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friday the twenny seventh?

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    friday the twenny seventh?

    mornin are we today?all good ..tiler here again in a wee while to finish job looks for me absolutely brill...and madam is well over the moon with it..mind you it has taken since July,...finished cabinet and thermometer in loom shuttle pics to follow ..

    right on we go then on this famous friday..lets go for it quick...tea n coffee on the go..

    hiya lav....hows you today...all good nope no special one is monday with an airline pilot :thumbsup:as you can tell ..dont really keep a count on dates any more..theres no need they aint that important to me any more..well wedding anni is ..not for me ..but for my health!! big brew?

    pic of the shuttle and the cabinet I made..complete with unsmashed glass!!!got another coupla ideas in my head too!!

    pauly ,pauly..looking at your desnt even look like you took a breath between them!!calm down a bit :hug:mebbes write it all down ..that helps me..and then see where you go ..the booze one aint an issue you want to do that and are focused on have a look at the other things..job wise are you you want something else etc..just have a think and see what you write..sometimes life turns out completely different for us..I wanted to go to sea when I was younger..started an apprenticeship as a marine engineer on ships,then transferred into heavy engineering and became a centre lathe fitter and turner making big turbine shafts for power stations ships etc,biggest one I ever made was 190 tons...then threw my toys out (girlfriend troubles at the time) and joined the army...ha that showed her!!!not..12 years 13 days later left..was driving heavy goods lorries, joined the prison service as an officer,and 25 years later left as a nothing is ever planned out there is a path and you fancy it then take every single one of us has life patterns like mine that make no sense...

    hiya pie...hows you ..just read our post good for you gettin out of the rut..ace !!tiling is grand will put pics up when its finished today..what do you think of the wee cabinet out of scrap?has given me another idea too!!

    hiya sam...hows you know never even thought of that panic buy ..but its right..if someone said to you its going to rain heavily today would think ..and??but if someone said be careful thunderstorm thelma is on the way then you certainly would think different ..mebbe you need to go into sales and marketing!!

    hiya tt are you ? ok I hope

    hiya narilly ..if Im unplugged then youre the one woman band!! how are you today then?cold ,sober and good ..thats it..any plans weekend?

    hiya ns..nice to see you ..hows things with you ..still got your arms/hands full?

    well bear into the forties...days wise!!!good for you ..great stuff..weekend planned out?

    hiya ppqp ..wheres you ok?

    right folks for the offski..see you later

    Me and the wife were sat watching a documentary about plastic surgery earlier..

    "Oo, I'd love a bit of that." She said, dreamily. "It'd be great to step out with a different shaped nose."

    So I've swapped the doormat for a rake.

    I don't think Specsavers are as good as people say. I went there today, and told the optician that I think I'm a bit short sighted.
    "Short sighted," he said, walking over to the window.
    "Do you see that round orangey thing up in the sky?" he asked.
    "Yes, it's the sun," I replied.
    He says "That's 93 million miles away. How fcking far do you want to see?"
    The woman at the Job Centre said, "You're always late, you ignore the queue of people and you are rude to everyone."

    I said, "What's your point?"

    She said, "Have you ever thought of becoming a bus driver?"

    A cowboy walks into a German car showroom and he says "Audi!"

    When it comes to breakfast, 3 bowls of porridge is the bear minimum.

    My wife is a mute. She communicates by embroidery.

    It's her own version of sign language, sew to speak.

    A man walks into a library and says

    "I hope you don't have a book on reverse psychology."
    I went to the cinema today with my girlfriend, and there were these two really annoying people talking in front of us.

    So I just hit one of them right in the back of the head. My girlfriend looked at me, completely shocked.

    And so did everyone else in the queue.

    My American cousin is staying with me at the moment.
    I took him with me to B&Q.
    "What you looking for in the cutlery section?" he enquired.
    "Bob mate, these are the gardening tools."
    Last edited by Mick; February 27, 2015, 06:45 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    hey Mick- bright and cheerful morning here in The Hague too.
    It is nice to have a quiet week (kids on holidays).
    Congrats on finishing up the cabinet project. I am pretty amazed at how much I accomplish with a clear head. Happy Friday to you.
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      hiya eloise hows you then? looking good and doing well..glad nice day in Den Haag...have you learnt to spraak Nederlandische yet?? have a great weekend
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        morning - working at home today and getting lots done/and the washing!
        I may go off to gym after I finish and have a steam/sauna after.

