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firsday da twennyfift

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    firsday da twennyfift

    mornin all..great start ..pressed the wrong button and it all went woosh!! so how are we today then?on this post hump and pre poets day...tis pouring down with rain here,just moved all he stuff off the kitchen worktops ..ready for yer man with the tile van...who will be here in about 15 mins do need to be a bit sharp..

    brew is on yerselves while I get this done..

    hiya Lav how are you this morning? all good with the stella collection still snowed in ?its gonna a mad year for plants definintely...made one of the shuttles into a thermometer yesterday..even modom likes it!!its useful,historical wall art..yeh right....any plans for today ..kid watching etc....heres a brew about that tax you owe me...signed Uncle Sam !!!!

    hiya are you feeling?hopefully a lot better for moi...def going to have to take it easy..its sad when even I have to say that!!so what did you end up making as opposed to the chicken noodle soup?have a good day....

    hiya pie,how are you today then?feeling any better?so you need a find a place for yogi?sure him and his mate boo boo lived in a park somewhere!! :hahaha: seriously tho..if you get involved in something ,then the flat spot and the bleh feelin will soon far as the avatars go..just change mine when I feel the need the curent one is from the series broadchurch which has just finished here..Brilliant ending to it ,but certainly leaves room for the next one to start..dont know if anyone up this side of the world watches it..

    hiya narilly...mick unplugged here..sounds like a radio presenter!!how are you today amidst the fluttery flakes ..all good??

    hiya pauly,hows you today then?all good?could be a skin condition with your rabbit..dietary perhaps?did you fix your hair ..need to get it right specially if you use it as an advert for your to agree eith you ..Julie swears by her good old tight ass ..use a pedometer from poundland!!!yep people jump in and out of the freds on here ,each to their own,me I like this one,100 day army newbie and the gardening one..its quite good that there is such a variety to choose from on have a good day..and listen to lav ..sound advice...:thumbsup:

    hiya Sam..hows you ?still ploughing out the snow..we ve got a herd of longhorns a the back of us and whenever the farmer takes a bale up on the tractor you should see them go mad!!glass still intact ,cabinet nearly finished,just got the handles to sand stain and polish..

    hiya bear ....yeehah the big 4 oh today ..well done you!!I build a lot of walking into my day,my target is 15000 steps per day (roughly 6 miles) usually achieve that in itself is a challenge to get walking up and downstairs,parking furthest spot away at the shops just mad things like that ...

    right folks tiler here to go ..while put some jokes on noo....

    didnt get jokes on..jeez this guy can talk!!!!!

    I saw a bunch of Ukranians gathered outside the Russian Embassy today.

    They were yelling, "Putin, withdraw! Putin, withdraw!"

    Not sure if it was a protest or some kind of sex education seminar.

    I find the surveys shown on cosmetic adverts are utterly pointless due to the small number of people questioned.

    I've asked around, and 83% of 6 people agree with me

    Just can't wait to buy the new range of capes from Madonna's fall collection.

    The owner of the trampoline park closed down by Midlothian Council following more than 100 incidents in three weeks has said he is sure they will bounce back.

    i recently took up making violins,but it didn't last,it was just too fiddley.

    My local museum is trying to raise money by setting up a dinosaur fossil display. How will it work?

    Remains to be seen

    Teacher: "Kids,what does the chicken give you?"
    Student: "Meat!"
    Teacher: "Very good! Now what does the pig give you?"
    Student: "Bacon!"
    Teacher: "Great! And what does the cow give you?"
    Student: "Homework!"

    . Marketing companies should use chromosomes in advertisements because sex cells.

    Pampered cows produce spoiled milk.

    Learn sign language, it’s very handy.

    I started a band called 999 Megabytes — we haven’t gotten a gig yet.

    You want to hear a pizza joke? Never mind, it’s pretty cheesy.

    What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don’t know, and I don’t care.

