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friday 22nd jan

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    friday 22nd jan

    mornin all are we this fine weekend coming up ? all good hopefully in one way or another..shant be on here too long got to take sam to the vets..nail clipping and injections..not a happy chappy after that!!so we shall crack on then...

    tea ncoffee on the go...Ive cut downthe amount of cawfee Im having..also on this diet..doing not too down to 11 6 pretty soon hopefully....

    right then ..hiya pauly ..hows you today apart from feeling pretty shit for drinking...2 or 3 things stick out for me...firstly as everyone says,you need to find out from the doc what the health issues are ..after that ..then you can deal with them...says the worlds worst patient!!
    secondly its interesting that you feel safe to admit on here that you did have a drink..and actually it looks like "ive got a guilty secret and ive gotta tell someone." you shouldnt have had a bevvy,and despite any excuses that you conjure up..its crap.....but look at you now..look at the improvement between the length of time that you do have a get back on the weirdo bus...that someone named?? and lets do will fall into place as time goes just need to get it together..:hug:

    morning Lav..well did you get your haircut?you shouldnt have bothered..youll be tearing it out soon with the arrival of your guests..looks like most of your snow has turned to rain now,so heres a big brew afore the fun begins kids+mud+2 days =deep joy!!!!

    hiya molls ..a day off ?what was that all about?theez kidz need places like yoors to be ejucated in!!yep love the marching bands too..wonder why? glad you are getting into the conundrums spirit..did you get yesterdays?wheres your wumman Satzy?have a grand weekend

    hiya Narilly hows the red rose county today then?and how are you ?anything up for the weekend?

    hiya SL...hows you then?your post just about sums it up ..its just life now...fact ..end big deal....but actually it is...the work and effort you put into quitting...dont ever undersell yourself over it ...Burns night Sunday...reckon haggis tatties n neeps..and a bottle of metal foreheed translation for others...Irn Bru! any plans for the weekend?

    ppqp...well done great news on the eye problem...glad its on the doing owt this weekend?

    hiya Sam ..hows you doing?big old oak..firewood ?you should be planking it....its really dear wood over here..

    hiya pie you feeling?hopefully better?..weekend coming up..get some more diy done...big hug from all the weirdos on the bus!!

    hiya are you today?weekend has started really for you hasnt it

    right folks for the to get the carrying hutch sorted out speak later....

    Which of the following words does not belong with the others and why? Father, aunt, sister, cousin, mother, uncle. COUSIN..ALL THE OTHERS ARE GENDER SPECIFIC

    What substance weighs more in its liquid form than in its solid form? WATER

    . A window cleaner is cleaning the windows on the 25th floor of a skyscraper, when he slips and falls. He is not wearing a safety harness and nothing slows his fall, yet he suffered no injuries. Explain. HE WAS CLEANING THE INSIDES OF THE WINDOWS

    A high speed electric train is travelling Southwest at 90 kilometres per hour. The wind is blowing Westward at 30 kilometres per hour. In what direction will the smoke from the engine blow? NO SMOKE FROM ELECTRIC TRAINS

    Two mothers and two daughters were fishing. They managed to catch one big fish, one small fish, and one fat fish. Since only three fish were caught how is it possible that they each took home a fish?

    The fishing party consisted of three people. A grandmother, a mother and a daughter. The mother is both a mother and a daughter.


    When can you add 'two' to 'eleven' and get 'one' as the correct answer?

    Before mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth?

    Benjamin can never tell a lie. Fred can never tell the truth. One of them said, "The other one said he is Fred". Which one said that?

    Benjamin and jack were in a 100 metre race. When Benjamin crossed the finish line, jack was only at the 90 metre mark. Benjamin suggested they run another race. This time, Benjamin would start 10 metres behind the starting line. All other things being equal, will jack win, lose, or will it be a tie in the second race?

    What has three legs and four arms?

    My son's shit drawing of a snake.

