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AF Daily Sunday, March 8

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    AF Daily Sunday, March 8

    MAE all, I found some Daylight Savings humor to start us off.

    How do you know when it's Daylight Saving Time?

    You're so sleepy that you can't get up and you jump out of bed thinking you have overslept!

    You stagger to the bathroom and fall over the dog that is still sound asleep.

    The timer on the coffee pot isn't set right, and there is no coffee.

    You try to fix the clock on the microwave and set the timer instead – you wonder why a microwave needs a clock anyhow?

    You decide this is really all a secret plot by "morning people" to get "night people" out of bed earlier.

    The clock in your car has the right time for the first time since last October.

    You arrive for church an hour late - just as everyone else is leaving.

    You feel exhausted (and will for weeks) even though you missed only one hour’s sleep.

    Your computer clock sets itself ahead, but you forget and set it ahead again.

    At the office on Monday all the clocks say 7 a.m., so you put your head on your desk and wake up later to find that the clocks were all wrong.

    Half the office arrives an hour late, saying they forgot to change the clock. You secretly wonder why they did not arrive an hour early in October.

    You take a two hour lunch break and say you forgot to change your wristwatch. ("getting even time.")

    You have an extra hour of light in the evening – just enough time to mow the lawn.

    The timer is wrong on the VCR so you don't get the last hour of the movie you were recording – but you don’t notice it until after you’ve watched the first half.

    You decide to reset the time on "singing bird clock" It starts singing and won’t shut up until you remove the batteries.

    It’s dinner time according to the clock, but you are not hungry – yet.

    You go to bed at your regular time, but you’re not sleepy yet, so you stay up an extra hour.

    You wonder where all the energy is that we are conserving because you sure could use some of it.

    You consider moving to Arizona where they don’t participate in this nonsense.
    Last edited by Pie; March 8, 2015, 08:01 AM.

    morning Pie,reminded me our clocks go forward soon - just not too sure when!
    Just back from body balance class,love it,hurting but in a good way like I've strengthened and stretched myself.
    Just had third massive coffee of the day - off to do assignment in a bit - feeling much more like it compared to yesterday 2/3 to go.Hope to get it finished by end of today and just do editing tomorrow.
    Loving being sober and feeling more relaxed and peaceful and happy,combination of that and prozac is a winner for me Feel like myself again finally and has allowed me to not try to do too many things at once and relax a bit.
    Hope you all have a good day - I think it's day 50 today!!
    one day at a time


      how do all
      bright sunny day but my goodness it is mushy out there. Thanks for the start up Pi and the reminder f the time change. Not sure why we still do this crap, but we do. My great-grandfather would never change them. Here's a wikipedia explanation, it all started in New Zealand!! Some person wanted to collect insects and did not have enough daylight!

      Bear, well done on finding that happy medium!

      Greetings to all stopping by.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Morning Pi, Bear, Sam and MAE to all to come.....

        Pi...thanks for kicking us off and the DST jokes. I personally think the whole thing is useless.

 50 it is then...congrats. You are definitely sounding more peaceful these days. Hope the assignment is coming along well.

        Sam...I didn't notice any change in our herd with DST but I know the dairy farmers have trouble keeping their cows on schedule. Bright sunny day here too but all the "mush" is gone for us. They're actually starting to fix pot holes!

        Had a lazy lie-in this morning just feeling grateful for this day. Hope Mick is behaving himself and staying out of the sun.
        Have a Super Sober Sunday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


          Good afternoon Abbers!

          Had my youngest grandson overight then had to get him up & out to Sunday school this morning. Then I just kept going because it's warm sunny out there for a change
          48 beautiful degrees this afternoon so the snow is melting like crazy. Of course there will be mud to replae it, ha ha!!!

          Greetings Pie, Sam & PQ!
          CONGRATS on 50 days bear!!!

          So I got to Costco & loaded up on supplies. I am so ready to be outside doing stuff but it's a bit too soon. The temps are supposed to remain warmish all week so just maybe next weekend I'll see what i an do out there.

          Greetings to Mick on the last day of vacay!

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF rest of the day!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            PQ, I couldn't agree with you more, and feel great irritation every Spring when I run around changing clocks. Pointless!!


     this point I only have the stove and microwave to change...LOL


                Don't forget the clock on the coffee maker
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Yes, clock on coffee maker here too. Also one clock by the TV, and one more in the bath where I can see it while getting ready for work. No more alarm clocks though, thanks to phone.

