This weather is too much. Snow for today, after it sleeted and rained yesterday, and snow previously. Geez. Where is the better weather? This weekend they are predicting 40s and sunny. Now that is something to look forward to.
Cyn, no garden planned yet, as I have a small yard and need to see where the sun will hit for the longest. We have some trees and not sure about the shade, etc. Plus, with all the snow now, I am staying inside.
Lav, I agree thiis weather can turn to spring anytime.
Dill, I have not found a place for yoga since my latest move. We spent last night after work finding our paperwork for taxes. It took time as I was not sure where it was at first. Of course I had put it all in a box, and once we found that we were OK. I am still struggling from the second move. I don't know where alot of stuff is and get confused with the first move. So, everything is taking time. After the first move I found both a yoga studio and a great work out place, but here I have not had time. Just a little over a month and lots of visitors,so weekends and evenings have been spent either getting ready for guests, having them over, then the clean up and then back to work. So, kind of busy. To be honest, I am just tired and the weather does not help. Hope you are doing well.
Have a good one.