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wed 24th

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    wed 24th

    mornin are you all...yes its 512 am....nope not gone mad,or on an early morning bimble..Julie has got to go to a meeting this morning in Coventry,so has to leave early doors...was going to have a lie in but that somehow didnt work so here we are bright n breezy ready to go...first brew already been supped....anyone else up at this time?
    so sad about Dottie my thoughts and prayers as Im sure she is with other folks...

    next Monday,fly out to Gran Canaria for a week...will try my best to keep in touch but been reading up on trip advisor..wifi and tinternet is pretty hit n probably need a fred starter next week..any volunteers?will jump in as and when I can ,but cant promise nowt...

    finally kitchen gets tiled tomorrow..yeehah..looking forward to seeing it done..taken a fair while to do this lot....

    puncture yesterday wasnt a puncture...ended up a new had been cut into the tyre wall

    got new glass for my cabinet yesterday ..and have successfully so far kept it in one piece

    ok on we go then...

    hiya sf..glad to see you are doing sound a lot chirpier...def the right decision you took to jump out of corporate come your posts just disappear?is it due to location?anyways good that you are doing well..

    hiya sam..thanks for the pics they look big strong cattle! yep now I can see what you were ploughing!!

    hiya ass here!! how are you today?any more thoughts on flat spots?any ideas?Ill share some with you ..theres not enuff hours in the day for my daft ideas!!

    mornin Lav..hows you today then?all good?those weaving shuttles came yesterday...they are brand new!!know it sounds mad ,but a piece of history..specially from this part of the how come I got 3 shuttles brand new from an industry that doesnt exist as such ..and there are def no mills any more around here?I reckon they were heisted when the mills were shut down and lived in someones got to think what to make with them..or mebbes leave them as they are..brew time you ready for one?hows the lippy grandson ?is that sorted now?reckon you are right tho..going to hafta take it a wee bit easy...not so clever at the mo..

    hey ppqp .you take it easy are you today then?feelin any better ?hopefully so.....did the snow arrive or is it staying away?

    hiya pauly..hows you today?all good ..hows the wabbits?betty white and dr chocolate..bit more than mine ..sam n sandy...tried to pick her up last night..she wasnt having it gave me some serious thumps..she is really strong and resists..he is like ..yeah ok whatever!!now gimme food!so after she tried to kick me to death she then went in a sulk..honestly!!she turns her back on you and just blanks you..Glad Kellie likes her job....hey collecting junk..Im well into that!!and charity shops bimbling thru them never know look at this for a find!!!

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    hiya Dutch..hows you ?glad you liked the jokes! welcome to the madhoose!!

    mornin bear anuvver day for you..well whats the agenda for today?anything?you at work?

    hi are you?had to do a double take at your avatar..Blackpool tower or Eiffel tower!! again love creating things out of junk!!

    right folks 6am ..time to go the day is started!!take it easy and have a good one.....

    There is now a proven link between smoking and depression.

    At nearly ten quid a packet it's hardly fcking surprising, is it?

    A certain surgeon across the room amputated both my arms by mistake.

    I'm not going to point any fingers.

    My Grandpa was going upstairs when he suddenly said, "Your generation relies too much on technology!" I replied, "No, your generation relies too much on technology!" Then I unplugged his stairlift.

    I was at the barber's today and he suggested I try having my hair short at the sides and long at the back.

    I told him 'I'd have to mullet over.'

    "Quite an interesting article here." Said the wife, looking up from the paper. "They reckon that carrots can stop you getting cancer."

    "Oh." I said, "I thought that was tomatoes?"

    "Don't talk fcking stupid!" She snapped. "How can carrots stop you getting tomatoes?"

    This guy walks into a bar with a steak pie on his head and orders a drink.
    The barman says, "Excuse me, mate, do you know you have a steak pie on your head?"
    The guy laughs and replies, "Yeah, I always wear a steak pie on my head on a Tuesday!"
    The barman answers, "But you do know that it's Monday today, don't you?"
    The man looks horrified. "Oh my God! You must have thought I looked a right divvy

    Hereditary diarrhoea.

    It runs in the family.


    ON TESCO'S TIRIMISU DESERT - Do not turn upside down.(Printed on the bottom of the box.)
    ON MARKS & SPENCER BREAD PUDDING - Product will be hot after heating.
    ON PACKAGING FOR A ROWENTA IRON - Do not Iron clothes on body.
    ON BOOTS CHILDRENS COUGH MEDICINE - Do not drive car or operate machinery.
    ON NYTOL (A SLEEP AID) - Warning: may cause drowsiness.
    ON A KOREAN KITCHEN KNIFE - Warning keep out of children.
    ON A STRING OF CHINESE MADE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS - For indoor or outdoor use only.
    ON A JAPANESE FOOD PROCESSOR - Not to be used for the other use.
    ON SAINSBURY'S PEANUTS - Warning: contains nuts.
    ON AN AMERICAN AIRLINES PACKET OF NUTS - Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.
    ON A SWEDISH CHAINSAW - Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.