    Dry erase boards are remarkable

    Dwarfs and midgets have very little in common.

    How do you make Holy water? Boil the hell out of it.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers!

    Cloudy & chilly, waiting for today's snow to start - boring!!!

    Mick, I have to tell you something.......
    Yesterday was the 25th & today is the 26th - just in case you have any important appointments or anything, LOL
    No scheduled kid watching for me this week but you never know do you?
    I am getting small jobs done this week in between fits of house cleaning & cooking, ha ha!
    I am intrigued with your shuttle project, sounds rather unique.
    Good luck with the tile installation today!

    Guess I'll get myself to Curves before the snow starts - no excuses
    Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody, yes Mick, it's the 26th silly goose,my little Brady is 17 today where did the time go?as far as diet for the bunnies, who knows, they munch on everything growing in the yard plus the bunny food I buy them so I dunno, yes people come and go,I love this thread though and use it as my reminder of how to live sober, I kinda wish you guys were around later in the day but you guys actually have lives haha,that was something the addiction counselor kept bringing up yesterday, he's concerned that I don't have much of a social life, but as an adult it's hard to make friends, especially here in Vegas where 98% of the population drinks,certainly can't remain friends from the past, they weren't friends they were drinking buddies, grr,I'm not in the mood for friends right now, when I first got married me and Bobby both cut off most of our social life cuz we just wanted to be together and it's still like that,I'd rather hang with him and Louie on a Saturday night than out with people right now, is that weird?counselor just doesn't want me to be a dry drunk, wants me to enjoy sobriety not just not drink, I do enjoy it, I don't feel like I'm white knuckling everyday,but I also haven't found the key for long term sobriety keep giving that screaming toddler a cookie, meh, I hate counseling, I don't want to think about the why's of drinking every bloody week, I'd rather get hypnotized to just forget about the past if that makes sense, rehashing it all is hi just pissing me off!does anyone understand what I'm saying or am I just being a stubborn ass?I've babbled to long hello to all let's have a good Thursday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good Morning Abbers!

        Can't wait to hear how the tiling went, Mick. Hoping you got a good installer, and that you'll post a pic. Interesting on your Broadchurch avatar; it's not a show I'm familiar with. Usually have no problem recognizing Eeyore, Yogi, or BooBoo though.

        Lav, I've heard you refer to Stella, and thought she was one particular chicken. Good to know it's a collective reference.

        PQ - selection of my pie avatar was pretty random too. I just like the image, and mostly stick with it.

        Pauly, Pauly, Pauly, your post yesterday has opened a door to a possible breakout of my rut. I got to thinking about how I might answer your counselor's questions. First one was easy, I drink for the buzz. Second one though, has me pondering goals. Lav, your reply pushed me along as well. My goal is for wellness. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and especially for wellness in my relationships. Got more thinking to do in figuring out what steps to take, but very grateful to have a direction. THANK YOU!


          Morning everyone!!
          so for some reason the weather nerds have starting giving names snow storms... next we'll be naming thunderstorms. I believe it is a food marketing ploy because everyone panics and buys food. The other day I was getting my truck inspected and the Weather Channel was on.... our last snow was about to happen and by the time I finished waiting I was ready to go home and build a freekin bunker to hunker down in and hide. Glad I don't have reception for the telly!

          Hey Mick, thanks for the joe and grins... I'm sure you'll be glad to get the tile done!

          Morning Lav, we got a couple of inches of snow this morning but nothing too outrageous. This month sure did roar by quickly!

          PQ, my cows for the most part angus. I have a little hereford in the background. My current bull is a tarentaise. Wanted to see what that cross would be like, they seem to grow fast. Probably go back to angus, the money is in the black cows in this area.

