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firsday da nineteenf

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    firsday da nineteenf

    morning all a cold and miserable the wevver not me!!its pourin down with rain..the weather rock would show rain fog wind today.....but sure we can find stuff to do in the house..reckon we are going to have more snow next week...oops
    big brews all round and on we go....

    mornin det the other half live eh?my merc is dirty..blah blah that Korean sorry ..thing.. that went to all that hassle because she never got nuts in a bowl on a plane..who are these clowns!!you probaby wouldve got more sense talking to the bottles of water..glad you are doing ok

    hiya ppqp..hows you?so you are getting winter back too?reckon yours will be a tad worse than ours ..fingers xd it will go for the weekend...hows Cody doing?ok things getting sorted..hopefully on the road to you are ppqp..loom misyake the bobbins are the round reels..thes bad boys use to fly across the loom.. $_58.JPG

    hiya are you?all good I hope.. plus 40 get those shorts on ma'am!!
    hiya bear are you this fine day?running around for the birfday boy today are you?last day at work sound reeeeeeelly positive its great to hear...

    hiya Lav are you doing?ok?loom bobbins are pretty big and when you think of the speeds that the shot across the loom no wonder there were accidents ..round here in Lancs ,,cotton was a massive industry and virtually everyone worked in the mills..Julies gran worked in the one just down the road from us Ellenroad it was called..she lost her finger in a loom as a youngster..anyways what plans for today?or as it comes?you all prepped for the birthday party?

    hiya Sam..hows you today mate?reckon we all do that ...spend money from the bank of what friend has got a small holding and keeps pigs (as well as sheep,goats,3 horses,rabbits numerous dogs,chickens..go up there its like a zoo...main thing mate is keep smiling Sam...heres a cuppa joe..

    hiya cloose as to the riddles ?will put the answers up are you today ?up and rarin to go?actually no..doubt it ..its probably 2 am where you are!!!

    hiya are you?get some kip...sounds like you need comes you were up at daft o clock??

    hiya pauly the pie puller..hows you then? whats that all about pie pulling? a hobby ,perversion or what......meant to ask you..have you gotta garden?if so send a pic ..and lets see what we can come up with if you want??

    hiya dtd,molls,tt sl satzy et all sounds like a code that lot!! ok riddles from yesterday...

    Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die.

    What am I? ...... fire

    The beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place....the letter e

    Poke your fingers in my eyes and I will open wide my jaws. Linen cloth, quills, or paper, my greedy lust devours them all... scissors

    What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?..your name!!


    Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?

    I never was, am always to be, none ever saw me, nor ever will, and yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.

    Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen. What am I?

    I drive men mad for love of me, easily beaten, never free. What am I?

    I've just been doing the maths.

    It's actually cheaper to start your own Octopus Farm than to buy retail printer ink.

    alternative shades of grey again

    Beads of perspiration cascaded betwixt her cleavage. Her whole body shuddered and tensed. She groaned and writhed for what seemed an eternity, before finally sighing loudly. It's always the same when the missus gets up off the settee...

    I've just lost a shed load of money on one stupid gamble.

    I gambled that nobody would break into the shed where I keep all my money.

    A pub landlord refused to serve a Gypsy because he had been told by his bank manager that under no circumstances must he accept traveler's cheques.

    It was bring your dad to school day last week...

    I think he was really impressed at how well I teach English.

    I have a selfie stick.
    Whenever I see someone taking one, I hit them with it.

    There's actually little data to show that Asian children are any smarter than children of other races. It's really just a matter of perception, as I concluded from my research."

    Said my Chinese neighbour's three-year-old son.

    I've been searching for my stolen bed.
    And I won't rest until I find it.

    I used to be in a band called 'Missing Cat'.
    You probably saw our posters.

    Just finished reading the fifth book in the "learning to count" trilogy.

    At the start of the exam, the invigilator says, "You have exactly 2 hours. I will not accept any papers after this time has elapsed."

    Two hours later, the invigilator calls out, "Time's up, Ladies and Gentlemen."

