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Saturday AF 7 Feb

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    Saturday AF 7 Feb

    Morning all – well flattery gets Mick everywhere so I might as well get the thread started – but don’t get complacent mate cos I wont have time to do this every morning. And no excuses either! Don’t blame that poor old computer.

    Well last night I slept with 2 tiny Guatamalan worry dolls under my pillow. My daughter gave me some for Christmas and apparently if you tell each one a worry and put it under your pillow the worry is gone the next morning. I figured that since I am a cynical old coot it would help! No side effects either! I am not especially worried about things or an overly anxious person – just a couple of matters that are getting me a bit sad and tense at the moment – and these are bitter sweet. One is my writing (so its to be expected that I will pull my hair out) and the other is my daughter getting older and making more daft plans for next year. Trying to let her spread her wings but still knowing she is my baby. Haha – cute little worry dolls.

    Sam – that was a great post for Pauly. Very inspiring. See – applying for new jobs does you good!

    Ms Paulette- how are you today? You must know you are loved and protected here – so whatever we can do. That's feasible and doesn't cost anything that is! Quite a few Scottish types on this thread and we are big on words and tight on cash (dreadful generalisation I know).

    Lav – have a “fun” time with the grandson. Still – I think its lovely that you have grandchildren (same to you too Pauly – who else has Grandkids) – hard work but it's the way of the world. Its so important for children to have that attention and love.

    Narilly – hope you are warm. We are going from c 12 degrees (Celsius that is) yesterday to around 25 degrees today. “What to wear” is a hot topic of conversation in my house – not fashion-wise but weather-wise.

    SL – hope you get some relaxing time this weekend. You have so much on your plate at the moment with work and family.

    Big hellos to all the other culprits – Pie, Det, NS and others. I better dash now – daughter is at a sleep-over (not sure what that means with 16-17 year-olds!) and I have to take her to archery and then to some filming she is doing. We dug out an old 1950s typewriter for this – made in Czechoslovakia. Does anyone else recall typewriters. I grew up on them and recall feeling so modern when I bought myself a ‘daisy wheel’ one in the early 1980s. By the 1988 I was using a desk-top computer. An Amstrad. Then I bought my own one – a Toshiba laptop that cost thousands of $$$ and died soon after. Since I had purchased it in Singapore the warranty didn’t work here – in those days. That was a lot of money I didn't have – it was still on the credit card.

    mornin are we today?doing this on the main computer ..the other onee isnt playing at all!think might have to buy another laptop ..we shall see..monday it goes in to get fixed ..allrgredly and Im at the dentist so thats a grand day ahead!!so what are we all up to this weekend then?Ive been making a small cabinet..been up since about 6....but she who must be obeyed wasnt impressed sanding and sawing at that time..brew time anyone?

    hiya tt...cheers for the start up..appreciate that it does take time,and that you are busy,but arent we all..probably work harder now than I ever did in any jail..and dont get the loot for it now tho!!whats your weekend brought for you?keep forgetting you are half way thru it a message from my friend in NZ..they have got a years extension out there the place to stay invite is still open..they are currently in oz on secondment but go back to Mt Eden far is typewriters go ...yep Imperials or Remingtons........and remember carbon paper?

    hiya NS...hows you then? have you caught up with life?yep can guess you will be pretty busy at the mo!!

    hiya pauly, hows you today?hey dont give up ..when you give up giving up then you fail....theres enough help and support here to get you thru day it will just click

    hiya Sam...good post my friend...really interesting to to agree with you tho...could never taperor moderate or anything...pour moi its all or nowt!!!what are you up to this weekend?

    hiya Lav ..hows you then?hows Percy Terence Bertie Thomas edward et al? big brew on the trains this weekend?ps whats scallions??

    hiya pie what are you up to then?what needs mending?Ive got c cleaner on it , but might delete it and download that version you put up ..see if there is a difference..ta muchly!!

    hiya narillly ..-16 ye gods ...still got a wee bit of snow here you can have if you are missing it..just looking at hols at the mo ..get some sun in the canary islands...probably 2nd march for a week....think we have found a hotel with lots activities...yours is an interesting story too....2006 onwards. but see got there in the end and thats what counts..

    hiya SL.....hows things with you now that you are all culturalised?whats the story for the weekend?you and the girls doing anything?me..Im out tomorrow...East Retford..

    hiya how many hats you wearing now at the mo?dont forget the me time!

    right folks ..offski now ..early doors driving....

