Papmom, no the vet did not give her anything for the pain. He told me to continue giving her the aspirin and he gave me some glucosamine supplements. I don't know if she will ever heal. Keeping a dog from running is difficult. We left her in the garage yesterday when we took our walk. It was sad.
Lav, did you have a good visit with your grandson? Kylie is here still. I can't believe how early she gets up! I got up at 5:30 hoping to have a little quiet time with the computer and coffee. She got up at 5:40! I tried to get her to lie back down again but it was a no go. Sigh. She's a pleasant little thing tho.
Star, That must have been fun taking your grandson to the park. It was such a nice day yesterday!
Looks like a day of playing games indoors for me. The temperature went down over night and it's so muddy still. Have a great af Monday everyone!