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wed 18th feb

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    wed 18th feb

    mornin you all today then? tis the famous hump day today.....its also ash fair few on here best get me skates on..otherwise I will be dashing around like a scalded cat before the final curtain..right ..enuff of the cliches....had pancakes and syrup last night..straight after me healthy a wee bit o pain this morning ,so need to take it easy...grrr.

    ok on with the show..tea and coffee on the stove...

    mornin det are you?remember the first time you wrote norcal...thought it was a place!!duh..well done on the water drinking..did your mate not get a take out fro the remainder of his beer..a doggy bag?

    mornin Lav how are you today?ok hows the rest of the gang fairing up?love turkey meat ,and turkey rashers,but its kind of hard to get a hold of it,its low in fat everything but its getting pretty expensive used to be the preferred option for low wage earners,but its shot up now...think 2 things have caused that...thanksgiving and chrimbo, but also the hype for lo fat you had extra time with thomas the tank last night?..well here you go..big brew for ..well not you..lets put it another way ..have you instructed for the removal of all the snow? got my eye on another couple of knick nacks for the kitchen...couple of old loom bobbins from the weaving industry that used to be round here..there were so many cotton mills its unbelievable..but the bobbins look nice sanded stained and beeswaxed..

    hiya mollls and how are you feelin this foine marnin?any better..hope so..yes you are right is all about asking for help..and yet how many of us dont ..because we are embarrassed,dont want to look weak or stupid, as humans we try to put on this big brave I am attitude..(def know that one from experience!!)and because of it we cause ourselves unending stress and grief...this man ..fine example last week!! I a stick being taken in the direction of the current..oi!!!no more cliches ok!!your post.....

    never knew that Pie --- may suggest it when I go back to the doc in 2 weeks ---- feel I've made a bit of a fuss bout not a lot --- so many folks round here have serious sadnesses and worries and stuff --- but I do think it's good to be open about depression and such --- I do think that it can go hand in hand with addiction --- and Jackieclaire was telling me that even well down the road in recovery they can still indeed be connected --- so maybe no harm in putting it out there as something to watch out for...... thats as maybe ..but its how and what you feel is important to your well being ,so dont minimise it..

    hiya pauly how are you today then?why shouldnt you moan?theres a difference between helping out alnd letting them take liberties!you have got yourself to think of youve got a veggie box built?how big is it?dont forget ,when you get soil int it,chuck all your old kitchen waste in it...FOOD THAT IS NOT TINS!!:hahaha:egg shells etc ..the nutrients are ace for the for ranch...with me its Lea and Perrins you get that over there?I chuck it on/in everything

    hiya pie how are you? all good hope fully..yep lets stay roped together as for the tiles would need to buy a saw not a cutter £70, then the trim,20,then the tile adhesive,and finally the before I start..theres about £110 tiles are going to cost about £200 which I obviously need anyway..think Im doing a good job of talking myself out of it?plus if I felt like I do this morning it would be a non starter!!going to read up on your journal..havent done it yet...

    hiya byrdie..that was some post you put together yest....weeeeeeeee.. I was peeing myself laffing..was going to put a couple of cliches into it, but thought had done a good enough job yourself....bladder probs then testing the waters indeed...not taking the but what a grand idea if we could do that with all our ailments!!anyways off yet again off in the wrong direction I go ..just like peeing in the wind!!!!! hope you are feeling better ..

    hiya did the toons sesh go?you enjoy it?best of luck on the job front mate..youll get there

    hiya roxy ..nice to see you over here in this part of the wureld

    hiya bear ..hows you today?all good ..hey ou can deal with that pound later..foremost its day 31 .right?

    hiya ppqp..hows you today?hope the cold is better ..likewise the eye...aha staples sussed ..couldnt for the life of me think what you wanted with bent bits of metal!!!!duh!!

    right folks off we go ..big hi to those missing yesterday..dtd,sl,narilly,tt

    anyone get the riddle answer...its NOTHING

    Charities - Because nothing shows how far your £2/month could go than a £100 million advertising campaign.

    A friend of mine on Facebook posted this on his newsfeed.

    'Do something today that your future self will thank you for'

    So I unfriended the git.

    alternative 50 shades of grey..

    As she lay there on the floor, her body covered in treacle and whipped cream,from nowhere came the sound of voices... "bing bong..spillage on aisle 3.'

    Last night I was in in my local pub, when this drunken bloke pointed over and said:

    "I don't fancy your girlfriend much."

    "What a d.ckhead" my wife said, "he hasn't got a clue."

    "I know" I laughed, "I'd never bring my girlfriend to a dump like this."

    Those performance enhancing drugs are absolute rubbish.

    I never won a single fishing competition.

    My roofing company has gone bust.

    Probably my own fault for keep saying: "this one's on the house."

    My application with Quick Quid was rejected.

    I guess putting "Paying for my funeral" wasn't the best answer when asked on the application "reason for the loan".

    A marathon runner who has cheap footwear will suffer the agony of de feat.