    One student is still scribbling away ten minutes later when the invigilator has all the collected papers in a large stack front of him. Slowly, the student finishes up and walks over to hand in his paper, but the invigilator refuses to accept it. The student puffs up his chest and says:

    "Do you have any idea who I am?"

    "No," says the invigilator.
    Great," says the student as he slips his paper into the middle of the stack

    What's green and smells like yellow paint?

    Green Paint.

    My daughter asked me how to spell "Orange" today.
    "O-R-A-N-G-E" I replied.
    Without missing a beat, she says "No, I mean the colour, not the fruit."

    I dig, you dig, we dig, he digs, she digs, they dig.

    It's not a beautiful poem, but it's very deep.

    Teacher: "Simon, can you say your name backwards?"
    Simon: "No Mis"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Hiya molls ..not so bad this morn..wee niggles thats all but thats what happens when you start getting on Im told!! fly out on 2nd kindle is gettin stoked up with books to read! up the mountain today?..h a n d
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Hiya Mick and Molls, Up early for dog walks and Dad's doctor appt.

      I'll have you naughties know that Pie Pulling is a sporting event. Yes, I saw it in the last Olympics. Involved bobsleds, I think, or was it archery? Anyway I'm sure participants were fully clothed. At least I think so...


        Good morning Abbers,

        Sunny but single digit temps today - not swell!!!! Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse - the weather folks are throwing the term polar vortex around again ~ whatever!

        Thanks for the startup & coffee Mick. I sure hope you take it easy until you heal up properly. You want to be in good shape for your upcoming trip, right??
        I'm heading to Curves then back here to do some paperwork. The grandsons will be dropped off for dinner again tonight so I'm in prep mode, ha ha!!!

        Pie, I hadn't thought of Olympic sports when I heard the pie pulling reference - interesting, LOL

        Hi there Molly, I sure hope you are doing OK!

        Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a fabulous AF Thursday for all. I'll check in later!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Mae everybody, insomnia, insomnia! That's all I can say, I used to bitch about 6 hours of sleep, now I'm down to 4 it's getting ridiculous, I've tried everything including taking a melatonin when I wake up or an Advil pm, it's like I took nothing, I've cut back on caffeine, I'm walking, sheesh, only thing I've done differently is taking l-glutamine googled it and it says it helps sleep, others say it causes insomnia, grr,gonna 86 that stuff see what happens, Mick,I haven't planted a thing yet need to get on it,Det,you sound excellent I went and seen an addiction counselor yesterday, he's a recovering alcoholic, been sober 22 years he's really cool and I wish I would have gone to him a looooong time ago, wants hubs to come to an appointment with me cuz he said what I already know, hubs is an enabler,he doesn't mean to be,just don't understand why I can't have a couple like him and be done, hell a couple would piss me off I want it ALL!,Kellie starts a new job this week at a salon a little bit closer to home, other place fired her for being late 3,5 minutes late a few times, F-them,I hated working for chain salons, too corporate, too many rules, I'm kinda jealous, I feel like after 12 years at my shop I need a change, but I'm too scared, however I'm tired of having to give myself a pep talk to go up there everyday, my 2 co- workers I hate are only getting worse and one is the manager so ho hum,sometimes I fantasize that I cut one of my fingers off so I can't do hair anymore haha, God that sounds crazy, anyways, hello to Lav,Molly, Sam,Pie,Nar,PPQP, missing peeps and readers, let's have a good Thursday p.s Mick the addiction dude said the same thing you did,I need hobbies, in other words I need to get a life
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Morning everyone.
            I can't believe it is warmer here than where you all are....and I am in Canada! Last year it was in the -20's at this time. Sorry about the crap weather Lav, Mick , everyone else.

            Hi Mols and Pie.

            Pauly, glad you found such a great counsellor. That makes All the difference for sure.

            Its a great day here, happy to be sober.
            Talk soon.