    My five-year-old son said he wanted a tree house in the back garden.

    Twenty years growing a tree and now the git doesn't want it anymore.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    up a little earlier for me this morning. Looking forward to more snow this evening! Not suppose to be too much, which is fine by me. Guess I'll keep working on cleaning up here and there today. Got most of my tax crap to the accountant yesterday.

    How goes your day Mick, hope your glass remains in tact! Thanks for the kick off and the brew.

    Slow time of year, I need to enjoy it while it last, spring hell will be here before I know it!
    Hello to all coming by, special thoughts to Dottie Bell.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Good morning Abbers, happy Hump day

      I woke up early today too - what's going on??
      I have lots of little things to get done today & no childcare on my schedule so far. That's perfectly OK with me.

      Mick, I'm interested to see what you end up doing with the shuttles. If nothing else they would make interesting wall art!
      Take it easy this week, you don't want to be going on vacation in pain - right??

      What happened to Dottie Belle? I missed something yesterday.

      Hi there Sam! Your animals look fairly contented in the snow - not that they have any choice, ha ha!
      I am holding onto hope that we see a warm up soon!!!

      Greetings to everyone, I'll check in later.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mae everybody, the joke about the power lift being unplugged was hilarious haha! Mick, was looking at the white bunnies fur and it looks weird, remember yesterday I told you she shed all over?it's just in one big patch,almost looks like a skin infection, maybe you guys are all catching my lack of sleep good to see you Sunflower, you do sound good I'm a little sad TT and SL aren't posting here but I see them on another thread so at least we know they're safe and sound off to fix my annoying hair, have a good Wednesday everybody, back later
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Morning everyone, ya, that was a good one Mick.' Mick Unplugged' that's what we should call you. Like a stand up comedian.

          Have a great day Lav, Pauly everyone.


          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            evening - just checking in, day 39 and shattered,long day at work.
            having a pink cloud couple of days - and enjoying it.feel calm and clear and happy.
            got a pedometer and it said 300 steps today - not sure if it's faulty or I am that sedentary,I use the stairs and not the lift - we shall see.Need to keep an eye on it,I do need to build in more walking after work/at lunch as well as gym - bloody office job!

            Lazy evening,very early night planned,I'm shattered.
            loving sense of freedom and having so much time.
            one day at a time


              Hi Mick, Sam, Lav, Pauly, Nar, and everyone else.

              Enjoyed seeing your photos yesterday, Sam. Those cows must me mighty happy to see you drive up.

              I think getting back to yoga would make me feel better. Just need to find a studio near to where I'm living now.

              Been wondering about everyone's avatars. Are the photos of yourselves, or homes, or hobbies, or? Mine has no particular connection to my life, though pie is a favorite dessert. Really just something that crossed my mind when I 1st signed up here.


                MAE ALL....Long day just about over. Was pretty quiet at work so was able to get some bridge in.

                Mick...thanks for kicking us off. I'm excited that the kitchen's getting tiled tomorrow. Like Lav says you stay "unhurt" now till Monday ok?

                Sam...are those Angus cows?

                Lav...I'm interested to see what Mick does with the shuttles too. It's cooled off here and there's snow but not much accumulation.

                Pauly...hope you had a good hump day.

       was kind of pretty out there with the fluffy white flakes today.

       glad you're in a calm, clear and happy space. You deserve it.

       sounds like a good idea. About the avatar, it was one on the site that I found, liked it, and have stayed with it ever since.

                A few things to finish up here at work then it's home. Not having chicken noodle soup for supper as I'm feeling much better these days. Hopefully I'm at the end of this cold.
                Have a peaceful evening all.....:smile:PPQP


                  Bear,get a fitbit, it's awesome you can view your steps, calories burned, minutes active, etc on your phone or computer, it motivates by sending you an email when you're almost to your goal, glad you're better PPQP, tbh I've actually not been feeling sick for awhile and for awhile there it seems I was sick everyday, went to the addiction counselor this afternoon and I can't answer most of what he asks cuz I don't know, I don't know why I drink,I don't know what I want for goals in life,meh,the conundrum of me,hope everyone is enjoying their day
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Pauly, this is a good time to make some new goals! You are changing/improving yourself & you can be anything you want to be. How do you picture yourself in 5 or 10 years? Will you still be doing the same work or possibly start a new career? You should start investigating, researching, develop some new interests & then discuss that with your counselor. Keeping AL out of your life is your #1 goal

                    PQ, snow again, huh? We are promised just a little bit here tomorrow (whether we want it or not)!

                    Pie, my avatar picture is one I took years ago. My crazy looking chickens are so photogenic, don't you think? I collectively call them STELLA, ha ha!
                    I hope you can find your new yoga place soon.

                    Hi there bear & narilly.

                    Have a peaceful night one & all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