    Our boss just banned overly specific nicknames at work ...

    Now the whole office is staring at B.stard Snitch Brian The Good Time Ruiner.


    Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die.

    What am I?

    The beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place.

    Poke your fingers in my eyes and I will open wide my jaws. Linen cloth, quills, or paper, my greedy lust devours them all.

    What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?

    just going to check no fred s up...

    heres the nice just to leave 20150217_172212.jpgthem like that!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    hey Mick,everyone - day 31 not tempted to drink today,work then gym tonight for me.Last day at work tomorrow this week and OH's birthday.

    Work is crazy busy, I'm learning to delegate to my team and to pass responsibility onto them. Even though it's a risk - they need to learn and develop.

    Other than that - not much to report today,late pancake day here later.

    Have a great day everyone,lazy start to today,brekkie in a bit then off into the shower.
    one day at a time


      Good morning Abbers,

      Happy Wednesday, Hump day & Ash Wednesday all rolled into one
      Sunny & 9 degrees here - CHILLY!

      Thanks for the start up Mick!
      Love your tiles! Now that you mention it - YB did borrow the necessary equipment from someone for cutting the tiles. It probably would be worth it to have a pro come in & just get the job done!
      How big are those old loom bobbins? That sounds interesting!!!
      I have a kid free day today so I need to get out & about on my own. My granddaughter's 4th birthday party is on Sunday so I need to get some gifts for her.

      Greetings bear & congrats on your 31 AF days!
      Glad to hear you are delegating at work - that's a good thing

      Hello to everyone & wishing a great day for all. I will check in later. Off to Curves now!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Morning all
        nice 6º (F) this frosty morning, suppose to be chilln tomorrow too. Well, whilst I am sitting here thinking of ways to spend $$ with little income, I started looking at pigs. Inneresting critters yet I need a neighbor I don't like so i know where to put them!

        Thanks for the kick off and java Mick, morning to you Lav, hope you're staying nice and toasty, Well done Bear, you're stringing those days along!

        Waves to all coming by. Hey, where's TT hiding these days??

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Loved the jokes, but yet again, no clue on the riddles...:shakingno:
          (I wouldn't make a very good Cartoon Villain). xo, B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Morning everyone!
            Love the tiles Mick.
            Hey Sam, it is warmer up here in Canada than where you are, pretty crazy eh? We are going to around +40F today. Yeah!

            Day 31, way to go Bear!

            Don't get too curvy there Lav

            Have a great sober Wednesday everyone.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Just enough energy for a quick wave to you all at the moment. Been up and working since dark thirty. In desperate need of a nap. Later.


                Pulling a Pie and just waving as well hope everyone has a good day
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Hmmm- 'Pulling a Pie' - that sounds almost pornographic Pauly, Ha Ha Ha!!!

                  A nap does indeed sound nice Pie - hope it was a good one

                  Narilly, I think I have built more muscle since starting at Curves nearly 5 years ago. Maybe that's why my weight hasn't changed much, Lol

                  Hey Byrdie & Sam!
                  Sure has been frosty here & it's supposed to get worse the next two days - ugh!
                  We get a blast of warmish air (40 degrees) & rain on Sunday - swell.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    MAE ALL....

                    Mick...thanks for kicking us off and I hope you're taking it easy. Love the tiles but leaning over that counter top to install them probably is not a good idea. Cold is still hanging around and I just feel exhausted all the time. Thank God it's not the manflu! Next pic's should be the loom bobbins eh? I have no idea what those are.

                    Bear...hope your Day 31 was good.

                    Lav...can you send some of your energy this way please?

                    Waves to Sam, Birdie, Nar, Pie and Pauly. Have to go put the chicken soup pot on the burner.......:smile:PPQP


                      You're bad Lav haha,get your mind outta the gutter
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Ahoy AB ladies and dudes across the wild frontier.....

                        Mick, thanks for the nice kickstart.

                        Sam, I could use a nap myself. been blazing all over the bay.

                        back to the hotel for a bit then off to dinner/boozefest with the work crew and 'important' clients. (sigh)
                        will enjoy my pellegrino and put up with them as long as needed.

                        back for after-dinner report.

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Have a great evening.
                          Hi Det!

                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                   more day then back to winter. :sad: Why does it always happen on Friday into Saturday? Would have loved to take Dad outside this weekend.

                            Det...was checking in for the after-dinner report but the cold medicine has kicked in so it's off to bed and book. Your post was very positive so not worried about you tonight. :hug:

                            Will check back in the morning....:smile:PPQP


                              after dinner report: wow, just now got back to hotel room after spending WAY too much time entertaining shallow people talking about shallow things, like complaining about their pool service, or the housemaids, cost of having their custom Mercedes serviced etc. glad that's over and guzzled 3 bottles of pellegrino so I'm quite hydrated! had some yummy lambchops

                              and with that, I'll leave you with the narwhal song!

                              gnight everyone and sweet dreams
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