        Not much to report- planning trip to NY to see friends,plan to do bit of cleaning and tidying.Counseling app tomorrow,then babyshower,then sofa!
        Plan to do assignment sunday and monday - ,hopefully that's enough time to finish it - other than that - bit of gym,may buy a pedometer/cheapest fitbit think will help me focus on increasing activity which is major if current(now broken and cheap) pedometer readings were right!

        Happy Friday everyone, I feel like a new woman!
        one day at a time


          Good morning Abbers & happy Friday to all!

          Yes - it is snowing here again! Don't want it or need it either!!

          Mick, thanks for the coffee! Love your pics, you do great work
          You should seriously think about selling your creations on ebay, I think folks would love them!
          Glad to hear the tile job is going well. Are you getting excited about your vacation?

          Hi there Eloise & bear!
          Yes, we certainly can accomplish a lot without the AL webs in our heads, ha ha!!!

          pauly, is there a community college nearby? They usually have career development centers open to the public. You can go in & browse through their materials & see if something sparks an interest. Why not take advantage, you never know what may happen

          Well, I guess I'll get myself in gear & get my day started! Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF day for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            how do all
            late night last night... played lots of tunes with some good friends for almost 4 hours... wow my hands were tired! Now my brain is tired, so used to getting to bed semi early.

            nice sunny day here, need to poke around outside and get a few things done.

            NS, yes my cattle are pastured raised, I only grain them once in awhile to entice them to come in corral. Beats chasing them all over creation.

            Off to out and about. Have a good one all!!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              MAE ALL...late start to the day so am checking in from work.

              Mick...thanks for the kickstart. Everything's fine with me just had a busy day yesterday, apologies for not checking in. Love the thermometer in the shuttle you have a wonderful imagination. Like the cabinet as well and agree with Lav, you could sell on ebay.

              Hi it when people pop in for a visit.

              Bear...and people used to hate turning 40. Great job. Keep us posted with the counseling we're all getting the benefit without the cost.

    's trying to snow here too but it's having a tough time, which is ok by me. Engoy your day.

              Must get back to the grind...will check back later.....:smile:PPQP

              Xpost - Morning Sam....have a good one.


                MAE everyone,

                Mick, that's some first class work you do there. Would never guess it to be DIY. Is the cabinet for a collection of some kind?

                Hi Eloise, Bear, Lav, Sam, PQ. Pauly, have you ever completed an interest inventory? Bet they've got some online for free, but likely will have at community college also.

                Bought a yoga dvd yesterday to get me rolling until a nearby class turns up. Also got an audio cable to connect TV to stereo. Huge improvement in sound quality, and so easy. Wish I'd known of it sooner.


                  Originally posted by Samstone View Post
                  NS, yes my cattle are pastured raised, I only grain them once in awhile to entice them to come in corral. Beats chasing them all over creation.
                  Well, then, I'd be a potential customer for you if you can get the freezing and shipping details worked out :smile:. What else do you raise or grow?


                    Mae everybody, Mick I loved the pics,very nice work, just a quick hello to all(bad mood) hope everyone is enjoying their Friday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
                      Mae everybody, Mick I loved the pics,very nice work, just a quick hello to all(bad mood) hope everyone is enjoying their Friday
                      Here try this Pauly.....:upsidedown:

                      Or maybe you're just feeling like this....

                      Last edited by porqoui; February 27, 2015, 03:52 PM.


                        ahoy ABerooooos!

                        holy snot, I couldn't log in for several days and had to work with tech support to get on. to top that off I'm
                        fighting off some computer virus that are being reeeeeeely norty. egad.

                        at any rate, got home late last night, AF and happy

                        catchin up fast as I can....

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          don't click those links! think it's part of my comp problem arg!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Originally posted by Determinator View Post
                            don't click those links! think it's part of my comp problem arg!
                            :upset: Never click on those!!! Glad to see you check in safe and sober. :hug:


                              Thanks PPQP,that's about how I feel
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