    My wife and I were arguing last night.

    "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out that door!" she said, pointing.

    "That's the closet," I replied.

    I saw a documentary about amnesia last year. It was unforgettable.

    Cilla Black has settled her phone hacking claim.

    She was awarded £25. Whilst the Judge accepted her phone had been hacked he stated nobody could understand what the fEck she was chunnering on about.

    I was talking to a guy at work today about sex before marriage.

    'I never had sex with my wife before we got married, how about you?'

    'I don't know,' I said, 'What is her name?'

    I've just finished reading a book on rollercoasters.

    There was a brilliant twist at the end.

    and finally...molls

    Mick, from Dublin appeared on 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 pounds.

    "You've done very well so far," said Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, "but for a million pounds you've only got one lifeline left - phone a friend.
    Everything is riding on this question... will you go for it?"

    "Sure," said Mick, "I'll have a go!"

    "Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?"

    A: Sparrow
    B: Thrush
    C: Magpie
    D: Cuckoo

    "I haven't got a clue," said Mick, "so I'll use me last lifeline and phone me friend Paddy back home in Dublin."

    Mick called up his mate and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him.

    "Hell, Mick!" cried Paddy, "Dat's simple... it's a cuckoo."

    "Are you sure?"

    "I'm sure."

    Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, "I'll go wit Cuckoo as me answer."

    "Is that your final answer?" asked Chris.

    "Dat it is, Sir."

    There was a long - long pause, then the presenter screamed, "Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you've won 1 million pounds!"

    The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink.

    "Tell me, Paddy. How in Heaven's name did you know it was the Cuckoo that doesn't build its own nest?"

    "Because, he lives in a clock."
    Last edited by Mick; January 23, 2015, 02:45 PM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning, Mick. Thanks for the kick-off, and hope you have a low stress visit to the vet.

    PQ, So happy to hear your good news on the eye problem!

    I surely fell into a funk yesterday. Crap sleep the night before, non-stop heavy rain all day, way too much painting (6 doors plus frames). I had the time for it, but stamina, not so much. Then I saw a thing happen that has nothing to do with me, but felt irritated and got to stewing about it. Which of course, only made it grow larger in my mind. Feeling better all around today, and hope to pick up a work assignment.

    See y'all later.
    Last edited by Pie; January 23, 2015, 08:54 AM.


      Good morning Abbers, happy Friday to all

      Sunny this morning but big weekend rain/snow event on the way starting tonight & ending some time tomorrow, ho hum.
      I'm skipping Curves today & heading out to pick up my busy granddaughter. Just hope she's at least happy this weekend, you never know, ha ha!

      Mick, you really take your bunnies to the vet? I don't even know if the vets around here would be willing to see one. They definitely told me mot to bring them any chickens, LOL. Hope your day goes well.

      Pauly, today is a brand new day, make it a good one :hug:

      Greetings to PQ, narilly, Sam. SL, Pie, Molly & everyone dropping by today.
      Have a great AF Friday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mick, I was feeling so smart yesterday b/c I got them all but today... yikes!
        Thanks for digging these up for us :smile:.

        Pauly, do you keep track of your days AF? I know SL did that with green dots on a calendar (and look where she is now!!). It is a good way to show yourself the progress you truly are making. Drinking once every 40 days or so isn't your goal but it sure is better than drinking 40/40 days! That physical reminder might be something you could use when you have a day when you feel out of control. Anyway, I hope you figure out why you've not been feeling well.

        Hope you all have a great weekend, Abbers!


          Good Morning everyone. Hope you have a great Sober Friday. I know Friday used to be a big drinking day for most of us. But No More! The weirdo bus takes us away from that

          Pauly, hope you are feeling better today. Mick had some good points and mentioned the time between drinks getting longer. That is a Huge accomplishment. This time its going to stick.

          Bunnies to the vet? Ya, people do that here too. Lav, do you guys just make stew out of them?

