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AF Daily ~ Friday March 6

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    AF Daily ~ Friday March 6

    Good morning Abbers, happy Friday to all

    It is a sunny, balmy 7 degrees here this morning. There will be no snow melting today, that's for sure!

    Everything is closed around here again today so I'll spend another day just staying put!
    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day. I'll stop by later!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Morning Lav and MAE to all to come…..

    Thanks for kicking us off and under the circumstances thought some snow jokes were in order….

    Q: What do you get from sitting on the snow too long?
    A: Polaroids!

    Q: What's an ig?
    A: A snow house without a loo!

    Q: Why did Frosty the snowman want a divorce?
    A: Because he thought his wife was a flake

    Q: Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?
    A: You have to hollow out the head.

    Q: If you live in an igloo made of snow, what's the worst thing about global warming?
    A: No privacy!

    Q: What do you call ten Arctic hares hopping backwards through the snow together?
    A: A receding hare line.

    Q: What do you call an old snowman?
    A: Water!

    Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
    A: Frostbite stick to your decision of 6 months as you say you tend to overload yourself. I have a chronic eye condition that flares up when I'm under stress. It's just been taking forever to get it under control.

    Pie...I agree and the further consideration may be having a chat with the boss.

    Off to fill up the coffee cup, anyone want one? Have a Fab AF Friday all......:smile:PPQP


      I'll take that coffee, PQ. Thanks, and your snow jokes are brilliant!!

      Appreciate the start up, Lav. How-to videos on YouTube have been a major source of DIY learning for me. Before the internet, I had a library of DIY reference books. Helpful, but they only showed photos or drawings of things under ideal circumstances, which is not usually what you run into, particularly in older houses which is what I've always had.

      Hey Bear, hope you'll enjoy the decluttering process. It actually pains me to have useful things sitting around unused. I'd much rather find them a new home where they will be of benefit to someone else.

      Not yet sure what I'm up up to today, but looking forward to the possibilities. MAE to all to come.


        morning all
        well our big weather event is done. Usually I don't mind snow it is just that I'm running out of hay! Suppose to go to the airport for possible interview BUT yesterday I got an email from the USPS wanting further info so I'm in their screening process. That's the job I really want et I guess I should go to the other for a back up plan. The airport job is weird hours and not good pay, but some pay is better than none.

        Thanks for the start up Lav, guess we got about 5-6 inches of snow and yes sir it is a bit chilly out, but at least sunny and not windy!

        PQ, thanks for the 'umor. Now you're taking on another job... jokes!! Hope your day goes well.

        be happy good friends stopping by.

        X post Pie... a how do to you!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Hiya folks billy the beetroot here!!! Got the sun a wee bit too much yesterday and look like a match!! His are you all doing.. Good by the sound of it.. Well done on the jokes ppqp.. So now I've got a rival!! How right you are pie... Sky book s are redundant nowadays.. Unless for balancing up a wardrobe or something!!! His lav,how's you today all good I hope.. Has that snow melted yet hiya Pauly.. Got some pics for you, but it's kinda hard transferring them on wanna see the boogie plants here!! His Sam how are you? Hey bear you still doing ace!!! Right folks that's me.. Wishin yizall the berry vest !!! Big shout to this I've missed..ppqp bummer about the eye. As for dig skills ending in the bin..make a bin!!lav watching snow flakes?? AW cmon!!!
          Last edited by Mick; March 6, 2015, 10:18 AM.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            'A receding hare line', ha ha love that one PQ - thanks

            Turned out to be a nice sunny day although it never went above freezing all day!
            Sam, it's always better when it's not windy.
            I hope one of those jobs is opening up for you!

            Pie, I'd really like to kick my spouse into doing some of the maintenance around here - but he's another story, LOL
            Now that the winter is almost over I'll stop worrying about the cold air seeping in thru the doorways. At least the windows are tight!

            Mick - so you're looking like a lobster???
            I forgot to remind you to pack your hat - I remember the last time you got too much sun up there

            I just got a call from the Amish farmer to remind me that tomorrow the weekly farmshare starts up again. I always find it weird to get a phone call from an Amishman, ha ha! They are allowed to use cell phones to conduct business these days.

            Have a great night everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Alooooha Friday night ABerooos!

              Lav, thanks for the frozen kickstart. Wish I could share some of the warm weather from the high desert.

              Sam, best of luck on the UPS gig. heard they treat folks really well.

              just watched one of my fav shows: Anthony Bourdain 'parts unknown'. in this one he travels to Gaza and it was
              just fascinating.

              well, early morning to shoot with sober friends so i better wind down soon.

              be well and fabulous AF weekend everyone!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

