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feb 3rd

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    feb 3rd

    morning all and how are we today then? all good hopefully...been up messing about for hours now...its freezing outside,but this nutcase is going out to clean the windows!!anyway on we go....tea and coffeee on the go at the momento....

    hiya are you? keep your chin will need to keep your head up to wear all these hats!!!as for the whats right for you..i dont think its right for us to try and give you any advice ..except stay strong and we are here to support you...

    hiya did punxy day go then? all you go big brew time..I use a lot of herbs that I grow too...grow chives,mint thyme lemon thyme parsley, rosemary and coriander.....I didnt realise how much herbs can actually change the taste of what plans have you got today then?bet you arent up a ladder cleaning windows!!

    hiya pie are you today then? ok? any diy projects on the go just now? Im making a little cabinet at the moment..trouble is I am probably the worlds untidiest worker!!!as for the kindle..yes I prefer books ..there is something about the feel and turning of pages...

    hiya tt..hows the writing going?dont forget time to you as well..dont be trying to juggle too many balls at for spinach in soup ..never tried it ..have put it in stir fries and curries but thats about for ginger..I eat a couple of slices of raw ginger every day....

    hiya SL...Hang on in ......thats not the moon in your pic ..its light at the end of the need or want some rain?reservoirs are full over here today...

    hiya det how are ou today?glad you are away from the dirty certainly put some miles in on your work dont you?and in return you get a rubbishy chinese meal...

    hiya pauly where are you?

    right peeps off we go have a good day....

    puzzles yesterday....

    Two trains travel toward each other on the same track, beginning 100 miles apart. One train travels at 40 miles per hour; the other travels at 60 miles an hour. A bird starts flight at the same location as the faster train, flying at a speed of 90 miles per hour. When it reaches the slower train, it turns around, flying the other direction at the same speed. When it reaches the faster train again, it turns around -- and so on. When the trains collide, how far will the bird have flown?

    Since the trains are 100 miles apart, and the trains are traveling toward each other at 40 and 60 mph, the trains will collide in one hour. The bird will have been flying for an hour at 90 miles per hour at that point, so the bird will have traveled 90 miles.

    The case of the missing night
    Lionel is that rarest of people, a Jewish polo player. Whilst playing polo on Good Friday, Lionel injures his leg in a fall and his friends immediately take him to hospital. He spends just 2 nights there and leaves on the Monday.

    Lionel’s horse is called Good Friday and Lionel was playing polo on a Saturday

    The wet and dry mystery
    Melvyn has two passengers in his car as he drives slowly through Edgware - one is in the front and the other in the back. When they arrive at their destination, they meet up with 4 others. As they all get out, it starts to rain heavily. Six of them start walking fast but still get wet. However, the passenger from the back of Melvyn’s car remains completely dry, even though he makes no attempt to hurry and is wearing no hat, coat or umbrella.


    he is driving a hearse...there is a body in the coffin in the back!!

    is anyone doing these puzzles?

    For those of you who enjoyed yesterday's Superbowl, it may interest you to know that the men's version starts on Friday.

    How come Japan is known as 'land of the rising sun'? Isn't everywhere land of the rising sun if you get there early enough.

    Where's the most fun place in the universe?

    The Milky Wahey.

    My boss just called in sick of me

    This morning I took two large tablets.

    In the afternoon I nicked three small iPhones.


    How a Jamaican refers to an end of term exam.

    This morning my boss called me a disrespectful b.stard.

    I was so shocked I nearly fell off his desk.

    Liverpool FC were looking to improve their squad in today's transfer deadline...

    But, word has it, Mr Tumble turned them down.

    I've just completed my 17th OCD awareness course.

    Last night was when I found out I knew it was time for me to stop drink driving. I'd had at least five pints and was at the wheel and had started singing when the person in the back seat told me to shut up. It was so embarrassing for me to realise that I'd forgotten that I'd just arrested someone.

    I got off the bus early because I didn't want to be the only one left on there.

    God knows who drove the bus back to the station in the end.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Mick & all Abbers

    You are 100% correct Mick - I will not be on a ladder cleaning windows today. Single digit wind chills out there again today HA HA!!!!
    I just have a routine day ahead, as far as I know. First stop Curves!

    Greetings to TT, PQ, Sam, Pie, Pauly, SL, Det & everyone!
    I will check in laterish. Have a great AF Tuesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I'd like to know what's so interesting outside, that Mick's on a ladder in the freezing cold to get a better view!

      Morning, Lav!

      Still recovering from the crud here, but hoping to do a bit of doggy volunteer work, and then run by the library.


        Mae everybody, I'm ok just sick! Not much energy for much, not drinking, as I know that's the first thing that pops into your head when an alkie says"sick" just keeps going, then coming back, take care all
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          MAE ALL....

          Thanks Mick. Mortgage appraiser coming at 9:30 this morning, glad I'll be at work. We'll see what the appraiser comes up with and then talk with the landlord. He's a good guy and we've been paying his mortgage for 14 years now. I'm sure we can all come to an agreeable outcome. You be careful on that ladder.

          Lav...enjoy your routine day. Hah - those are the ones I used to drink over now their a treat! Hope your recovery is quick.

          Pauly...that's the same virus that was going around here. Better one day and then wham it's back. Hope you get over it soon.

          Still taking drops in the eye every hour, really getting sick and tired of it. One more week to go till the next checkup. Heading out shortly and have a garden meeting tonight. Getting ready for the March kickoff to the new season. Plans are to build a seating area with a Pergola. Hopefully this will be the end to the building phases and we can just enjoy the garden.

          Have a Terrific AF Tuesday all and all to come....:smile:PPQP

          Pie...I wonder if he can see into his neighbors bedroom window from there?


            PQ, its -18C outstide! With windchill of at least -28C, holy smokes it is cold.

            Good luck with the appraisal.

            I just wanted to say hi. I was about to post last night and then my hubby started talking to me and I wasn't able to. So I am getting a quick post in to say hi from UN hungover me. Love waking up without a hangover, THAT will never get old.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Hi Narilly....there's got to be another word for COLD I think!!!! You stay warm.
              The appraiser was for the current landowner's lending company. It would be interesting to see what he appraised it at. Tax assesement puts it at 301K but in reality he'd never get that. At the least it opens up the negotiating talks. You gotta love that UN hungover feeling.

              Quiet day on the thread. Just having a quick bite then off to my meeting tonight. Will have a look when I get home and see if anyones around......:smile:PPQP


                Hi PPQ - am here, but not much to head is ready to explode, just need the merry go round to stop for a while so I can breath, but not likely to happen, so will just carry on pedaling.
                Paying his rent for 14 years - you could be half way through the mortgage now:sad: that feels really tough...
                Keep up the eye drops, you don't want to muck with your sight....almost done!
                Pauly - sick again, this is too much girl! You have been sick on and off for a very long time...
                Hump day tomorrow and a full day of a culture retreat - please save me:eek-newon't they know I have work to do???
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Originally posted by scottish lass View Post
                  ... just need the merry go round to stop for a while so I can breath......:
                  DITTO and :goodjob: on the "P" attitude....Good luck with the retreat!


                    Ahoy ABerooonies!

                    good to be home tonight and for the rest of the week. yay!
                    Day 11 and only just now really feeling like my old self again. wow.
                    the more times we test the horrid waters, the much worse it gets.
                    tomorrow will be my first time back in fencing for almost a month...yeesh!
                    I'll be nice and sore but very happy.
                    SL, sounds like you and me both could use a holiday.
                    and Narrily you better put on a sweater. -18 is nasty.
                    be well peeps, time to wind down to zzzzzzzz
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