    I can't remember what 51, 6 and 500 are in Roman numerals... Im livid

    As I approached the pearly gates, I started reflecting on my life; the things I really regretted doing..

    Like spending £40,000 on fecking pearly gates.

    My wife painted the hallway this morning, but she's struggling a bit with the front door.

    That's where I come in.

    Yo' mama so fat, when she was a baby, she took a bath with a rubber albatross.

    A cowboy was riding through an old abandoned canyon trail when he was captured by a group of ruthless banditos intent on killing him. In their drunkenness, they decided to go easy on him and grant him three requests.

    For his first, he asked for his horse. He whispered something to his horse, who then rode off and returned with a beautiful woman. The cowboy spent the night with the woman.

    The same thing happened the second day. But when the horse returned on the third day with another woman, the cowboy lost his temper and yelled "You stupid horse! I said 'posse!'"

    One day two boys were walking through the woods when they saw some rabbit turds. One of the boys said, ''What is that?''
    ''They're smart pills,'' said the other boy. ''Eat them and they'll make you smarter.
    So he ate them and said, ''These taste like crap.''
    ''See,'' said the other boy, ''you're getting smarter already.''

    Q: Which part of the military do babies join?
    A: The infantry.

    Yo' Mama is so fat, she had to go to rehab for mainlining pork chops.

    Yo' Mama is so poor, I walked in her front door and fell down the back steps.

    A little boy, wearing a big red fire hat, was riding a toy fire truck down the street. The truck was being pulled by a beautiful Labrador Retriever. Unfortunately, the rope was tied around the dog's privates, and as a consequence, the truck was going very slowly. A man walking down the street noticed how slowly the boy was being pulled and gently said to him, ''You know, son, that truck would go a lot faster if the rope was tied around your dog's neck.''
    The boy nodded in agreement and said, ''But then there wouldn't be a siren.''

    I have a green nose, three red mouths, and four purple ears. What am I?

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Good Saturday morning Abbers

      Sunny & heading up to almost 40 degrees today - yay!!
      I have a full weekend ahead & no time for shoveling snow, that's for sure.
      Daughter & her family coming today, tomorrow will be the invasion of the grandsons for a day long visit! Of course I'll be busy feeding them all, ha ha!!

      TT, it is hard letting go of the kids as they grow up. I just kept telling myself that my part of the job was done, now it's their turn to show their stuff. Keep the faith that you have taught her well :hug:

      Mick, scallions are spring onions - don't know any other names for them
      Pie, that recipe I pinched right off the back of the black rice bag!
      Good stuff!!!

      Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a greta aF Saturday for all. I'll try to stop back in tonight.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mae everybody, well Louie has defo hit the terrible twos! He was being bad yesterday, refusing to get in his car seat, refusing to get in the shopping cart, hitting Winslow, so the day was exhausting, but still fun if you can believe it, we made cookies, he helped with dinner, towards the end though he was fed up and started crying for his parents, I was watching the Ellen show and they were throwing donut balls into buckets, I showed him and he calmed down, but when it was over he started saying"ball" so I found a basketball game on,he sat and watched it! I couldn't believe it,no cartoons ever worked but that did,which is weird cuz NOBODY in the family is a sports fan, guess he is though haha,off to get ready, I hope everyone has a good Saturday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Good morning everyone.
          TT, those dolls sound cute, better than drinking to try and get over your worry.