          Talk soon,

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Mae everybody, thank you all for everything and yes Mick,it did feel like a dirty little secret, but I had to be honest here, doctors appointment at 1:00,he's gonna give me my lab results, I'm a little worried cuz usually they just send the results in the mail I hope it's nothing serious, I did get a new bunny yesterday though, Kellie's friend works for the animal foundation so we got a deal, she's just been fixed and when we brought her home Dr.Chocolate kept trying to get on her,so she's quarantined in the spare bedroom until she heals up she's an all white lop-eared and I named her Betty White,she's way tamer than the boy bunny,it was so crazy, there was a dog who looked just like Winslow!! I wanted to adopt him but he was 200 bucks, plus 2 Winslows May drive me to the funny farm haha,glad you feel better today Pie ,those moods and tired feelings sick,have fun with your granddaughter Lav,hiya Sam,NS,SL,PPQP, Nar,Det,SF and all the readers, let's have a good Friday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Mick - what are you taking to the vet?? Yourself :eek-new::congratulatory:
              Hanging in here - girl problems - youngest this time....oh, the teenage years, so tough....

              Hope you get some actual info at this visit Pauly - if not, please push for the visit, get a plan from the Doc, don't just listen OK???
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Morning folks - I have started today's thread - at least its Saturday here!


                  hiya folks tis I.. rabbit had his nails clipped..oh yeh SL ..they put me on an anger management cure dis temper..ok I thought it was funny!! all ok with youngest?
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Just got back from docs,I am a okay, I was so worried, but he put my mind at ease,no hormones outta whack, no liver or kidney probs,no raised platelets anymore, I just have to take care of ME,I have to give this time,if I had a broken arm it would take at least a couple of months, I'm sure my poor brain needs a tad more,Mick,what are the bunnies names btw?
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      MAE ALL...thanks all for the congrats with the eye. I really feel I dodged a bullet there.

                      Mick...I just laughed when you said you were taking Sam to the Vet. That is soooo you! I am planning on a quiet weekend. Visit with Dad and lazying around. On an all day course on Monday so not going to think about work till Tuesday.

                      Pie...glad you're feeling better but now you got me wondering what the "thing" was! No need to respond I'm just one of those people who want to know everything. LOL What kind of work do you do if you're hoping to pick up an assignment? You can just make something up if that is too personal a question.

                      Lav...the weather forecast will make it more challenging with your G/daughter so is she old enough to help bake something with you. I do believe you know your way around a kitchen. I think that's funny the vet told you not to bring in any chickens. LOL

             you got them all? Just read Mick's first of today and haven't a clue. LOL

                      Nar...hasn't this weather been great!! Only problem is the outdoor hockey rink is taken a bit of a beating. We're having an old fashioned skating party here next weekend, hope there's some ice left.

             did the Dr's appointment go? Hope you followed SL's advice. And about Winslow #2. Do you really think you need to take more on! Let's hope the bunny "fix" worked or you may be in trouble. LOL Just saw your post...glad the results were good and yes brain training takes time, I'm still at a grade 1 level. LOL

                      SL...hang on tight. They won't be teenagers forever. :hug:

                      Molls...well I definitely know. LOL Any plans on another trip to Toronto in the near future?

                      TT...I love people who keep me organized. I'm always leery of starting the thread as I figure 3 of them will pop up when I'm done. This way, no waiting.

                      Well, killed enough time here at work think I'll head home early. Catch you all on the flip side......:smile:PPQP


                        Evening all - youngest is struggling Mick, but at least she admits it now so maybe she will be open to help. Tried counselling a while ago but she would not accept it - now hopefully she will and we can start to deal. Lots of tears, and I am worn out - PPQ - teenage years stink! Feels like forever just now...but at least she is still under some semblance of my control, I am sure it is harder when they are older....

                        Glad all is ok physically Pauly - but no answers for you....maybe some psychological help then???
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

