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friday the weekend starts here!!!!!20th

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    friday the weekend starts here!!!!!20th

    mornin all...and hows the booze bustin gang today then?all good?noticed on another fred ..someone has put up no tgif or poets day here today ..slaving away...for me any day with a y in it is fair game for an early trap!!
    just started snowing here ,but it isnt going to lie ..too wet...famous last words!!ok on we go with the show..brew time all round!!

    mornin molls...look at that for o the shop ...bestest cup out of the pot!! how are you this fine day? take it at this mo you are lovingly slaving over a hot stove getting Joes brekkie ready for him? :yay:

    hey pie how are you?now then ..pie pulling...bob sleigh or archery..pretty much gotta lot in common ....................just cant quite think what at the mo!!got 3 people coming round to give me a quote on the tiling..decided against doing it lets see what their prices are!!

    hiya grandsons taken it all out of you?you need to train maxie to drag them round the garden and tire them out!!big brew time ..yep weather aint too clever this mornin..just see a wet white rock!!..

    pauly ..your thread yesterday....go have a look at it...just like you slow down take a break!!no wonder you cant sleep ..sounds like yer mind is racing!!you ever thought..instead of taking all this stuff to make you sleep,lets see what you do,eat drink or what that is stopping you sleeping?might be a better idea ..write down what you had an times etc..then see if there is a pattern...glad youre going to the counsellor..but hey dont forget yer frenz here!!:hug:

    hiya narilly...nah its not the weather thats crap..just the seasons have shuffled themselves up a bit!!hows you in your sunnier climes today then?

    hiya are you today?seems like youre boss is a good guy!! ah feck it...lets go home!!glad Cody is doing ok...any plans for the weekend?

    hiya sf how are you?hope you are busy?just that we never reeely hear a lot from you :hug:

    right folks ..for the offski..big shout to the missing dtd..yep I know youre moochin around somewhere,tt,sl sam ns bear where are yizall??

    h a n d

    Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I? TON

    I never was, am always to be, none ever saw me, nor ever will, and yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. TOMORROW..

    Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden than is seen. What am I? ICEBERG

    I drive men mad for love of me, easily beaten, never free. What am I? GOLD

    What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

    Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop,has a 42 inch chest with a 34 waist, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?

    There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

    Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

    Two Thai girls were telling me how they were awoken in the morning by rubbish collectors.

    I said, "Bin men?"

    They said, "Yes, we have."

    Cyclone on its Way to Queensland, Met office have said "Do Not Make any unnecessary Journeys!".
    FFS and I was just gonna drive to the Petrol Station To tell them I didn't need any Petrol.

    Why don't supermarkets be more honest?

    And rename their "Parent & Child" spaces as "Lazy B.stard with Massive 4x4" spaces?

    If I had a pound for every day I didn't shower, I would be filthy rich.

    I tried to catch some fog.

    I mist.

    I read in the paper that they are going to send a space shuttle to mars in 2025 that is full of women.

    Never thought that planet needed cleaning.

    My gran phoned to tell me she's had a chairlift installed.

    I didn't know skiing was so popular in Huddersfield.

    Scientists have just discovered a man-eating fish in the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

    They still can't figure out how he cooks them.

    50 shades of Grey.

    The contents of Elton Johns Wig Drawer.

    I ordered one of those new invisible hearing aids off the internet last week.

    The parcel turned up today and there was nothing in it.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    hey Mick, I'm here,long long day yesterday,lots of issues at work atm and I'm feeling frazzled.I need my manager to step up and I'm not sure he will. I also have new admin worker doing really well and crucial for our team and she may be offered much better job in her old line of work.I've cancelled two days leave next week to get huge amount of work done.

    I've literally worked,sat on sofa,ate watched tv - I'm planning to do a bit of exercise today.I just feel all churned up and anxious and low.I may talk to work counselling line on phone today.Feeling sad about potentially quitting rollerderby but I think it's because it's an ending/been a big part of my life - I just can't deal with injury anxiety/some members of team anymore and school girl style bullying/bitching.
    I'm being a negative nelly, I guess that's the depression part,I feel a bit hormonal too which never helps.
    I still struggle with putting me first,I'm not doing lots of stuff that I feel I should,gym,skating to give myself a break,but am still nagging myself,feeling bad about it.
    Not sure how to switch that bit of me off.I may as well be at work today - thinking and stressing about it.
    one day at a time


      bear ..give yourself a are doing ace...break it all down into manageable chunks aing gonna eat a hefelump!!

      feeling frazzled...chill do some exercise...

      I need my manager to step up and I'm not sure he will.

      tell you have bilats meetings etc? be nice about it ..but just say we need to be a team at the mo its one sided etc..after all he might be relying on you..

      I've literally worked,sat on sofa,ate watched tv

      bet you never watched telly..probably think you did ..head full of work some exercise ..release those endomorphins!!

