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    mornin ar we gettin some weather this morning ..winds rain the whole shebang winds are really strong....and the rain is horizontal!!!!!guess thats the window cleaning off for anothere to go down town ..which I am not looking forward to so best crack on....

    tea n coffee on the boil.....

    hiya det.....glad to see you are back on again mate..just get yourself sorted before you do any of the what if and why stuff........

    hiya tt ..hows you today then speechless....?really...? sometimes it is that ..there isnt a lot to say....have a good evening..

    hiya Lav..big brew..oh and a medal!!!take it you had a good sleep then?any guests today or is that it...

    hiya pie...81???? whats that all about??the only 81 weve got is the wind mph!! not me!!!!

    morning eloise...and how are you today then?headache gone ?people say to cure it you should be in the dark..well ma'am ..let me tell you it doesn't work ..been in the dark most of my life!!

    hiya Sam..hows you today then?ok .no shock collar today then?yep weather is pretty grim over here today.....wont be out n about i n this too office n home....

    hiya ppqp...the best teaser of all..the clue is in clue!!!its so lateral its in orbit!!!! but its there are you today then?didnt learn much but hey free meal!!!

    hiya missus molls hows about ye? you feeling any better today?hope so..we are supposed to be gettin snow too..but if this weather keeps up it will blow away before it lands!! orf you go to work...yer dinners packed!

    Hiya SL ..How are you feeling?any better today?any better?could be the moon weather anything..just get yourself that get up and go brew!!

    right folks its easing lets do this ..gorn ...

    yesterdays answers..did you get them.....

    Rebecca was in a taxi on her way home. Max, the taxi driver, knew she was a well-known chatterbox and didn’t want to engage in conversation with her. So he pretended to be deaf and dumb. He pointed to his ears and mouth to indicate to her that he couldn’t hear or speak. This ruse seemed to work. The journey was peacefully silent.
    When they arrived and Rebecca had got out the taxi, Max pointed to his meter. Rebecca looked at the meter, read what she owed him, paid him and walked off. But she almost immediately realised that Max couldn’t have been a deaf mute.
    HOW DID SHE KNOW THIS? because how did he know where to take her?

    The car park scam
    Saul owned a private outdoor car park. His charges were £1 per hour or £5 for the whole day.
    One snowy winter evening, Saul arrived to lock up for the night. He asked his attendant, “So how much did we take today, John?”
    John replied, “Sorry boss, we only took £50. We had just 10 cars in and they parked all day. The last one has just left.”
    Saul quickly deduced that John was lying to him about the receipts.
    HOW DID JOHN COME TO THIS DECISION WITHOUT ASKING JOHN TO SHOW HIM ALL THE RECEIPTS? he counted the tarmac spaces where the snow hadnt laid!!!

    A man is asked what his daughters look like. He answers, "They are all blondes, but two, all brunettes, but two, and all redheads, but two." How many daughters did he have? three


    Add a single line to the equation in order to make it true. this took absolute ages ..knew the answer but how to do it duh 305 minus 105 = 245 the single line is a diagonal top left of the plus sign!!!!!

    105 + 2 + 5 = 350


    The strange case of the tennis matches
    Fred and Andy are keen tennis players. One Sunday, they go to their local tennis club in Finchley and play 3 tennis matches in a row. Then they leave. Afterwards, over coffee, they realised that they had both lost and won the same number of matches.
    The question is:

    (The strange case of Janes walk
    After a wild and wicked party in Yorkshire, Jane just had to get a breath of fresh air. So she left the house and, would you believe, took a walk across a soggy windswept moor. She didn’t even care about getting her feet muddy or having frizzy hair. The clouds were patchy and low overhead and she was unable to see a single star in the sky. Jane had never been to this area before and did not know anything about the moor. She had no compass or torch with her and there was no moonlight to guide her. But she still managed to easily walk for 30 minutes across the moor and back to the house.
    The question is:

    Donna is a member of a local fitness centre and is a keen swimmer. One Sunday, she goes to the centre and swims, would you believe, 50 lengths of the pool. OK she wasn’t up to Olympic standard but did manage a passable breaststroke. The pool was 25m long and 12m wide. It was 1m deep at the shallow end and then it sloped at an angle of 45 degrees to the deep end where it was 3m deep.
    The question is:

    The strange case of Benjy the President
    It was the year 2045 and, would you believe, Benjy became President of the USA. On the day he took office, Benjy held his first high-level meeting at the White House. The meeting was held in a south facing room. It was daylight, it wasn’t raining and it wasn’t foggy. But still, when Benjy looked out of the window, he couldn’t see the top of the Empire State Building.
    The question is:

    I only have one word for women who look at me like I'm some kind of sex object...


    Just managed to download the 'Titanic' soundtrack to my phone, even though some said it was unsyncable.

    My dad always said to me, "Take it with a pinch of salt."

    Nice man. Made horrible tea.

    I was reading on-line that paranoid schizophrenics are easily amused.

    Oh, how we laughed.

    I'm in a band called called Dyslexia

    We've just released our greatest shit album

    My Aunt and Uncle have made a fortune selling Lamb Chops.

    They're Minted.