          Pie, my avatar is a picture of a cabin my family owns. Had a Pogo one, he's one of my favorite comic strips that may seem outdated but not really.

          be well good friends
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Pauly - a very Happy Birthday for your 17 year old Brady. Yeah time flies thats for sure. Having a new sober life doesn't have to be about a social life but maybe just some new small steps. Stick with the counseling and give it a decent go - its not meant to be easy! Everyone hates their counselor at some stage - they are meant to push you as well as be your support.
            Hi there to everyone else.


              Morning everyone. Mick unplugged, spoiled milk haha!

              Hope everyone has a great sober Thursday. Pauly, good luck with counselling.

              Sam, the cabin is so rustic, very cool.

              I am happy being sober. It is freakin cold here today but I still have a job. Oil prices are killing us. My team is going down to 1 person next week- ME. We had 30 last year and now 1. Pretty crazy.
              Talk soon.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                ouch...narilly...are you getting the wages from the workforce last year???
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  WHOA Narilly!!!, that is serious cut back. I'd be embarrassed to tell you how much our survey business made last year. I've spent the day filling out job apps on line. I hate it, I've been self employed too damn long! Hoping to supplement income selling some beast at farmer's markets this year, if I can make it happen.

                  I am glad I'm sober too, I'd be wallowing in self pity right now if I wasn't!
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Exactly Sam, drinking doesn't exactly bring in the cash does it?

                    That would be nice Mick. There is less work now though. I am not doing the work of 30 people but it can get pretty nutty sometimes.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Originally posted by Samstone View Post
                      Hoping to supplement income selling some beast at farmer's markets this year, if I can make it happen.
                      What do you sell, Sam? Is it meat that can be frozen and shipped?

                      Narilly, that you are the one still there sure says some great things about you! What good timing you had on getting sober and stepping up your work-game! I'm sorry the stress you're feeling - our gas prices are heading back up so maybe that will be good for you??


                        really quick dash in,shattered,getting cold but feeling much calmer and really feels like medication and being af has kicked in.
                        one day at a time


                          Yeah, what kind of beast Sam? Hadn't seen Lav's post from yesterday until after I posted this morning, hmm,where do I see myself in 5years? I dunno, truth is I get on my kids for not doing anything with their lives but I dunno what I want to be when I grow up either I sort of rolled into doing hair by accident, I was getting a permanent and the guy doing it was so positive and happy I thought'I want to be like this dude" so we moved and I went to beauty school, I freaking hated it!crabby old ladies getting roller sets,picky people about their hair cuts, the snobby students, I begged Bobby more than once to let me drop out,his positive ass said at least finish and get your license, so I pushed on,after I got licensed no way I was doing hair!so I got a job telemarketing, ugh,talk about a piece of shite job!!! I quit, then a chain salon opened in our small town, I went to work there,and being in my 20's I was self conscious about everything, my looks, my car,my clothes, my hairdressing skills, I begged Bobby to let me quit,he said cut back to part time,that worked for a bit but I ended up quitting, stayed at home with the girls got bored, missed having my own screw off money so went back,stayed 5 years then moved to Vegas, by now I'm in my late 20's and have Brady, feel more confident about myself, decided to move to California, hated it yet proceeded to move back and forth between Vegas and San Diego, a short stint in Carson city, now I've been at my shop on/off 12 years and I know this shop ain't gonna last much longer, the owner is getting older and is talking about selling it to the manager(the troll I dislike) I don't know what I'll do,I've thought of school but I'm just not interested in anything,counselor says that worries him,Bobby is lucky cuz he's been a siding installer,went to school for machining,plumber, mechanical,I've only worked salons, pizza hut, Wendy's and the telemarketing joint, I know I wrote a book(sorry) but I'm delving, I'm thinking my lack of interest/skills contributed to my drinking,or the trauma of moving who knows, I don't feel like I merely exist, I'm happy with most of my life, meh,
                          Last edited by paulywogg; February 26, 2015, 06:05 PM.
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            I'd be selling beef; meat would be frozen, I haven't any idea about the mechanics and legal things of shipping. Good idea, I'll have to look into it.
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              Do you raise pastured steers?