      Feeling sad about potentially quitting rollerderby

      work it out but I think it's because it's an ending/been a big part of my life - I just can't deal with injury anxiety/some members of team anymore and school girl style bullying/bitching.
      enjoy it
      been a big part of life
      look for new interests

      quitting will leave gap in your life

      just do it all like that ..youll be fine
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        thanks Mick,gym/swim is going to be on the cards - for looking after myself,not beating myself up,
        one step at a time - zero drinking thoughts though - and am doing it/have been assertive despite feeling scared
        one day at a time


          Good morning Abbers

          Sunny but -1F here. Det, thanks for the offer but those 'warm weather' thoughts haven't made it here yet, Ha Ha!!!

          Greetings Mick, the coffee man!
          I am having a big problem with my youngest grandson, not sure what to do with him. He's developing into a nasty little piece of work, very demanding & exhibits real control freak behavior. I've been honest with my son & DIL about him but they have not corrected his behavior. He actually caused me so much grief last night I ended up with an upset stomach - not good I'm not going to keep watching him if he doesn't pull his head out of his butt very soon. Have I mentioned that this kid was named after YB? Think there's any coincidence??? LOL

          bear, we have NO control over anything but ourselves. You need to decide what you want, what is best for you!
          Just like this situation with my grandson, my next step is to tell his parents that I won't continue to watch him until he gets a little nicer. I don't have to put up with his nasty behavior. The last words out of his mouth last night were 'Bye Mimom, I hate you'. Screw that!! That's not a good thing & I won't put up with it, I don't have to either.

          Greetings to all & sending wishes for a wonderful AF Friday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            KOLD, it is, but it is, in a way, refreshing. This weekend will probably be a complete mess, snow, then rain, we'll be up to our ass-prin bottles in mud before it is all said and done.

            not much to report other than the forecast, rather slow time of year, which is ok

            Bear, do take care of yourself.

            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Mae everybody, Mick,I know it's my subconscious mind thinking about stuff, bills,work, not drinking, it's just awful and adds to my anxiety, this morning I couldn't sleep so I took a walk to the store and I felt like I was having a panic attack as soon as I got in there!lack of sleep frazzles my nerves, Det,good advice on the l-glute it's weird cuz during the day after I take it I feel calm so I don't understand why it keeps me up,if it's that, Bear,please try not to feel overwhelmed(look who's talking)you're doing a good job, Lav,I wonder why grandson is acting like that?any changes in his life lately?Hi Sam,I'm gonna go find food, back later
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                MAE ALL....checking in from work.

                Mick....thanks for the kickstart. Looks like our snow is starting today and temps dropping for tomorrow so no outside for Dad on Saturday. Other than that I'm not up to much this weekend.

       sucks having work issues, I speak from experience. I hear you about the admin person maybe getting a better job, just went through that and am still dealing with the fallout. I like Mick's idea of breaking it down to manageable chunks. :hug:

                Lav....that's not the Thomas the Tank grandson is it? Yes that can be upsetting and I like your response. You don't have to put up with it.

      's a good thing it's the slow time of year with that weather forecast. Enjoy your indoor day.

      's hard to turn that thinking off isn't it. Sorry about the panic attack, you're right about the lack of sleep adding to everything. Hope your day gets better.

                Things are starting to get busy around here so must be off. Will check back later.....:smile:PPQP


                  Boring day off but that's ok,spend less money that way Kell and Louie came by for a bit,I made waffles, eggs,bacon and sausage for dinner, kind of a task actually,I like things I can just throw in the oven instead hope all are enjoying their day
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    The weekend weather certainly will be sucking - big time Sam, LOL
                    Not much we can do about it but remember - Spring will be here in a few more weeks, Yay!!!

                    PQ, sorry you're getting snowed on. Better to have all snow than the crap that is predicted at Sam's & my place.
                    Yes, that was my Thomas the train grandson blowing up on me. Whatever this stage is it just stinks! He's been exhibiting this behavior for a few months & it's getting worse. He'd better be careful because I'm about to unleash some severe
                    Lavan-ittude on him, Ha Ha!!!!

                    Pauly, did you ever get the hormone levels checked? Honestly, you sound just like where I was once upon a time. Getting the hormones balanced isn't a cure all but can be a big help.

                    I am currently ignoring a text message request from my DIL - something about me watching the boys tomorrow......
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Lav,they did a hormone check last month, say everything is ok, I don't blame you for ignoring the text haha
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Very sorry to hear of all the sucky weather so many are experiencing. Our temps are probably 60+ degrees higher than where Sam and Lav are. Lav, you cracked me up with your ignoring DIL's message comment. Good for you. Hi Mick, Bear, Pauly, PQ, and others.


                          Aloooha Friday ABeroooos!

                          I think som Lavattitude is in order for that kiddo!

                          up early tomorrow for hike/shoot with the lads, so better wind down soonish.

                          wishing you all a fantabulous AF weekend full of fun and garlic!

                          be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