    "French court stops child from being named Nutella"
    They've stopped a silly name before it can spread.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers

    Sunny & very cold here in these parts. Sorry about your weather Mick!
    Yes, I slept all the way thru the night like a big kid, yay! Enjoying a few cups of coffee now to bring me back to life, ha ha!

    TT & SL, I hope you both have a good day today!
    Det, good to see you. Feel better soon.

    Greetings to PQ, Sam, Pie, Eloise, NS, Molly & everyone dropping by today.
    I plan to have a regular, grown-up sort of day today ~ will see what happens with that

    Have a great AF day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Morning, Lav. Enjoy your grown-up day. On Monday, I worked with twenty 4-yr olds. Maybe that's why I was such a lazy bum yesterday?

      Mick, the clue is the clue?? Crikey, what does that mean? PQ is it time yet for us to go on stakeout and follow Mick to his mystery destination?

      Hope your healing continues, Det.

      I'll check in again later. Happy hump day everybody!


        MAE ALL....

        Enjoyed a lovely evening out with good friends, good food and gave the carbonated water maker a good workout. Got home about the same time as Mick would be getting up. One tired puppy here this morning. Son suggested I take a vacation day. Too late, got an email from boss #1 he's not coming in today.

        Det...thanks for checking in. :hug: As you know we've all been where you are but it worries us when we don't hear anything. We'll give you a couple more days of healing before harassing you for another check in.

        Mick...sorry about the weather but I was brought up to share. :smile: You be safe driving outdoors today. With the boss not in today I may treat myself to another "company" lunch. Ok, now you've made me put my thinking cap on.

        Lav...glad you were able to get that much needed sleep. Enjoy your day whatever it brings.

        Pie...what were you doing with 20 4-yr olds? Definitely qualifies for a lazy Tuesday. I think I've got it. Mick's out Geo Caching. Oh no wait...that would involve walking around with a portable GPS/Smartphone and we all know how well he does on his phone. The mystery continues. Wonder if he'll tell us if we do guess it. LOL

        Better get the old arse in gear. Boss not in and the building super is taking his car in for repairs this morning so someone should actually go and unlock the doors.
        Have a Wonderful AF Hump Day all and all to come.....:smile:PQ


          Morning everyone. Beautiful day here in Calgary, have a great one.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Hey Ho all
            a quick dash in and out.... off to play some toooonnnes. Hope everyone enjoyed their humpday.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Originally posted by Mick View Post
              (The strange case of Janes walk
              After a wild and wicked party in Yorkshire, Jane just had to get a breath of fresh air. So she left the house and, would you believe, took a walk across a soggy windswept moor. She didn’t even care about getting her feet muddy or having frizzy hair. The clouds were patchy and low overhead and she was unable to see a single star in the sky. Jane had never been to this area before and did not know anything about the moor. She had no compass or torch with her and there was no moonlight to guide her. But she still managed to easily walk for 30 minutes across the moor and back to the house.
              The question is:

              Donna is a member of a local fitness centre and is a keen swimmer. One Sunday, she goes to the centre and swims, would you believe, 50 lengths of the pool. OK she wasn’t up to Olympic standard but did manage a passable breaststroke. The pool was 25m long and 12m wide. It was 1m deep at the shallow end and then it sloped at an angle of 45 degrees to the deep end where it was 3m deep.
              The question is:

              The strange case of Benjy the President
              It was the year 2045 and, would you believe, Benjy became President of the USA. On the day he took office, Benjy held his first high-level meeting at the White House. The meeting was held in a south facing room. It was daylight, it wasn’t raining and it wasn’t foggy. But still, when Benjy looked out of the window, he couldn’t see the top of the Empire State Building.
              The question is:
              NS, I was surely hoping you'd get over here and solve these before I embarrassed myself, but here goes with guesses to today's puzzles.

              1. Jane didn't get lost because she walked out with the wind in her face, and walked home with the wind at her back. (I don't actually know what a "moor" is)

              2. No water required to fill the pool 'cause it's already full. Else how could Donna have done her laps?

              3. This one I got! White House is in Washington D.C., and Empire State Bldg. is in New York.

              Hiya, Sam! Enjoy the music! Yo, Narilly! PQ, the only thing you can do with that many young 'uns is try to keep up with them!


                Hey, Pie. I agree tith you about 2 and 3. I am mystified by the moors and STILL don't understand this one from yesterday:Add a single line to the equation in order to make it true. this took absolute ages ..knew the answer but how to do it duh 305 minus 105 = 245 the single line is a diagonal top left of the plus sign!!!!! Yikes !


                  Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                  Hey, Pie. I agree tith you about 2 and 3. I am mystified by the moors and STILL don't understand this one from yesterday:Add a single line to the equation in order to make it true. this took absolute ages ..knew the answer but how to do it duh 305 minus 105 = 245 the single line is a diagonal top left of the plus sign!!!!! Yikes !
                  Same here, NS. My theory on the math from yesterday was to add the single line diagonally through the = sign to make a "does not equal" symbol.


                    Originally posted by Pie View Post
                    Same here, NS. My theory on the math from yesterday was to add the single line diagonally through the = sign to make a "does not equal" symbol.

                    Do you live in the US? I figure the one about the president would be really tricky for someone who doesn't.

                    mick, thanks for the entertainment and mental stimulation!


                      Oh yes, I'm in Texas, and agree that puzzle is much easier for US residents. Where are you?

