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    mornin folks and how are e all today then start of a new week...up and rarin to go are we?twas pretty cold yesterday,with a wind too which made it all in all pretty what are we up to today then? lets take a wee peek

    brews on the go.....

    hiya tt are you today then?yep it is a bit late in the day when we start here..half if not more of your day has been done and dusted!!glad you enjoyed your walk yesterday..

    morning satzy,,and welcome to our humble abode.....lovely to see your majesticfulness gracing us with your presence :thumbsup: thats def not me in the pic....I haven got a green jumper!!!

    mornin pie...hows you then ..all good...any diy on the go today? your post..... Here's hoping your trousers turn up soon!....dont have turnups on me troosers!!

    good morning ...hows you today then all ok are you....IDEA OF THE DAY...down to you this is.......why dont we put the recipe of a fave/local soup up here? share it amongst us ..I know there are a few soup makers on here.....sounds like a monty python sketch....and God bless the soup makers!!New Amish series on..thinl Levi gets his come uppance in this one!!

    hiya Sam ..glad you are well..just doing a bit of this n that?likewise...cant get out into the garden so doing wee jobs here n there!! take it easy today my friend

    hiya Molls..nice to see you and your mad mate on here!!we should do like they do with towns n that and twin them.... twin the freds......yes there is a good chance that it will be warmer by the end of this month..there are less days :congratulatory:back to work today for ye..and I know you cant wait!!

    morn ppqp..meetin a bride on a Sunday?..oh well and she was in white?yep she fell in the snow!!glad you had a not so bad day and things are good with your kin....

    hiya SL....the names not Donald!!..youll get that one!!hows you today then?hopefully all well with you and the daughters....

    hiya Pauly Narilly and Det hope you are all ok.......

    yesterdays puzzles.....

    A solo dice game is played where, on each turn, a normal pair of dice is rolled. The score is calculated by taking the product, rather than the sum, of the two numbers shown on the dice.

    On a particular game, the score for the second roll is five more than the score for the first; the score for the third roll is six less than that of the second; the score for the fourth roll is eleven more than that of the third; and the score for the fifth roll is eight less than that of the fourth. What was the score for each of these five throws?

    10 is the score for the first roll.
    15 is the score for the second roll.
    9 is the score for the third roll.
    20 is the score for the fourth roll.
    12 is the score for the fifth roll.

    A high school has a strange principal. On the first day, he has his students perform an odd opening day ceremony:

    There are one thousand lockers and one thousand students in the school. The principal asks the first student to go to every locker and open it. Then he has the second student go to every second locker and close it. The third goes to every third locker and, if it is closed, he opens it, and if it is open, he closes it. The fourth student does this to every fourth locker, and so on. After the process is completed with the thousandth student, how many lockers are open?

    The only lockers that remain open are perfect squares (1, 4, 9, 16, etc) because they are the only numbers divisible by an odd number of whole numbers; every factor other than the number's square root is paired up with another. Thus, these lockers will be "changed" an odd number of times, which means they will be left open. All the other numbers are divisible by an even number of factors and will consequently end up closed.

    So the number of open lockers is the number of perfect squares less than or equal to one thousand. These numbers are one squared, two squared, three squared, four squared, and so on, up to thirty one squared. (Thirty two squared is greater than one thousand, and therefore out of range.) So the answer is thirty one.

    You must cut a birthday cake into exactly eight pieces, but you're only allowed to make three straight cuts, and you can't move pieces of the cake as you cut. How can you do it?

    Use the first two cuts to cut an 'X' in the top of the cake. Now you have four pieces. Make the third cut horizontal, which will divide the four pieces into eight. Think of a two by two by two Rubik's cube. There's four pieces on the top tier and four more just underneath it.



    Two trains travel toward each other on the same track, beginning 100 miles apart. One train travels at 40 miles per hour; the other travels at 60 miles an hour. A bird starts flight at the same location as the faster train, flying at a speed of 90 miles per hour. When it reaches the slower train, it turns around, flying the other direction at the same speed. When it reaches the faster train again, it turns around -- and so on. When the trains collide, how far will the bird have flown?

    The case of the missing night
    Lionel is that rarest of people, a Jewish polo player. Whilst playing polo on Good Friday, Lionel injures his leg in a fall and his friends immediately take him to hospital. He spends just 2 nights there and leaves on the Monday.

    The wet and dry mystery
    Melvyn has two passengers in his car as he drives slowly through Edgware - one is in the front and the other in the back. When they arrive at their destination, they meet up with 4 others. As they all get out, it starts to rain heavily. Six of them start walking fast but still get wet. However, the passenger from the back of Melvyn’s car remains completely dry, even though he makes no attempt to hurry and is wearing no hat, coat or umbrella.

    What is long and makes fat women groan as soon as they start going up and down on it?


    A skipping rope.

    I invented the sandal for people with one leg.

    It was a flop.

    I always give waiters a tip, but they never seem to appreciate my advice.

    I was walking along a riverside the other day when a fisherman caught my eye.

    The other day I read in the paper, "A woman has been murdered in Manchester, by a 38 year old man who has not been named."

    I thought, "38 years old and he still hasn't been named? What's everyone been calling him all these years?"

    My great uncle was so stubborn, when he died, he left a won't.

    I just received a call from an Indian telemarketer.

    So I handed the phone to my three year old son and told him that Santa Claus is on the phone. Their conversation has been going on for ages!

