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weddinsday 11th mar

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    weddinsday 11th mar

    mornin ..feelin a lot better today more poisoning me self!!weather over here is bit windy that is not me!!but lovely and sunny already...started on me plans from the conservatory that I was thinking about on holiday ...basically taking the settee out of the conservatory, putting in another chair and either building or getting a big rectangular planter with a mixture of plants to give it that sort of mediterranean feel/look to it...kinda hard to describe ..but show you when its done..right brew to go up to Sheffield this morning,to pick up a chair so need to get on a wee bit....its lovely to get up in the mornings,and its nice and light...ok brews all round and here we go ...

    mornin lav are you today then?dont know which is worse ..dentists ..or being grandsonned!!hows the garden ..have you managed to get anything done in it yet?heres a brew to start plannin with !!

    hiya pie ..and how are you today then?strange you should metion the highlands ..was actually looking last night at just a surprise break for a few days up in the up and get the ferry across......Julie loves Scotland...anyways mrs diy ..what are you up to? not like you to sit still ..usually sawing nailing or making something too!!

    morning ppqp...and how are you this fine day then?hows the eye?hopefully better...and Cody too?yep stomach feels better now not perfick ...but not as bad as it was its getting near gardening time for you too then?....yeehah..last year if I remember was plannnig and this year should be please ma'am!!

    hiya Sam...hows the big bad world with you then?all ok?hopefully so gettin near your growing season yet?

    Det my man ..nice to see you buddy ..hows life in the universe with you then? all good?and the good lady ..hows she doing? was out having a bimble round the garden earlier and found a garlic still growing ..its survived the frost winter snow .the lot !!!

    quite a few not here ..bear pauly,dtd et al......big shout to you all.........

    take it easy folks and have a good one.......

    I heard it through the grapevine that Pharrell Williams stole a song from Marvin Gaye! What's going on? Doesn't Pharrell know there's nothing like the real thing.

    Wind in the Willows rejected script:

    Rat: Let's have nicknames! I'll be the Ratster!
    Toad: I'll be the Toadster!
    Mole: I'll be the Molester!....Moley, i'll be Moley.

    At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.

    I ran down the High Street shouting and screaming, "Get out of the way... get out of the way... run for your lives..."

    One guy stopped me and said, "Is there an out of control lorry coming this way?"

    I said, "No, my wife's reverse parking."

    "Alright, make us a sandwich, love" I said.

    "You can make your own bloody sandwich!" she screamed as she headed toward the door. "I don't know who you think you are, thinking you can get away with treating women like that!"

    Well that's one Subway I won't be going back to.

    think about it......

    I explained to the doctor, "Whenever I harvest our cornfields, I get a really bad headache."

    "It's a migraine," he explained.

    "No, it's not, it's mine - and why the fck have you started speaking Italian?"

    I've just been reading that, by law, you have to turn your headlights on when it's raining in Sweden.

    And I'm thinking, "Who the feck's going to let me know when it's raining in Sweden?"

    One of my mates told me that I often make people uncomfortable by violating their personal space.

    Which was an incredibly unnecessary and hurtful thing to say. It ruined our bath.

    An Engineer was unemployed for a long time. He could not find a job so he opened a medical clinic and puts a sign up outside: "Get your treatment for $500, if not treated get back $1,000."

    One Doctor thinks this is a good opportunity to earn $1,000 and goes to his clinic. Doctor: "I have lost taste in my mouth." Engineer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth."

    Doctor: "This is Gasoline!" Engineer: "Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500."

    The Doctor gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days later to recover his money. Doctor: "I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything."

    Engineer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth." Doctor: "But that is Gasoline!" Engineer: "Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500."

    The Doctor leaves angrily and comes back after several more days. Doctor: "My eyesight has become weak."
    Engineer: "Well, I don't have any medicine for this. Take this $1,000."
    Doctor: "But this is $500..."

    Engineer: "Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500."

    What was Whitney Houston's favourite type of co-ordination?

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers & happy hump day to all

    No sun here yet today but I hear it's heading up to near 60 degrees, yay!
    Once this snow melts Mick & I can find my raised garden beds then I'll think about planting something, ha ha!!
    Keeping yourself busy & out of trouble I see - good for you!

    PQ, I have been watching my grandsons more lately. It's mostly due to their regular babysitter being unavailable. She & her husband are opening a new vet practice in town, very exciting for them. The boys were here until 9 pm last night. We were all pretty tired when they left, ha ha.

    I need to get myself out of here so I will wish everyone a great AF Wednesday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      MAE ALL....

      Mick...thanks for kicking us off and for the brew. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Eye seems to be coming along. No pain or vision impairment so it's easy to forget to take the drops but I'm pushing through. Cody's doing good, thanks for asking. Still in the planning/building stage at the garden. We're going to build a Pergola for a seating area. Hopefully next year will just be growing and socializing. Could sure use your skills over here, and bring Pi with you.

      Lav...we're in for mild temps here today too. It sure feels like spring out there. It's really going to hurt when it snows again. They say March is the snowiest month here in Calgary. Hope they're wrong this time. You've probably been to curves already and well into your day. Enjoy.

      Det...glad to hear your demo is on home turf. Good to have you around for awhile.

      Productive meeting last night but it did result in a lot of work for me. We've decided to apply for some grant money and it's due by Friday. Keeping busy keeps me out of trouble.
      Going to have another cuppa and read the jokes. Have a Wonderful AF Wednesday guys and all to come.....:smile:PPQP

      X-post...Hiya Molls. Good to see you. You're sounding better. Enjoy your day.


        Morning everyone. Have a great day.

        Really busy at work these days so haven't had much time to post. I have to make sure I make the time though, it is part of my booster shot to staying sober.

        Mick, glad you are feeling better....and you to Mols.
        Lav, I bet you are enjoying those kids.

        Hi Det!
        Enjoying our mild weather here. Eh PQ? Awesome!

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          MAE all!

          PQ, I did send emails to my state reps on the Daylight Savings issue. There's a hearing around 2pm to determine if the bill will move forward. Looking forward to news of what happens. Garden sounds like quite a project, what with pergola and all. Thanks for including me as a helper. I would love that.

          Det, Your early demo should be done by now. Hope it went well.

          No projects at the moment, Mick, but I am meeting a friend at a granite yard later. She's having bathrooms remodeled, and hears this place is the one not to miss. Will watch for pics of your conservatory.

          Hi Lav, Molly, Narilly, and all to come!


            eek posted on yesterday's thread all good here,fab to see you and will catch up properly tomorrow
            one day at a time


              Hey Narilly....hasn't it been great! As far as I'm concerned spring has sprung!

              Pi...any word on the bill moving forward??

              Hi your post on yesterday's thread first. Makes me smile when I see the past as opposed to the future....TT miss you posting here.

              Had to log in when I heard this....You can't control what happens but you can control how you react....I had forgotten that and it was a nice reminder.

              Have a peaceful evening all.....:smile:PPQP
              Last edited by porqoui; March 11, 2015, 09:59 PM.


                hidy ho late night ABeroooos!

                should be in bed already from such an early day, but doing the evening fencing class makes me all zingy with happy energy :sohappy:

                Mick, so glad your up and at'em and back on the gardening already, very nice

                looks like a lot of peeps here doing industries projects of all kinds. I'm going to start a very small herb garden very soon, that's my little botanical project for the weekend I think. It will probably be a basil plant in a paper cup. LOL!

                Don't have to be on the road til Monday so enjoying the home time.

                Lav, you sure get stuck with the babysitting a lot, hope the little ones are treating you ok.

                better go try and wind down....

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