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              They're making margaritas on some show I'm watching, I never cared for them anyways, always gave me the shits haha,I'd be happier with a Slurpee work was ok,witch #1 went home early yay,Lav,I forgot to mention I was reading super old threads one night and you were talking about amoryn to someone and you were 6 weeks sober, it was weird to read that,I'm just used to you now being years sober something that was brought up yesterday by the counselor is he doesn't like antabuse,I guess he was court ordered to take it at a clinic daily and drank on it numerous times, he's concerned I would too,I said I may be a little crazy but I'm not stupid haha
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                MAE ALL.....boss shut it down early again today :yay:

                Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. Cody's doing good these days, thanks for asking. He's spending more time out at Strathmore but we're in touch all the time. Thanks for the pick of the shuttles. Can hardly wait to see what you come up with.

                Molls...hope your day went good. I'm still 20 in my mind too. I think that's when the heaviest of my drinking was done and the maturity brain cells are still comatose. Are you off another week or is it back to the grind on Monday?

                Pie...tried googling Pie Pulling but didn't find anything related to a sporting event. :shakingno:

       least we're not getting the polar vortex this year. The jet stream is farther east this year but heading straight for you. Keep Stella and the rest of the girls safe.

                Pauly...sorry about the insomnia that just sucks! Do you think hubs will go with you to the counselors? It sounds like you've got a winner there.

                Well now that I have this extra time on my hands I should see what I can come up with for supper. Snow's supposed to start tonight/tomorrow and then clear up on Sunday. Seems it's always the way as I haven't gotten Dad outside in ages. Hope you all have a peaceful evening......:smile:PPQP


                  Hey PPQP, I'm guessing Cody is your son?if so glad he's feeling better, anxiety is a horrible thing to deal with, I know that stupid drinking caused mine,I NEVER had it before, just the normal anxiety in stress situations, not having it chronically for no reason yes hubs will come with me, I just hafta make the appointment on one of his slow days at work, have a good night
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Yup, he's my son Pauly. While we were going through the anxiety/depression over Xmas I talked a lot about drinking as that's what I could relate it to. He hasn't mentioned a therapist yet and I'm giving him some space before bringing it up again. Glad to hear hubs will go with you, that'll help a lot. Maybe it'll sink in more coming from someone else. It's true, those that don't have a problem with AL just don't understand. My ex included. LOL


                      Tried to post and it never ended up making it. I read everyone's post and hope that everyone is doing well. We are in a big freeze in TN.....learning to slow down


                        Good to see you Sunflower,hope everything is going good with you, stay warm and don't be a stranger, we miss you
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Hey SF.....nice and easy, good to see you.

                          Lav...just heard on the news that it's not a Polar Vortex but a Siberian Express....that explains the shift to the East.

                          Pauly....Google soil for planter boxes and you can "cheaply" put together your own. Hope you can get some sleep tonight.


                            Pauly, the next time I walk into my hairdresser's and she complains of a sleepless night, I've promised myself to give her a hug, and then leave before the scissors come out. The haircut I got on Monday can best be described as an adventure. :eek-new:

                            PQ, I should've figured you'd fact-check my tall tale! Laughed out loud when I read your comment. How goes it on the housing front?

                            Mick, meant to say that I like the look of your tiles very much. My favorite joke today is the green paint one, which may give you some idea of how many of my brain cells are still operating tonight.

                            Hey Lav, Nar, Sunflower. Also Sam, Det, SL, and TT and others who may come by later.


                              Most of my brains were sucked out by the grandsons tonight, Ha Ha!!!
                              I need to just go to bed.

                              SF, glad you checked in & hope you are OK. I heard about the cold weather in your neck of the woods too. Stay warm!

                              PQ, the weather folks did mention Siberian Express too - first time I've ever heard that term in relation to the weather ~ weird.
                              Glad to hear your son is doing well, what a relief!

                              Pauly, good going on the counselor. I hope you get what you need & continue to build on your AF success
                              Funny that you are looking at such old posts. Nothing has really changed though - AL is still a problem if we allow it back into our lives

                              Narilly, we are about to break long standing weather records here with a -2F predicted for tomorrow morning. The schools are all either closed or on a 2 hour delay tomorrow. So this is what it feels like to live in Canada huh??

                              Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

