good n busy?..no the housing you are talking about still exists ,Sholver Derker Glodwick Werneth..but certainly not worth big bucks...they are now asian and east european communities,and conditions still look (note look) pretty run down..in fact Glodwick was the centre of the race riots a few years ago
hiya pauly..hows you?feeling any better ?horses together eh?oh yeh the fit bit is fun...get lotsa interesting facts now from Julie..like did ou know I slept for 7 hrs 14 mins,or did 5670 activity steps or burned so many calories...all riveting stuff!!
hiya Sam..glad the wife is on the mend now..also the skypey thing..it is a pain had it got rid had it got rid ..now looking at reinstalling it..that looks really smart where you are surveying....
hiya SF...long time no see..what have you been up to ?anything out of the ornery?
righty ho..folks time to go..so have a good day all......
There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket? THE LAST PERSON THAT TOOK THEIR EGG TOOK THE BASKET TOO
If seven people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each other, how many handshakes will there have been? ANSWER....Twenty one.
Most people would people would think there were 43 handshakes, but when "a" shakes hands with "b", "b" has already shaken hands with "a" and need not to do it again.
Name one eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and the end. INKSTAND......
Assuming that you are paying, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice or two friends to the movies at the same time?
Mr. And Mrs. Jacks have five children, half of them are boys. How is this possible?
There is a train one kilometre long, travelling at a rate of one kilometre per minute through a tunnel which is one kilometre long. How long will it take the train to pass through?
My mum said "you treat this place like a hotel"......
She will regret that when I give her a low score on TripAdvisor for 'rude staff'
The Daily Mail reports that in 100 years "90% of languages will become extinct because of simplification".
Wot eva.
I've just been arrested for rape and pillage after getting into the holiday spirit.
It seems the name 'Viking River Cruises' is a little misleading
I've just noticed the hospital drama "Casualty" is up to series twenty nine and to keep it true to life, some of the patients from series one are just being seen.
A kid in the park informed me smoking was bad for you.
So I popped his balloon with my lit cigarette and told him so was talking to strangers.
When I was twelve, I jammed a tile from a Scrabble set into a Nerf gun and shot my brother in the forehead, killing him instantly.
It was an accident though, I thought it was a blank.
I've just stayed at Disneyland and I have to tell you, I am completely pissed off.
9 o'clock in the morning, the maid wakes me up to clean the room.
I was expecting all of the forest creatures to fly in through the window.
So the Sun newspaper has agreed to remove women displaying there breasts on page 3 after it was criticised as being sexist.
But not to worry lads you can always turn to the political pages if you still want to see loads of tits.
My wife and I decided to go out for the day. We went for a long stroll in the park, bought some ice creams and sat by the pond, feeding the ducks. Eventually she turned to me and said, "Have you had a nice day?"
I said, "Yes thanks. remember it well... It was 1987, the sun was shining and I'd just left school."
My mate is so cross eyed,he shaves without a mirror.
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