          Mick, I'm in for Canary Islands, sounds like a blast! Spain looked really nice last year.

          Good morning Pauly.

          I'm going over to my neighbours tonight, it's a lady's get together. They always drink a lot of wine. The last time I drank at one of our get togethers I blacked out. That night I lectured my son on smoking pot while I was totally hammered. Nice mom eh.

          Anyway, no drinking thoughts tonight.
          Have a good one. Hi Sam.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Hope you enjoyed your evening Narilly although I dont always enjoy it these days with others when a lot of wine is drunk. Doesn't happen much though.
            In fact last night for some off reason I was reading about blackouts and I cringed. Not passing out - but when you carry on but can't properly remember and others maybe (or they stay elusive) fill in the details. It was one of those occasions that gave me a real wake up call in my last year of drinking. Blackouts were too often a consequence of my drinking because I would drink too fast, hardly eat - and I am not a big build (I think those factors all contribute but who knows?). Not always, but too often. And we still don't know the effects this has on the brain.

            Positive note - hope everyone's weekend is going well!


              happy Saturday ABerooooos!

              thanks for the lovely kickstart TTops. if your daughter is into archery then you can show her what a cool mom you are
              by sending her this link:

              Narilly, please enjoy a lovely worry-free AF dinner with neighbors

              I've enjoyed a lovely and rare sleep-in this morning and now cleaning up and having a friend over later.

              work has been super insane but I'm holding in my mind positive de-stressing thoughts and working with some
              new hypnosis audio that I like very much.

              watched the movie 'interstellar' last night and found it very touching.
              yes, big tough guys cry sometimes watching deep emotional movies
              although we rarely admit such things.

              cheers to Mick, Lav, Pauly, SL, Sam and whomever else pops in

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Hi there Det and great to see that you are back in form. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


                  took some pics tonight.....thought Id share 20150207_173147.jpg 20150207_173435.jpg
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Lovely pics Mick your brown bunny looks like my white one with the floppy ears,cute how they're snuggling up,Det,you sound really good I was reading some super old threads in the holistic part and you used to post ALOT!haha,Nar,have fun with the girls was busy at work I'm so tired, then we have Louie until 8 heaven help me I hope he's nice
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Whoa, Mick! Those bunnies are gorgeous, and such thick coats on them!

                      Thanks for the recipe, Lav.

                      Nar, Good luck at your neighbor gathering. I would have trouble in close quarters with wine being served. Hope it goes well for you.

                      Hi TT, Pauly, Det, and all.

                      Really nice day here. Had the car washed, and tires balanced and rotated. I've been taking care of neighbors' pets this weekend, and catching up on some TV shows I recorded. Really need to have a look at taxes tomorrow, but don't be surprised if I find an excuse to put it off.

                      Be well, all!


                        Hi all - been wet here, and windy - some trees down, and flooding - we do need it, but each time it seems to come all at once.
                        Took girls shopping at a outlet mall - fairly successful, no tears. It was for youngest's birthday - she spent some money and seems happy with her purchases. First thought when we got home was a drink - sure felt that i deserved it, not a shopper for sure....
                        got warmed up, had some food, reviewed purchases and feeling back in control...
                        Pie - I have taxes on my list for tomorrow too - will think of you and send good wishes your way for successful completion.
                        More rain tomorrow....
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          evening all
                          Not too much going on here in ol Virginny. Couple more days and my internet data cycle will start over again. Been kinda inneresting staying away from the computer a bit. Got a couple of truck loads of wood moved today, all green so I guess I'm getting a jump on next years firewood. Suppose to 60º F tomorrow so we got a mini heat wave going. Pie, I gotta get my butt in gear with the tax stuff too. I just really hate having to do them. Det, glad to see you doing well. Keep listening to those audios! Nice pics Mick. You live in a very pretty part of the globe.
                          off to see the sandman. Waves to you Pauly, TT, Narily, Lav

                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            x-post Sam - good to "see" you....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

