What does it mean to you to experience sobriety in terms beyond the absence of the experience of drinking? Here are my thoughts, please share yours (bonus points if you can stick with the same letter):
Stable: like medically stable. I feel balanced, particularly digestion, energy levels, body temperature etc.
Sturdy: feel like if an emergency were to arise this would be a preferable time as one less thing on plate.
Spacious: was considering "stimulating" but I don't think sobriety is per se; however, it leaves room and clarity for new interests, emotions etc.
Simple: avoiding booze may be hard, but adopting sobriety is what we did whenever we fell asleep.
Selfish: in the nicest possible way. This is something we do for ourselves irrespective of whether others think we don't know how to have a good time. What's more it gives us the chance to do our best by others.
I considered sensual and sexy because I think they are there in little traces (perhaps the booze quiets them)