Hope your bunny is OK Mick. Yes, some people take their pets to the vet here too (and we are a very agricultural country) – if they are paying, the vets don’t mind. Kind of ironic because bunnies are an environmental pest and there are people employed to wipe them out – as well as at one stage various poisons were dropped (poisoned carrots no less). Rabbits should have never been introduced here back in in the 19th century (probably by mine, Mick's and SL’s ancestors!! Haha:eek-new
Pauly I think you have been given very good advice. Let us know how the doc’s visit went. Sometimes they prefer to speak to us in person – cos they know we will visit Doctor Google instead. Or sometimes they need to speak about the bigger picture – what the ‘trends’ in our health profile are and how we can make changes to arrest future and current problems. Or eyeball us and read the riot act - I bet everyone here has experienced that. I think its great that you posted soon after drinking and didn't keep it a secret. I had a serious eating disorder for decades and it was only once I started telling my partner when I had had an episode that I started to heal. I must say he was incredibly supportive to me about that.
Pie – you don’t sound too great. Try not to fall into a funk because we know where that can lead. Even if you just tread along, do your work – just do it – perky Pie will return very soon!
SL –I have also had a lot of emotional interaction (haha what a euphemism!) with my girl the last few days. Fortunately this time she has really talked – we talked for hours the other night about leaving home, independence, university, flatting, hostels, us moving house, gap years – all those choices bright middle class teenagers think about at some stage. It was pretty sad for me but I tried to listen to her and we discussed the pros and cons.
But last night was tears – just about trying to fit a dance class into her schedule this year. We ended up with many hugs and I made pikelets late at night. I said to her first though – “this is not to start a habit of emotional eating!’- it was an emergency snack as she had skipped dinner.
Sorry I have interwoven my own ramblings so much but I am thinking of you all.
Hi there also to Narilly, Sam, PPQP, Lav, Molly, Patrice.
Det – how has the week been?
Have a great Saturday and weekend one and all.