    My computer crashed and now all the other computers have slowed down so they can see what's happening.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning Mick and MAE ALL.....

    Met the bride on Saturday which meant I didn't get my Dad visit in. Sunday was an afternoon of bridge so that made up for it.
    Last week for the program coordinator so it will be a week of learning what she's put in place and how to manage it. Yay...another hat. :sad:
    Will check back in after I get my coffee.......:smile:PQ


      Good morning Abbers on this yucky Monday morning, yuck.
      Went to bed last night when it was snow & woke up to rain this morning. Loads of slush all over the place & the temperature is right at the freezing point. Not sure if I want to head out just yet.

      Thanks for the coffee Mick
      Today is also Groundhog Day & our famous Pennsylvania rodent 'Punxsutawney Phil' has predicted 6 more weeks of winter, ha ha!!!! Sounds about right, duh!
      About soup recipes - I tend to find something that sounds good then make changes so that it is more acceptable to me. I have to cut sodium, eliminate dairy, etc. The family favorite is roasted chicken stock that I make into chicken noodle or chicken rice soup. I refrigerate the stock overnight so I can scrape off the fat the next day. I don't add any salt when making the stock, just add a little when putting the soup together. I flavor the soups with whatever fresh herbs I have on hand, yesterday it was dill but I also like fresh thyme. Using a roasted chicken or chicken parts for your stock adds a lot of flavor

      Morning PQ!
      Sounds like you are going to be even busier at work! Just be sure to carve out some time each day to decompress. You need to take care of you first & foremost!!!!

      Greetings to everyone & I hope we all have a good AF Monday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        thanx Lav...similar to you...I make a basic leek n lentil lentils,3 leeks chopped,beef/chicken whatever stock bay, leaves..from that you can add all sorts of herbs/spices etc depending on the weather,etc..the only thing I dont put in is carrots sweetens everything..but once you have got the basic mix...add what you want..go on have a go at it....
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Mornin' Mick. I think my Kindle is dead, so still relying on the library. What books have you downloaded lately?

          SL - You're minus 20 days and counting to one year milestone, yes? If that road gets bumpy, hope you'll duck in here for cover.

          Lav- Thanks for the soup tips.

          Hi PQ, and all to come!


            Hi there everyone - not getting much sleep at the mo as I am trying to write a biggie and its in my head all the time. Also its very hard going - very slow and I can't quite get it right. Its just me, the words and the books. Grrrrr.
            Will be back to a lot of mundane administrative and people tasks soon - which takes me away from the writing - and thats sad too!

            How are you feeling Pie? Better?
            I like my spinach and lentil soups! Kumara (sweet potato) and ginger is good too.
            SL - how's things today - as I said to you, hang on in there.
            Hi there also PPQP, Det, Sam, Mick, Lav, Pauly, NS, Molly and all others. Sorry if I missed anyone.


              Hi TT! I'm better today, thanks. What is it that you write, if you care to say?
              Last edited by Pie; February 2, 2015, 07:43 PM.


                Sorry Pie but I can't discuss details of my work here.


                  Hanging in here - lots to accomplish - things out in the open, now hove to work on the fix....not going anywhere, hanging onto my sober life....

                  We love chicken rise soup - almost have a chicken a week and may broth with the carcass - family favorite!
                  As for winter - hope it changes here - SF had no rain for a full month - an all time record, it is so dry. Crazy folks (who obviously have little brain) are watering their lawns!!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    hiya pie....a pity you are so far a spare kindle I dont use any for the books Ive downloaded..I read most things with the exception of science fiction and horror..anything else is a goer...nice try Columbo ..but no clues there!!! :harhar: you getting another kindle?
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Originally posted by Mick View Post
                      hiya pie....a pity you are so far a spare kindle I dont use any for the books Ive downloaded..I read most things with the exception of science fiction and horror..anything else is a goer...nice try Columbo ..but no clues there!!! :harhar: you getting another kindle?
                      Not planning on a replacement. Never really warmed up to my Kindle, even with the huge advantage of being able to get books immediately. Library just notified me that latest order is in. thedirtylife_cover.jpg "Essex Farm is a 500 acre draft horse-powered farm that produces a full diet for 200 people. The Dirty Life is Kristin's memoir about the farm's startup year." I think this farm is in New York, and MossRose recommended it on her Simple thread.

                      TT, thanks for your reply. I understand completely.


                        I've heard of that book Pie but haven't read it yet
                        My Kindle is collecting dust in a drawer somewhere. When I got my first iPad three or so years ago I downloaded the Kindle app & found the reading was much easier on the eyes! You can get that app on your desktop or laptop too I believe.
                        Glad you are feeling better.

                        The wind has really kicked up this evening & it is COLD!
                        All that rain from this morning has now frozen - ugh!

                        Hope everyone is safe & comfy tonight!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          anyone heard from Pauly lately?


                            Not a full moon tonight, but awfully close and as tomorrow may just be cloudy, posting a pic of the root of our troubles (well maybe one or two of them...)
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Nice pic SL....

                              Lav...going to be COLD here tomorrow too.

                     check in ok :heartbeat:

                              Found out the landlord wants to sell the condo we're renting. :sad: If it's not one thing it's another. Pencil's out, trying to crunch the I really want a mortgage at this stage of my life? Going to put it all out of my mind tonight and just read my book. Have a peaceful evening all.....:smile:PQ

