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tuesday 17th feb

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    Pie, here is a little background:

    1 You should be having a word with yourself on Pancake Day, not just stuffing your face
    Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the word ‘shrive’, meaning to confess.
    Pancake Day was traditionally a time of introspection, confession and penance for Christians. Now it’s less about penance and more about pancakes.
    2 You’re supposed to fast afterwards
    Pancake Day is also called Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday because it’s a time for carb-loading ahead of the Lent fast, which begins on Ash Wednesday. So no leftover pancakes for breakfast then.
    3 …and that’s why we eat pancakes on Pancake Day
    The Lent fast traditionally omits rich foods or those that would give pleasure in favour of plain food. Pancakes were made to use up rich ingredients before the 40-day fast. Back then that meant eggs, milk, and sugar. Now it means Nutella too.
    4 Pancakes are quite literally the food of the gods
    Pancake Day was originally a pagan festival that sprang from Slavs’ belief that they had to help the gods of spring and fertility fight against the evil gods of cold and darkness, which is something I think we can all get behind. Those pagans had a point.
    5 Pancakes symbolise the sun
    Those pancake-loving pagans created the hot, round pancake in the sun’s image in the hopes it would banish the evil winter gods and invoke springtime and warmer weather. Hell yes.
    6 Pancakes give you power
    See above… The Slavs believed that eating pancakes gave them the power, light and warmth of the sun.
    We now know they just give us a warm, fuzzy feeling and a sugar high, which is pretty much the same thing.
    7 Not everyone eats pancakes on Pancake Day
    In Iceland the day is known as Sprengidagur (Bursting Day) and salted meat and peas are on the menu. Both Finland and Estonia mark the day by eating green pea soup. Yes, we know. We sent our condolences.
    8 Pancakes can make you happier and change the world
    According to Nataly Kogan’s Ted talk How Pancakes Can Make You Happier And Change The World, focusing on small positive moments that are part of our every day – and sharing them to make someone else smile – makes us happy, and happiness is contagious.
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      MAE ALL...

      Mick...Thanks for kicking us off. Glad to hear you found the tiles that will work. I have no suggestions as to installing them yourself but I know I wouldn't take on the job. know all the things you should have in your house ketchup, mustard, salt/pepper, eggs, bread etc. Good thing you didn't say the "wumman" word. LOL

      Molly...Sorry to hear you're going through depression right now. Seems to be a lot of it going around. Glad to hear it's only temporary with you and that you believe in reaching out for help when needed.

      Lav...Glad to hear YB got the snow blower going. Hope the dentist trip was uneventful.

      Pauly...hope you had a good day.

      Roxanne...after reading Molly's post again it makes sense why you popped in. Good to see you.

      Pie...sounds like you're living in Calgary. LOL

      Bear...big CONGRATS on your 30th.

      Posting this from work so must be off and do real stuff. Cold seems to be worse today but eye is much better so will go with that. Have a peaceful evening all if I don't get back on today.....:smile:PPQP


        PPQP, you forgot ranch, my hubs finishes off a bottle of it a week he puts it on EVERYTHING haha defo a staple in our house
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
          Pie, here is a little background:

          1 You should be having a word with yourself on Pancake Day, not just stuffing your face
          Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the word ‘shrive’, meaning to confess.
          Pancake Day was traditionally a time of introspection, confession and penance for Christians. Now it’s less about penance and more about pancakes.
          2 You’re supposed to fast afterwards
          Pancake Day is also called Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday because it’s a time for carb-loading ahead of the Lent fast, which begins on Ash Wednesday. So no leftover pancakes for breakfast then.
          3 …and that’s why we eat pancakes on Pancake Day
          The Lent fast traditionally omits rich foods or those that would give pleasure in favour of plain food. Pancakes were made to use up rich ingredients before the 40-day fast. Back then that meant eggs, milk, and sugar. Now it means Nutella too.
          4 Pancakes are quite literally the food of the gods
          Pancake Day was originally a pagan festival that sprang from Slavs’ belief that they had to help the gods of spring and fertility fight against the evil gods of cold and darkness, which is something I think we can all get behind. Those pagans had a point.
          5 Pancakes symbolise the sun
          Those pancake-loving pagans created the hot, round pancake in the sun’s image in the hopes it would banish the evil winter gods and invoke springtime and warmer weather. Hell yes.
          6 Pancakes give you power
          See above… The Slavs believed that eating pancakes gave them the power, light and warmth of the sun.
          We now know they just give us a warm, fuzzy feeling and a sugar high, which is pretty much the same thing.
          7 Not everyone eats pancakes on Pancake Day
          In Iceland the day is known as Sprengidagur (Bursting Day) and salted meat and peas are on the menu. Both Finland and Estonia mark the day by eating green pea soup. Yes, we know. We sent our condolences.
          8 Pancakes can make you happier and change the world
          According to Nataly Kogan’s Ted talk How Pancakes Can Make You Happier And Change The World, focusing on small positive moments that are part of our every day – and sharing them to make someone else smile – makes us happy, and happiness is contagious.
          Well that's pretty ding dang funny; I haven't had pancakes forever and today the wife cooked up a batch out of the blue for lunch, without a notion in the world about the pancake day!
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            I love pancakes but can usually only eat one and I have to offset the sugar with somethingsalty like eggs and bacon or else I get headachey and shaky,that was nice of your wife to make you some Sam
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              I made gluten free pancakes for my grandsons for dinner tonight - they didn't know the difference. They ate turkey bacon & didn't know the difference. Sometimes I wonder if I could feed them cardboard - would they know the difference?? HA HAHA
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Turkey bacon rules!when I make it hubs and Brady didn't notice the difference, but the girls did,Lav,I think grandma's cooking is always better to kids,however they might notice the cardboard haha
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Thanks for the pancake background, Byrdy! Sam, glad I'm not the only one who was clueless. Lav & Pauly, I'll eat turkey bacon, but only with Ranch dressing. Wonder what Ranch might do for cardboard?


                    I don't know Pie but I can find out for you. The grandsons will be back Thursday for dinner so I'll let them do the taste test, Ha Ha!!!!

                    Pauly, my DIL was an hour late getting here tonight BUT she was at work. If she had been out putzing around with friends or something I wouldn't have been too happy! We grandmas need to stand our ground!!!!!

                    Molly, taking care of ourselves is something we just have to get in the habit of doing or pay the consequences. Too often we neglect ourselves because we think we are too busy taking care of everything & everyone else. That's BS & I paid dearly for that belief. It has to be you first - always then you can look after the rest :hug:
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      hey hey ABerooooos!

                      greetings from a hotel in NorCal. had dinner at a weird little 'hipster' Mexican restaurant in San fran that played crazy techno
                      music. it was a hoot! feller I was with drank part of ONE beer (WTF?!) and i had water. didn't get back to hotel til 7:30 so I've been on the road about 11 hours. time to take my darn shoes off me thinks.

                      I only make pancakes maybe 3 times per year and make them from buckwheat that I toast and grind to order. Yummo!

                      Byrdlady, you have an unusually smart doctor. good for you!

                      off to Oakland in the morn....eeeeek!

                      great to see so many check-ins today

                      be well everyone!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

